Thursday, January 1, 2015

Further Reflection on Lord Bacon's comment inclusion in TTTTA

Mr. Gann's inclusion of Lord Bacon's proclamation "There God speaks" in The Tunnel Thru The Air might, as I first dismissed it, be considered 'filler.'  Tony Plummer, in "The Law of Vibration: The Revelation of William D. Gann" (such a pompous, self promoting title), concludes in one section, that  Gann filled chapters with poetry and other nonsense as filler so that he could arrive at meaningful word count and other meaningful math relations between chapters.  "The" revelation of Gann is simply a math meaning…just that simple.  All else is filler to disguise the one meaning located.  I don't think so.

Back to Bacon.  The only citation of Lord Bacon's comment that I finds confirming Lord Bacon's actually having uttered those words is in the 1904 "The Watchman" article included in the previous essay.  And, if you read it as I did yesterday and reflected on its substance, you'd conclude that Lord Bacon is intimating that people of all levels of intellectual ability, or lack, can take meaning from reading the Bible.  A person that dismisses the Bible as including simple parables for simpler people would certainly miss the meanings which, I believe and which Mr. Gann obviously believed were 'veiled' in symbolism (literal, numerological and gematria).  Similarly, a person that dismisses the Bible as a book of science or math, discounting the simple meanings for simpler minds, minimizes arguably greater spiritual messages.

And so, I believe Mr. Gann did as he said he wished to do, he provided a book that "….will prove to be valuable to men and women in all walks of life."

Shame on me.  I was disappointed that the Lord Bacon's was not confirmation that Gann had entered the Stratsfordian fray over the authorship of Shakespeare's works.  Perhaps he did but I can't confirm that with confidence as yet (consider "There God speaks" as an anagram for "God et Shakesper").   Rather, I think Mr. Gann may have been telling us by inclusion of the Lord Bacon comment, there are many levels of meaning in TTTTA as there is in the Bible.  Just because you understand one, don't dismiss the possibility that there are others.  Or that one meaning might be more important than others realized by the "simpler minds."

So, I fell for it and realize something about myself.  Hopefully, I'm the better for it (doubtful).  Anyone thinking they've realized the meaning of TTTTA, cracked the code, found the veiled secret, well, that person may have proven (according to Templar and Masonic values) they aren't worthy of the greatest of secrets…..whatever "that" might be.


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