Monday, January 19, 2015

WD Gann's Book of Numbers

It's "Tunnel Thru The Air."  Like most everyone, I've found all the disguised but easy to figure out one digit numbers sprinkled throughout the TTTTA.  Phi, 1.333, 1.5….  That's the simplest level of numbers in TTTTA and, I would think, the least revealing.  So what do you do with them?  Guess at support/resistance and multiply by previous periods to guess at cycles.  Been there done that.  Just check my early posts as I struggle with 'inventing the wheel' myself.  Guerdjieffe said that man cannot understand the ancient wisdom without study under a teacher who already understands the ancient wisdom.  Obviously, I've chosen Mr. Gann as the teacher.  I hope they're both right, faith.

How about some meta numbers to see if something might ring a bell.  Being the pin head accountant I've assembled the number of pages and lines in TTTTA:

A couple are striking;  432, 124.5, and 37.

There are 432 pages in the book, inclusive of the very front and very back covers per the first edition available at  432 is meaningful from many perspectives but I find it meaningful by its relation to John Dee's 'philosopher stone' number, 252 (so considered in John Egan's incredible book "In Decoding Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica").  Dee is a hidden source of Gann numbers, in my opinion, based on my discovery of hidden references to him in my level 2 study of TTTTA.  252 is one tenth "a time" (Daniel and Revelation).  Unlike the greater counterpart which is the smallest number divisible by all single digits, 252 is not divisible by 5 or 8.  252 is 180 or half the circle less than 432.  Both are divisible by 36 but only 432 is divisible by 72.  And when 432 is divided by 72 the result is pretty close to the angle of the Great Pyramid.   Far too many properties of similarity and difference to recount.

37 is a revered number by Rosicrucians and Masons for, among other things, its relation to Pythagoras' 3 4 5 triangle:
On page 37 of TTTTA we find the "Rose of Charity", the disguised signature of the R.C. or 'Rosy Cross" emblematic of the Rosicrucians.  Similarly, it is alleged that Lord Francis Bacon embedded his encrypted signature in certain of Shakespeare's works linked to page 53 of those works by an also disguised R.C.  53 being the complement of 37, we have a link between Mr. Gann and Lord Bacon.  And by known association of Bacon and Dee (Dee was Bacon's teacher, mentor and collaborator), we have an interesting link to Gann.  "Oh" you say, "but Gann never speaks of Dee and only weakly referred to Shakespeare once in TTTTA."  Bacon was not known to acknowledge Shakespeare either and yet we find the encrypted evidence otherwise (study the Strafordian controversy).  Gertrude's comment in Hamlet, adjusted, comes to mind "The author doth ignore too much, methinks."  [Triangle illustration from Petter Amundsen's fine sleuth book, "Oak Island…"]

And the third number is 124.52 or the square root of the pages of TTTTA.  Recall Robert Gordon circumnavigated the earth in 6 days and slightly less than 5 hours (check it).  That was "park bench time" as I call it.  If a person sitting on a park bench on July 21, 1932 watched RG depart at 7am, and sat there continuously for 6 and nearly 5 hours, he would see Robert return at just before noon of the seventh day.  The park bench reprobate would also have seen the sun rise 6 times.  Robert, on the other hand, would have seen seen the sun rise 5 times because he was traveling east to west.  I've written extensively about this and it was an 'aha' moment when I derived the 124.52 from the spreadsheet.  The park bench bum would have counted between 148 and 149 hours between the time he saw Robert leave and return to "Mammouth"---he would have seen the sun rise 6 times.  Robert, would have seen 5 sunrises and if he was counting according to the sun having risen he would have counted between 124 and 125 hours.

Three numbers worth pondering,  Hmmm, there's a 3.  Perhaps worth pondering as well.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Gann, 'WAU' and the circle

Finding the acrostic, 'way' on page 403:

As often occurs, the acrostic occurs in conjunction with "seen".  Might there here be some Gann design?

Wau, an obsolete Latin letter and also the symbol of a mystic number.  If you chose to watch the following video, you need to watch until its end (like the move "The Ring"):

Wau to infinity ultimately circles and becomes itself…. the number 1.  The Monad.

