Sunday, January 14, 2018

Inspiration and foreboding; and Marie Stanton

Minding my own business, working to identify acrostic/telestic markers that denote the mathematic expansion of space (DJIA price) in WD Gann's "Weekly Map of Time," I come upon the clearly spelled word "your" (spelled upside down as "ruoy," in red):

As I often, no, more as a rule, I identify a clearly spelled word as a possible message to me.  How narcissistic is that?  But that's the Pavlovian response to be honest given the dozens of times I have found my name in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and the meaningful related messages.  I've documented so many.

The narrative might be interpreted as a message; "Keep working Jim, study hard, your work is rewarding in and of itself.  An "Attaboy," thanks coach.  In the end there will be an invention and your troubles will disappear.  The enterprise is noble."  If I were to stop here, I've already been rewarded by considering concepts otherwise I would not have considered in this life.  But I'm not stopping here whether I discontinue this thread (as often I felt I should) or not.

Unfortunately, the message does not stop.  Always following the reciprocating line 'path' which is highlighted in blue in the insert above and insert below.  From the cumulative ascending column line number 8349 I go to the cumulative descending line number column and look for that number and find it:

On descending line 8349 I find "time."  The message is "your time."  That seems personal and the math correspondence of the reciprocating lines joining the words indicates, to me, WD Gann intended the message.

The  narrative of the second 'message' is foreboding; Ezekiel's prophecy presaged by Ecclesiastes' declaration of "history repeats."  The two Biblical thoughts correlated with "your time..." my lifetime which is in its later years; logically in the not distant future.  That's my interpretation, yours might be different...if you give the implied thought any gravity at all.  Most won't, the few that will may look for a rosier context.

The second narrative fits what I identified three years ago; St Malachy's prophecy of the 266th Pope correlated with our time.  The short explanation; Pope Francis is the 266th Pope which St Malachy (some argue the Papal prophesies were actually written by Nostradamus) prophesied would be the last pope.  On page 82 of TTTTA, WD Gann ruminates on the 266th Pope as if he were to be elected in Mr. Gann's lifetime...  Mr. Gann, in my estimation, would not have such a mistake.  In the immediately following narrative of page 82, he predicts the 1929 period and further alludes to WWII.  Again, that isn't the timing of the election of the 266th Pope to which Mr. Gann refers; he knew the 266th Pope would not be elected in the 1930s or 1940s.  Any person in the 1920s at all knowledgeable of St Malachy's prophesies and the then current record would not make that mistake.  Think about it.

WWII in WD Gann's "time" as he predicted on pages 82 and 83 of TTTTA, repeating in "your time" which has little time left to run (I'm 66 to be 67 next month leaving little time).

Mr. Gann knew when the 266th Pope would be elected far into the future given the then current Pope's number according to the prophecy; I argue he knew the 266th Pope would be elected in "our time," in my time.  Pope Francis, born on the 266th degree of the solar year, was elected in 2013.  His predictions are related to our time.  Just my opinion.

And in our time, that greater turmoil to which Mr. Gann refers will occur; again my interpretation of the above inserts.  And in that time, an invention, perhaps the "Map of Time" and the weekly counterpart, will emerge as an aid.

*** ***

Often I will link back, via line reciprocating line numbers as above, "messages" I read as intended for  me to one of the dozens of encodings of my name.  This time I can't find it.  

I'm relieved, but "not so much."

A thought occurs to me now two hours after writing this post; refer back to the first insert above.  An interpretation; once "my" journey is complete, my reward will include Marie returning to me?  Marie Stanton.  Two years ago I used, I think, to solve Marie Stanton and it gave me the word "transmeation" using every one of the 12 letters.  A passing, crossing over a border; 'death' I expect.

In an effort to replicate that result I queried 4 anagram solving sites this morning and received nothing.  Then I tried, again, and received the following result:

This time I do not get "transmeation," so I go back to my 'names' spreadsheet and I recompute transmeation as an anagram of Marie Stanton.  No question about it, it is a perfect 12-letter anagram of the 12-letter name.  Not one of the sites gave me that solution.

This time, the only thing I get as a 12-letter solution of Marie Stanton is "Nation master."  And was was Robert Gordon....he was the master of all nations of the world.

Far less relieved now.

Jim Ross

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