Thanks to a reader of my blog, the only books published solely by Roger brothers (perhaps Gann himself?) according to a search of Internet other than Luo Clement's Ancient Science:
Judge David Patterson Hatch, subject of Rosicrucian Order initiate Elsa Barker's "Letter's from a Living Dead Man." Supposedly, Elsa Barker wrote letters when she dreamed/imagined.... messages from a Mr. X. Came to find out they were messages from Judge Hatch who had recently passed and whom she'd never met. Judge Hatch' son believed it was his father. The letters are very interesting, indicating post death experience and importance of pre death preparation.
So, Elsa was Rosicrucian Order Alpha et Omega. Was Judge Hatch? From pg 53 of Straight Goods on Philosophy (very heavy stuff) we have a triangle with 36X9 dimension giving us a hypotenuse of 37. 37 is the smallest angle of the 3 4 5 triangle and page 53 is the complement. Page 53:
The "One" is bolded in both cases. "O" of One, "O" or One and 'n" define a right triangle; one, number, one. "not your" and "big mirror" were bolded as well but I didn't see any geometry formed by them.
I wonder if we find the signature of the Rosy Cross in the other authors' works that are on the list. Come to think of it, I need to check Ancient Science, Higgins ' Cross of the Magi' and even Troward's books. Don't know where this is going but I believe I've read RC represented they knew the methods of divining the future.