Notice the narrative.  Representatives of all the world's countries were coming together to form the United Kingdom of the World.  One.  Hardly looks that way, presently.


TTTTA - Marie or Tochmarc Emire

Anagram of 'Marie' in TTTTA....'Emire' and we find in Wikipedia the ill-fated love story of Tochmarc Emire:


Gann, 32 or 33 degree, and the Church

And yet one more day.

Pg 396 we find the second highest number of e's of any acrostic or telestic up to Chapter 39 of (34, actually) of TTTTA .  (The Foreword contained a sequence of 6 e's.)  The improbability of 5 or 6 e's is mind boggling.  It's a method of emphasizing important concepts.  Here's what Mr. Gann said in the related passage:

Notice the acrostic as well---- Tau Cap Tau or Cross Cap Cross.  I understand the below is the cap of the 33rd degree Mason.

Prediction.  I will find in TTTTA hidden evidence that Mr. Gann was aware -in 1927- of the cipher for the Enigma machine which, according to some accounts, was first identified by Hugh Foss in about 1943...."7:7."


Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Great Battle(s) of Detroit

Yet one more day.

The Battle of Detroit, page 344 of "The Tunnel Thru the Air" occurred on November 24, 1931 and Robert Gordon and Detroit was victorious.  Mr. Gann gives us the telestic 'ten':

On November 12, 2014, the bankruptcy reorganization plan, characterized by some legal minds as a miracle, was confirmed (the date entered is at the bottom):

Hmmm, the Court's confirmation was filed November 12, 2014.  Shucks, November 12 plus 10 days is only November 22, not Mr. Gann's November 24.  BUT, the date the order is filed is not the date of service to parties of interest.  The date served on parties of interest is not inserted in the documents I can find.  Here is the last page of the above Order which should have been certified by the Court's officer (somewhere) affirming that the Order has been served on interested parties:

So what was the date that the Officer of the Court filled in those blanks and "served" notice interested parties?  That date is important that notices parties of interest that they have a Federal statutory time in which to enter objections to the forthcoming effective order of relief in bankruptcy.   The date of notice is the Court's challenge similar to Robert Gordon's taunt "Won't you come and take us…"  The Court is saying, "you are on notice, bring on your objections to the Order of Confirmation."   If the Court does not notice parties of interest, the "battle" is not order and the Court's judgement is ineffective on party.  I find that date notice was served to be:

As a result of the service that, which I believe occurred on November 14, 2014, there were many objections that occurred on November 14, 2014.   Once creditors are noticed of the Order of Confirmation, the Federal Bankruptcy Court has spoken......the battle is over.  Absent mischief on the part of the Court, a finding in "equity" by a Federal judge (on his own order) will not be overturned regardless the cries of the aggrieved.  To wit, General Motors and tens of thousands of similar orders. 

As it stands, the fictional Battle of Detroit was won on November 24 as proclaimed by Mr. Gann.  And the real Battle of Detroit was won on November 14 plus 10 Gann days or November 24.

Jim Ross

NOTE:  Curiously, Thanksgiving in 1931 according to a quick Internet search occurred on November 26, 1931, not November 24, 1931 as written by Mr. Gann.  Perhaps an exclamation point to ponder.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Gann and the Stratfordian Controversy

My sign off is delayed a day.  Each day I find more and more and its too exciting not to share.  This post is the result of an encoded marker indicating focus on the legend of "The Bridal Chamber" recounted by Mr. Gann in "The Tunnel Thru The Air".

In the legend we find a curious and ill fated love story between Claire Douglas and Bernice Mayo.  An Internet search led me to several stories about the legend including the following local interest type article (Tom Hollis, "Glass Bottom Boats-Florida's Tourist Springs", available in Google Books):

Interesting that some would speculate the Legend was lifted from a Shakespeare play.  

Dwelling on Claire Douglass, the Scottish heritage of the Gann Clan of Scotland and Mr. Gann's 33rd degree of Masonry, I speculate Claire to represent the St Clair / Sinclair family of Scotland and Douglass to represent the lineage of Sir James Douglas of Scotland.  The former family being the builders and owners of Rosslyn Chapel and the latter being one of the most powerful families of Scotland.  

