Wednesday, June 3, 2015

123 Fenimore Street, Brooklyn

Planning a visit to Rhode Island, I have investigated a trip to New York for a small sight seeing excursion.  Of course, WTC 1, NYSE (they no longer have tours), Green-Wood Cemetery (Gann's grave and others), Fox & Friends Sunday…  The best I could come up with by reading 'experts' was that Gann lived on Fenimore Street in Brooklyn.  Even his grandson's tribute was limited to Fenimore Street without a street number.

Perhaps 123 Fenimore Street, Brooklyn:

It is hard to visualize the character of this street as it might have existed in the 1920s.  It appears this location is just outside the Brooklyn Historic District. 

Hmmm, 1+2+3=6 and 1X2X3=6.  Also, (3^2)^1=9 which, concatenate with the 6 product or sum gives us the 69 or 96 representing the opposites that are richly found in the 4th prophecy of the 9/11 tragedy. 

The 123 in the article might visually appear to be 128 and I do find another wedding announcement that showed "128 Penimore."  128 Fenimore is a multistory apartment building (construction date unknown at present).  I think 123 Fenimore is correct but I have not traced property records.

Hope this helps someone in their research,


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