From "Creative Evolution" by Henri Bergson as translated by Arthur Mitchell, 1922.
I undertook the road trip knowing I would find something more than the earthly remains of WD Gann. I knew there would be some greater meaning he left behind. Instinct.
As I stood behind Mr. Gann's gravestone and aligned it with where I knew the financial district of Manhattan lay, hidden behind the great tree, I realized the Statue of Liberty was to the left of the line of sight and the Midtown area (where the Mammouth Building was located) would, therefore be right. At that moment I knew there would be a geometry somehow created that would have meaning. I was not prepared to discover there are three divergent threads for research that, ultimately I believe, will converge once they've run their course.
WD Gann's Memorial Triangle; properties reminiscent to the Great Pyramid
On page 398 of Tunnel Thru the Air, Robert Gordon visits the "Pyramids" (spelling capitalized) and, unlike other building and monuments, declines to destroy them; he believes they were placed there for a divine purpose. And so it seems, Mr. Gann has created a conceptual right triangle with points of his gravestone, the Statue of Liberty and the Mammouth Building (42nd and Broadway). But this triangle has mathematic/physics, prophetic and symbolic properties which extend its meaning beyond its simple existence. After hours of fitting the triangle more closely to what I believe was Mr. Gann's intention, I find it to be the following 3 Cartesian coordinates, 3 side lengths and 3 angles:
The sides appear to form Phi proportions and the non square angles appear to form a Pi proportion. The Great Pyramid of Giza demonstrates these proportions and, it has been recently offered, provides the exponent e.
A picture in Google Earth gives you the following:
About the coordinates. I have chosen them to provide a 90 degree angle at point 2, the Statue of Liberty. It is subjective, but within limits. One could locate either point 2 or 3 in a large area. Point 2, anywhere on the island, point 3, any corner of 42nd and Broadway. The resultant angle at point 2 would become roughly 88 degrees to 92 degrees. The guidance I used was first, to optimize as close to 90 degrees at point 2 as possible. And second, was the Conde Nast Building at the southeast corner of 42nd and Broadway.
Though the Conde Nast Building was not completed until January 2000 and Mr. Gann could not have "known" about it, its attributes are far too stunning. It is the 12th tallest building in New York City based on its 48 floors. Located at 4 Times Square, you might first note that 48 floors divided by 12th tallest is 4, as in 4 Times Square. When you add the mast taking it to 1143 feet, its the 4th tallest structure in NYC. But it gets better. What is located on the Northwest corner of that building? It is the NASDAQ market whose screen stands 7 stories tall:
But the most striking aspect of the Conde Nast Building is seen from an aerial view:
I call it the "Conde Nast Cubes". The beginning Gann student will see the 45 degree angles (green arrows) and, by virtue of its translucence, the further bisecting angle (red arrow). The Bradley Cowan student will be struck by the cube and, further, its replication in four partial cubes (black arrows).
No, Conde Nast is not 110 stories, as was the Mammouth, but it marks a points of the Memorial Triangle which will, geometrically I believe, demonstrate to us where the 110-story would stand. And that same triangle will demonstrate, I believe, when the real 110-story would fall. [One might want to consider the intentionally incorrect spelling of the word "Mammouth" and a similarly incorrect spelling derived from the words Conde Mast….C mastedon, perhaps?]
It is four dimensional physics. Space and time are inverse. Its the "Lorentz-FitzGearld Contraction" later explained by Einstein with his theory of special relativity. The Gann Memorial Triangle displays not just spacial properties demonstrating Phi and Pi, it also demonstrates, as I conceptualize, time properties that are inverse to those spacial properties. Space and time.
[An excellent reflection on FitzGearld and Lorentz is Sir Arthur Eddington's "Space Time and Gravitation" (note Space Time, alarmingly, does not contain either a comma or hyphen) chapters 1 and 2. It was written in 1920 and Eddington was the most notable and one of the earliest scientists to translate and detail Einstein's work in English and near laymen terms. He also proved Einstein's contention that light would be 'bent' by gravitation through his eclipse studies.]