Whether Mr. Gann originated/planted the legend (more likely, in my opinion) or traced the roots of this legend back to Scotland is not so enticing a question as its relation to Shakespeare. 

Ahhh, back to Lord Bacon and Shakespeare and the Stratfordian controversy.  Hard to imagine that, behind the scenes, Mr. Gann is alluding to two stories; one of the Knights Templar and one of the 'adoption' of the works of William Shakespeare….or perhaps Lord Bacon and Henry Neville.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Proof of Mr. Gann's Design 1

This is the first of two related essays which, I hope, will be the last that I write.  I'll explain in tomorrow's essay.  The present essay will cover already considered ground but it's necessary to provide context with a greater level of statistical gravitas.

The previous day's essay identified what I considered proof of an irrefutable encryption device within William Delbert Gann's 1927 romance, "The Tunnel Thru the Air (TTTTA).  I have not read any person who has identified this method but I haven't read all of the available 'expert' literature regarding Mr. Gann.  For those who did not read the essay I'll recount what I consider to be the proof and then evaluate its statistical unlikelihood as being other than through 'intelligent design.'  Here, I am not speaking of "Grand Design" but by "Gann design." "A" method of design and not the only method of design that he used.

On the very first page of the "Foreword" Mr. Gann explains his objective for the book and he plants an telestic device in that paragraph.

Count "Foreword" as line 1 and as 1 the space between the two obvious page breaks.  On the eighth line so counted and the last letter of that line you will find "e" to end the word "three-" and to end that line.  At the end of the next line you find it ending in "e."  And for another 4 lines, each ends in "e."  That is a telestic and was a popular method of learned medieval correspondents.  It was taught and used by Lord Francis Bacon and his teacher, mentor and collaborator, John Dee of the court of Queen Eliabeth (the original "007") and Maximilian II of Rome.

What is the probability of six consecutive 'e's to end six consecutive sentences above?  I am not a statistician but its doggone small.  Since I am not a statistician my first thought was that its the joint probability of six events that are a 1 in 26 proposition (since there are 26 letters in the modern English language).  The joint probability, assuming replacement and the absence of dependence, would be 1/26 X 1/26 X 1/26 X 1/26 1/26 X 1/26 or 1/26^6.  Small.

I'm wrong about that and I know it.  The above assumes the letter 'e' has the same probability of ending a word or sentence as, say, the letter 'x.' And we know that's not true.  But there are many letters out of the universe of 26 that have a chance to be the last letter; s, d, t, a, n, p…. all are candidates for popular ending letters.  So maybe its 1 in 15?

I'm an CPA and they don't teach that on the CPA exam (hmmm, and I took the CPA exam some 37 years ago).  But, perhaps, a simple story will prove the 'Gann design' of six 'e's.  It comes from one of the two most important mathematicians of my life time, Nassim Taleb (the other being the great Benoit Mandelbrot, mentor to Taleb as I understand).  It is from "The Black Swan" and concerns the contest of Tony the street wise bookie and Dr. John the U Texas-Austin PhD electrical engineer and actuary.

Taleb poses the question to Tony the bookie and to Dr. John; 'what is the probability that a 'fair' coin that has been flipped 99 times and all 99 times turns up a head will be a tail on the 100th flip.'  Dr. John says that's simple.   The next flip is not depending on the previous 99 trials and, since the coin has two sides, the probability is 50%.  That's the tragic Gaussian 'coin-toss' view of the world according to Taleb; randomness as taught in the vast majority, if not plurality, of our universities.

Tony the bookie scratches his head and probably picks his nose a bit before he answers.  I had to repurchase the Kindle edition of "The Black Swan" to get Tony's common sense answer because my hard copy was lent during one of energetic expositions to a dinner guest and not returned.  Kindle location 2769:

Gann's game in TTTTA is rigged; designed.  There aren't enough zeros to describe six 'e's in my opinion.   In 6 coin tosses, how many times would it take you to get six heads with a truly fair coin?  Now how long would it take if the coin had 26 sides instead of just 2?

Mr. Gann designed TTTTA with encryption secrets.  Sure, he used the rich visible symbology that paint a picture for those that are unable to get past that level.  But, knowing that Mr. Gann was a 33rd degree Freemason, would you expect him to put his most valuable secrets in text book print?

