Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How might Mr. Gann have derived an interval of 110?

This essay requires recollection of thoughts developed in many previous essays.

From previous essays we know the cumulative life span of WD and Sadie Gann was 110 years.  Obviously, that is one of the several numbers that might be derived from the Gann gravestone.

The very first paragraph of "The Tunnel Thru the Air" reflected on the loss of Robert's older brother in the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.  1906 + 110 = 2016.

From the WD Gann "Map of Time," ("MOT") so named, we find that the counterpart of an extreme New Zealand earthquake in 1848 is the year 2016.  Similarly, the counterpart of the 1906 on the MOT is the an extreme Alaskan earthquake that created a 'megatsunami.'  Those four observations, were one to accept the methodology of the MOT as presently conceived in the related essay, would point to a period of between January 8, 2016 to January 28, 2016 for a repetition of the San Francisco earthquake.

From the "WD Gann Memorial Triangle,"  ("GMT") the seeming least important point of three was Mr. Gann's gravestone which is associated with the year of his passing, 1955.  Perhaps, however, the relevant date is 1776 where Green-Wood Cemetery was the site of one of the first skirmishes of the first organized battle of The Revolutionary War ("The Battle of Brooklyn").   In that case, we have two points of the GMT which are 110 years apart; the Statue of Liberty was completed and dedicated in 1886 and the Green-Wood site as the first battle of The Revolutionary War.

An interval of 110 would seem to be important but how might it relate to time and space?

More recollection is necessary to offer a possibility.  Robert Gordon circumnavigated the earth at the 40-41st parallel (he left New York and returned to New York which is at the mid 40th parallel) and, isn so doing, traveled about 33400 miles as the crow flies.  If, however, you parsed that "spherical hypotenuse" of distance between east/west miles and north/south miles, you find that he traveled 18259 miles east/west and 18465 miles north/south.

Moreover, the circumference of the earth at New York City's 40.7069N parallel is 18842 miles according to the Haversine formula (slightly in error due to the slight flattening at the poles of the earth).  But that number is even a bit suspect because, technically, Robert Gordon had completed a full circle of the globe when he arrived in Montreal, exactly 6 days into his trip.  Montreal is at 45.5000N and Robert, at that point, would have traveled slightly less than 18842 miles since it is north of New York.

The number of miles around the earth at the parallel Mr. Gann, I believe, was pointing out was certainly between 18259 and 18842.  I'll settle on 18500 as my best SWAG (accountants are good at SWAGs).

One of the lessons of "Robert Gordon's 7 days," IMO, is the balancing of east/west (a proxy for time) and north/south miles (a proxy for space or, perhaps, price) at 18500 miles.  Time and space balanced according to a common measurement...miles.  I think a common method of measuring both time and space is important, but that's me.  But I digress.

The last reflection on prior essays; the number 168.  The MOT, based upon the number of lines in TTTTA, is 168 years divided into mirroring 84 year intervals.  The number of hours in the week is 168. 168 is one of 15 divisions of a Biblical 'Great Week' of 2520 years.  Recall 2016 is the 12th unit of 168 from 1 A.D. (2016/168=12) and that 2016 is 2520 lunar periods from the third deportation of the Jews from Judah by Nebuchadnezzar.

So, wherefrom do we derive the subject of this essay, namely, the number 110?

18500 / 168 = 110.12

[Yes, I know there's something odd about dividing the miles in a day by the hours in a week but I'll dismiss that form the moment calling it simply "number"....for want of a better explanation.]

Why might an interval related to the 'nativity' of New York City (the 40.7069 parallel) be related to an event in San Francisco in 1906 having a different 'nativity?'  The 1906 earthquake resulted in or, at least, contributed to a major market panic.  DJI topped at 75 in late January 1906 and nudged down with the April 4, 1906 earthquake.  After a recover to 70 in October 1906, the next 13 months saw the DJI drop to 41.  That's nearly one half from the top in 23 months.

Was the Nation's industry and economy so integrated with San Francisco in 1906 as it is today?  [As I  busily type on my MacBook Pro.]  I doubt it.

One last previously mentioned thought.  From page 84 of TTTTA, which is an uncanny half of the 168 number, we have Mr. Gann's encouragement...or lamentation:

Jim Ross

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