This is the first research thread that is far further along in my thinking than the latter two.
WD Gann's Posse
I first read the stimulating thought that WDG's gravestone was oriented to overlook the Financial District of NYC fin any of Olga Morales and was asked by a friend to verify that observation. Though obscured by a great tree, the gravestone is so oriented in my opinion. But there are other grave stones so oriented; including WDG's there are exactly 12 gravestones so oriented and conspicuously so.
The intended map of section 129 of Green-Wood Cemetery shows lot 37747 (WDG's lot) as the fifth of 12 lots that are configured parallel to the previous row as follows:
You see above 12 arrows. From the left there are 4 orange, then the fifth one which is white and is lot 37747 (WDG's lot) then 5 more which are green. Conceptually according to the map, they should all be oriented similarly to the rows to which they appear to be parallel. They are not.
Rather, the first 7 lots left to right (6 orange arrows and 1 white arrow) are NOT parallel to the previous rows. The face of these gravestones all face the same way as Mr. Gann's which I found to be facing lower Manhattan and the Financial District. Those 7 stones visibly form a row or line and all the stones are flush with that line. The remaining 5 stones (green arrows) face the Financial District squarely but are not remotely arranged as depicted. Here's the arial arrangement:
The same color arrows have been used above. The orange and white arrows are on a straight line that is NOT parallel to the lines of stones below them and the orange arrow stones face the same direction as the white arrow stone (WDG's). Three of the green arrow stones can be used to define a diamond with the white arrow stones… a perfect direction towards the Financial District. You can see this diamond (I refer to it as Gann's Diamond) in the following picture I took on the summer solstice:
The picture is not entirely square, but if you look at the aerial depiction of those 4 stones, you see they form a diamond that squares to the line of sight to the Financial District.
Similarly, the five green arrow stones combined with the one white arrow stone form a cross. I'll leave that configuration for discussion as this second thread evolves.
These twelve stones constitute what I identify as Mr. Gann's Posse; a group of people with whom he had an association that allowed him to conceive this smaller geometry. Like the Memorial Triangle, I believe there are geometric properties associated with the 12 stones that constitute important knowledge.
An interesting question is whether the 12 might have a 13th under the tree (a 13th tribe). I recall a stone cross below the limbs of the great tree at the top of the picture but do not recall if it is square to the Financial District and do not find it identified on the section 129 "plan" (first picture above).
The Men Comprising WD Gann's Posse
Obviously, the 12 stones are 12 men. I was not down this road of thought when I visited Mr. Gann's grave on June 21, 2015 and did not take pictures of the other 11 stones. I do not know who those men were but, again, I expect to find that were Mason Brothers and, likely, close associates of Mr. Gann…very close.
Mr. Gann did a lot in his time. He used nom de plume's to obscure the breadth of his work or for other reasons. A compelling case has been made that Orolo advertisements were a Gann disguise. I have made what is, in my opinion, a compelling case that Luo Clement was actually WD Gann and haven't received any evidence to the contrary. Books of Luo Clement (The Ancient Science of Numbers), Thomas Troward (Bible Prophecy) and a host of Thesophists are found published by an obscure publisher, Roger Brothers. It would seem the very few books published by Roger Brothers might be the real "Gann reading list" if there was one; the subject matters are consistent. The Einstein Editor, who I tenuously linked from Luo Clement never published book on advance vibration, and who published 5 articles in Scientific American in the1920 Einstein Essay Contest underwritten by Eugene Higgins…a Gann pen name? The Einstein Editor said that he taught night school at NYU as Michael Faraday taught in public so that those unable to afford such an education in physics could learn.
But are these actually non de plume's or are they associates of Mr. Gann acting in concert with him or at his direction or coordination? Perhaps we find one was a publisher. Perhaps one was an NYU professor…. Does geometry and physics play a role in personal relations and personal development?
These last two areas of the 'trilogy' of further research require that I make another trip to Mr. Gann's grave to document the gravestone arrangement and the 11 persons other than Mr. Gann interred there.
Have a wonderful and safe fourth of July.
Jim Ross
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