The mere existence of the six 'e's is prima facie evidence of another level of meaning.  I would suggest that, just as Mr. Gann said one would realize the 3 objective cited above after reading TTTTA 3 times and reading the Bible 3 times, a "reading" does not mean reading the book 3 times.  And a reading is more than front to back.  I believe he means you study three 'levels of reading.  The first level being the printed visual symbology (objects like St Marie or disguised numbers). The second level being a study of acrostic/telestic occurrences in words and the meaning of their occurrence. And then a third level of the patterns of acrostic/telestic occurrences.  We're talking thousands of hours of research.  (That's not to consider the likelihood that other methods of encryption are included in TTTTA and I have confirmed examples of such in previous essays.)

Is it worth it?  We who have read TTTTA multiple times know Mr. Gann predicted in no uncertain terms, the stock market crash, the term of the stock market portion of the Depression and the World War II.  These predictions are plainly presented at level one.  Level two, contains far more detailed proof of prophecy and I've only superficially studied the first 11 chapters.  I have proven this to myself.

Beating the stock market might be another matter and I have not proven to myself from the content of TTTTA that Mr. Gann could do that.  On the other hand, we know from "The Ticker Interview," Mr. Gann's market trading ability defied probability.

I am sure that I am not the first person to have identified the six 'e's and I'm probably years behind others who have enjoyed the second and third levels; 'there is nothing new under the sun.'  And perhaps to this date, that is good as Gann, himself, said the world was not ready.  I think its time is come and if, God willing, I am able, I will identify the methods and provide them.

So, tomorrow will be my last essay for some time and it may be the last; part of the discipline I will need to perform the work.  As Gann printed on page 67 of TTTTA (incidentally, 67 was the Pythagorean number of Lord Bacon according to Petter Amundsen and, which independently has special meaning to Rosicrucians and Masons):

More telling of my knowledge would be the encouragement of John Dee in "Monad Hieroglyphica:"

Jim Ross
January 15, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TTTTA Acrostic - Number…. the if and why of time?

The Tunnel Thru the Air contains acrostic and telestic encryption devices, some as markers for further encryption, some as commentary.  All invoke consideration of what Mr. Gann MIGHT have been messaging…. if anything.  Whereupon finding an acrostic, the interpreter's bias might enter.  So, employ Lord Bacon's admonition that reading should be untaken not to argue, debate or denigrate….but to consider.

I'm ever so encouraged that the following acrostics, all arranged in a tightly woven and uninterrupted space, create a self-contained and critical message.  The acrostics of which I speak are strategically, I believe, positioned.  They are in Chapter 4, line 42 of that chapter, page 36 and line 6 of that page.  Consider 6^6 is 36 and the two added are 42.  Each number has individual significance one might ponder.  [I count lines in a chapter beginning with the page number of the first page of the chapter as line 1, one space between lines and two spaces for a page break.]

Here's the TTTTA text (left), the acrostics in red and my biased speculation in italics at right:

Time as perhaps a subset of Pyrhagoras' condensed thought that "All is number."

On another level, the subject matter of the text is Robert and Marie's reconciliation and love.  The number, 36, appears to imply the circle of 360 degrees as well as the completed circle of love, having previously begun and ended, begins yet again.  Love and 360 degrees.  In Pythagorean numerology,  L-o-v-e has letter values of 3-6-4-5.  And 3 X 6 X 4 X 5 = 360.

To boot, the thoroughly inscrutable pages 36 and 37 are rich in the deepest of Gann's encryption, symbolism and key to meaning.  That's a very preliminary opinion (and more a 'feeling' than an informed opinion) because I'm far from unraveling the spacial or numerical meanings that I suspect.  However, page 37 contains the "Rosy Cross", which, as explained in other essays, affixes the signature of the Rosicrucian to TTTTA.

Enjoy the pondering if you're so inclined,

Jim Ross

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Counterpoint: Mr. Gann didn't encode messages in "The Tunnel Thru the Air"

Devils advocacy day.

Ahh, your previous essay inferring Mr. Gann encoded messages (other than symbolic imagery) in TTTTA has been found by scholarly inquiry not to containing such encoding.  Ten investigators, including Petter Amundsen, on a now defunct TTTTA board tried for an extended period and never found such a code.  You may be wasting your precious life on something that can't be done.

To which I reply:

Thanks, I share your concern.

Every encoded document puts its code early in the text.  In my opinion, six "e's" in the first paragraph defies statistical explanation.  Nassim Taleb explains it this way.  An instance of a one-day 5% decline in the stock market in the realm of Gaussian probability has a likelihood of perhaps 1 in a 100.  Two instances of a 5% decline might be 1 in 10.000.  There have been so many 5% declines that the probability is 1 in more than the number of stars that are known to exist......  It isn't random.  "Design."  Similarly, six e's defies any explanation other than design.  Again, "design" but mortal.  [The numbers above are off the top of my head since my text of Black Swan was borrowed and, rudely, never returned.  The point is correct.]

So, I'll give you a bit of coming research.  In the very first paragraph of the paginated book we are given the acrostic "fait" and the fictional death which exemplified "fait."  Chapter I page 1, I find "fait":

And if you still don't believe Gann was giving us a message, then I point to "phaitt" planted beginning on line 358 of Chapter 2 page 15:

This time, Gann does not give us an example of "phaait" but he does give us the completion of the circle....the first 'a' is on line 360 of Chapter 2.  [Both 'fait' and 'phaait' have been used as acceptable spellings of our  current version, 'fate.']

There are many far more interesting acrostic pointers.  Some are really funny…."badsleuth" for example.  And two of the profane variety uncharacteristic of Mr. Gann (I write them off as random).

About your comment that not anyone has, including Peter Amundsen, decoded TTTTA in that now defunct group.  That it hasn't been done doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.....  I'd love to correspond with Mr. Amundsen because he says on his Oak Island website and alludes to such in his fine book of the same name that he was studying Gann when the Lord Bacon "There God speaks" (TTTTA page 126) quote sidetracked him into studying Bacon encoding.  Petter "thought" that Lord Bacon hadn't made that statement and that Gann may have been leading us to study Bacon encryption.  Well, studying Bacon might have been the Gann's motive, but Peter's suspicion of the immaculate quotation was wrong (a constant state in which I find myself; wrongness, not 'immaculation') that Lord Bacon handn't said that.  I found the proof:

So, just because Petter couldn't source (though it confounds me that, given his insightfulness and tenacity, he didn't find it) the quote does not mean it does not exist.  And, similarly, just because Petter and 9 others didn't find a code in Gann doesn't mean it does not exist.  

Ah, John Dee:



PS: If Petter is out there give me a shout at

Monday, January 12, 2015

The "Key" to The Tunnel Thru the Air?

There are keys and then there are keys.  There might be a key (or keys) to understanding the methods of encoding knowledge in TTTTA and then there might be keys to understanding the knowledge might might be unearthed once its identified.  Example.  I have written several essays on "Robert Gordon's Seven Days" which, I believe, shows the relation of time (east west mileage) and price (north south mileage).  But that hardly gets me to the point of applying spherical trig, and even then, correlating that academic mess with markets.  One step at a time (said as I get ready to pull out my old trig books).

The Foreword to The Tunnel Thru the Air would seem to be pretty straightforward about the objective of the book.  Perhaps Mr. Gann provides a "hidden highlighter" that might tell us portions that are more important that others or otherwise provide meaning.

Check out the last letters of lines of the first paragraph of the Foreword:

The last letters on each line are D, t, s, n, o, e, e, e, e, e, e, s.  There are six consecutive e's to end each of those lines.  What might be the probability of six consecutive e's?  A joint probability that, if each position has a 1 out of 24 probability, then it would be the (1/24)^6.  Actually, it happens that words end in 'e' far more often than many other letters….say the letters 'u' or 'x'.  Maybe the probability of an 'e' ending a line is as a 50% proposition (vastly overstated I'm sure).  Assuming that, the joint probability that you get five consecutive e's---(.5)^6---very unlikely I'd expect.  [I hope I haven't misstated my recollection of probability as its rather dusty.]  Unless, that is, there is design.

So, for the 'message' attached to the five e's.  The first listed objective is rather tenuous.  Romeo and Juliet is hardly threatened by TTTTA.  I'd say Mr. Gann wants us to gain an understanding of Biblical natural law and the value of foreknowledge to one's wellbeing.  And I think he gives us the 'method' for identifying that which he wants us to understand.  A key.  I expect there are many keys to methods, but this would seem to be one.

The above is really just a warm-up, but I'd offer the second act of this essay will not be as powerful as billed in the title.  Still, it is something to ponder.  Take a look at the first letters of each line on the first full paragraph of the second page of the Foreword:

The letters are W, Y, w, f, w, r, t, t, a, d, d, w, w.  I find "add".  Interesting, but we find coincidentally spelled three and even four letter words in acrostic methods quite frequently.  Now read the whole sentences that are comprised of the lines that begin with 'a d d:'

The key (a key to substance as opposed to method), I'd submit, is "Add".  Needs a wee bit of elaboration but perhaps poetically profound at the least.  Worthy of the pondering regarding what "a d d" might include or exclude.  Still I expect this method has promise for being a key for some of the work that needs to be done to understand the inscrutable Mr. Gann.  A lot of work.

Jim Ross


Sunday, January 11, 2015

TTTTA Back to Pythagoras 3 4 5

A couple twists to this tale of encoding of "The Tunnel Thru The Air," but it begins with Petter Amundsen's discovery of a Pythagorean 3 4 5 right triangle in Shakespeare's work.

Background.  Allegedly placed there by, again allegedly, the writer, Sir Francis Bacon, Petter identifies on page 379/389 of "Cymbalene" a visible 3 4 5 Pythagorean triangle constructed of the word "Cross." The five letters identify the 3 lines that create the visible right triangle.  The importance...the word "cross" has significance as Bacon was believed to be Rosicrucian and the letters "R.C." was the hidden designation of a member.  The importance for Amundsen's thesis that Bacon wrote much of that attributed to Shakespeare.  But that's not the importance here.  The importance here is whether Gann buried a similar dog in TTTTA….its the method.

Gann's 3 4 5 triangle.  Onto TTTTA, how can I find a cross?  Would Mr. Gann, a 33rd degree Mason want to identify with the Pythagorean 3 4 5 to emphasize something…duh.  I've previously found the "Rose of Charity" on page 37 of TTTA.  The importance is that the "R.C." cap letters are the sign of the Rosicrucian order and it is found on page 37.  37 is the signature number of the Rosicrucians AND it is one of the angles of the Pythagorean 3 4 5 triangle.  And Masons like the 3 4 5 triangle a little.   Was Mr. Gann adopting another of Bacon's methods of coding on page 37?  Nope, can't find a visible triangle on page 37….yet.  But I haven't given up.  Set that aside.

But would there be another method?  Let's say 37 is "1"….after all 3+7=1.  Then 3 would be 3X 37=111, 4 would be 4X37=148 and 5 would be 5X37=185.  I wonder if Mr. Gann might have created a numerical 3 4 5 triangle out of page numbers 111, 148 and 185?  Well, I don't find any "RC's" on any of those pages.  And the content, at first reading, doesn't seem to highlight a relation.  If I wanted to 'find' some language that I could argue had significance, I'm sure I could.  Symbolic language ….subjective language.  Not an immutable truth of the stature of "Number."  Symbolism has subjectivity while Number is without argument.

Number.  That's it.  What is the Theosophic reduction of those three pages?  It is:

3, 4 and 5, the Pythagorean triangle derived from page 37, or 37 degrees, the smallest of the angles of the Pythagorean triangle.

The triangle in pure number theory as opposed to drawn on a page.  The purely objective knowledge as opposed to the subjective visible knowledge.

From Petter Amundsen "Oak Island and The Treasure Map of William Shakespeare:"


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Acrostics Mr. Gann, ala Lord Verulam?

Not to give away the farm, but did you, Mr. Gann, perhaps bury many dogs identified only by acrostic pointers in "The Tunnel Thru the Air"…... as did, allegedly, Lord Bacon, First Baron of Verulam in various works of Shakespeare?

To wit, did you bury a dog that barks "Path to WAR?"

Page 68 I find:

The beginning of the last three lines of the above are "This," "arising" and "of."  The first letter of each word spells "Tao" with a capital "T"….which can mean "Path."  If you were to count the lines from the beginning of the word "Chapter VI" and assign 1 for each horizontal space between paragraphs, you'd find "This" appears on line 289.

Similarly on page 71 I find….in all capital letter "WAR."

Quite conspicuously, "With," "As" and "Robert."  Or "WAR", also conspicuously in all capital letters.  I was very disappointed when I found the line number on which "With" appears is line number 452 of Chapter VI.  After all, 452 / 289 is 1.56.  Doesn't ring a particularly loud bell.  Perhaps 1.56^4 is nearly 6 but still….no happy ending.  Or maybe 452 minus 289 is 163, close to Phi X 100…nah.

But there MUST be a "to" and yes there is.  On page 69 we find:

[As an aside, wasn't Robert Gordon born amidst several '69s'….June 9, 1906?]

Again, the first letter of the last two lines are 't' and 'o' spelling 'to.'  "Path to WAR"…and what was a major theme of TTTTA?  WAR.

Now to put a finer point on it; the "The" containing the 'T' is on line 370 of Chapter VI.  We have a happy ending (no, not War but considering the events of last week, perhaps).  We have lines 289, 370 and 452.  And 370 is near perfectly equidistant from 289 and 452.  Line 370 is 81 lines after line 289 and 82 lines before line 452.

Coincidentally (or not), the 288 lines preceding line 289 constitutes a notable number.  Twice chapter six is 12, twelve squared is 144 (Mr. Gann's square of 12 and the 12th Fibonacci number), and twice that is 288.  It might or might not be coincidence or meaningful that page 289 is the page on which the US has its first victory over the Allied Enemy resulting from Robert Gordon and Walter Kennelworth's downing of hundreds of enemy planes.

Coincidentally again Mr. Gann, we find the "to" on noteworthy page 69 brings us to the Book of Jonah as to which you remark that the man who understands that scripture has "...all the power under heaven and earth…" and that he "….has the key to the interpretation of the future."  Perhaps we have also the "path to Jonah."

Nevertheless, I have found a very happy ending.  The above encoded message vastly defies randomness in my opinion.  For it is by "Gann design…."  [pardon the pun].

Perhaps there are many many triple tau dogs buried in 420 pages of TTTTA.  [Hmmm, 420 pages divided by 10.]


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Did Robert Gordon really "Square the Circle" or did he "prove the sphere?"

Ah, 16th century Sir Robert Gordon, 1st Baronet of Nova Scotia, or is it 16th century Robert Gordon of Straloch, cartographer and father of nine sons and six daughters by one wife (whew), about your trip circumnavigating the globe during six days (New York city time).  I think Mr. Gann 'buries a dog' (yet another) of mathematic interest in The Tunnel Thru The Air deserving of an attempt of disinterment.

RG, you left New York City at 7am on July 20, 1932 and completed your circumnavigation six days later at 7am in Montreal.  Check it.  RG left the NYC at the longitude of 74* and arrived at Montreal at 73*56".  He actually traveled somewhat more that the circumference of the earth in exactly 144 hours (NYC time).  So what was the East/West distance you traveled given that you ended up further north than from where you began?

Well, since the earth is a sphere, you certainly didn't travel the 24,901 miles distance around the world which is measured at the equator.  Nope, you had to have traveled less.  As a cartographer and geometer, you know the distance around the world at the latitude of NYC (latitude 40.7069) and at Montreal (45.5000) is far less than 24,901 and can be determined by a simple formula.  So, let's compute those two distances to find the average:

So, on a purely East/West path, you traveled 18,132 miles.  Goodness, I seem to recall finding much that same number elsewhere.  Why yes.  I found the East/West mileage by deriving that pure East/West mileage from separate methods; 1) by punching into an Internet calculator every one of you stops to isolate the East/West component (holding latitude constant) and 2) by computing the distance between each of you stops using the Haversine formula (again holding latitude constant).  When I did that, I found the consensus of the two methods was 18,236 miles (see the column "Cumulative East/West" column and the row "Montreal"):

So, I've proven RG's trip was comprised of around 18,200 East/West miles, but what was his North/SOuth mileage?  Well, we really don't have a simple formula for that, but on the spreadsheet that was just validated according to the Haversine formula and convenient Internet calculators, we have the same calculation for North/South mileage.  It is under the column "Cumulative N/S absolute" and it is 18,164 miles.

Uncanny, rounded we find that the East/West is 18,200 miles and the North/South miles is 18,200 miles.  Ponder that.  Just an accident or did Gann mean to make a point?

Now the question.  Did RG "square the circle" or did he "prove the sphere?"  [No, not circle within the square or square within the circle, something quite different.]  Squaring the circle can be defined as finding the circumference of a circle equal to the perimeter of a square OR, similarly, finding the equivalence of the areas of the circle and the square.  In this case, RG MAY HAVE demonstrated the perimeter squaring of the circle and square.  OR

Perhaps, RG intended to demonstrate the roundness or spherical nature of earth.  He traveled E/S and N/S the same distance….a sphere.

Symbolically, I side with his having squared the circle.  RG never crosses the North or South poles and thus never created a circumnavigation on a N/S basis.  And second, the earth has a maximum circumference of 24,901 (or thereabouts)….  The sphere RG created would be 18,200 both E/W and N/S.

As if to put a point on it, RG quotes Ezekiel 48:35 in the last pages of TTTTA.  He doesn't spell it out, but if you read that scripture, you'll find "The distance all around will be 18,000 cubits. 

So, I believe Gann was teaching squaring the earth's circle at the approximate latitude of New York City….. oh, did I forget?  In 144 NYC hours.  [That might be the context for additional research and another essay.]

[Does it occur to anyone that 24,901 / 18,200 = 1.3682 AND 1.3682^3 = 2.5612 AND that the square root of 2.5612 is equal 1.6003…. an early iteration of Fibonacci's Phi..  Perhaps the inner circle, the square and the outer circle proving the 4th dimension Mr. Cowan?  The "square within the circle.'  The conic counterpart of the pyramid? Another context for additional research and, yet, another essay.]


Further Reflection on Lord Bacon's comment inclusion in TTTTA

Mr. Gann's inclusion of Lord Bacon's proclamation "There God speaks" in The Tunnel Thru The Air might, as I first dismissed it, be considered 'filler.'  Tony Plummer, in "The Law of Vibration: The Revelation of William D. Gann" (such a pompous, self promoting title), concludes in one section, that  Gann filled chapters with poetry and other nonsense as filler so that he could arrive at meaningful word count and other meaningful math relations between chapters.  "The" revelation of Gann is simply a math meaning…just that simple.  All else is filler to disguise the one meaning located.  I don't think so.

Back to Bacon.  The only citation of Lord Bacon's comment that I finds confirming Lord Bacon's actually having uttered those words is in the 1904 "The Watchman" article included in the previous essay.  And, if you read it as I did yesterday and reflected on its substance, you'd conclude that Lord Bacon is intimating that people of all levels of intellectual ability, or lack, can take meaning from reading the Bible.  A person that dismisses the Bible as including simple parables for simpler people would certainly miss the meanings which, I believe and which Mr. Gann obviously believed were 'veiled' in symbolism (literal, numerological and gematria).  Similarly, a person that dismisses the Bible as a book of science or math, discounting the simple meanings for simpler minds, minimizes arguably greater spiritual messages.

And so, I believe Mr. Gann did as he said he wished to do, he provided a book that "….will prove to be valuable to men and women in all walks of life."

Shame on me.  I was disappointed that the Lord Bacon's was not confirmation that Gann had entered the Stratsfordian fray over the authorship of Shakespeare's works.  Perhaps he did but I can't confirm that with confidence as yet (consider "There God speaks" as an anagram for "God et Shakesper").   Rather, I think Mr. Gann may have been telling us by inclusion of the Lord Bacon comment, there are many levels of meaning in TTTTA as there is in the Bible.  Just because you understand one, don't dismiss the possibility that there are others.  Or that one meaning might be more important than others realized by the "simpler minds."

So, I fell for it and realize something about myself.  Hopefully, I'm the better for it (doubtful).  Anyone thinking they've realized the meaning of TTTTA, cracked the code, found the veiled secret, well, that person may have proven (according to Templar and Masonic values) they aren't worthy of the greatest of secrets…..whatever "that" might be.
