If you have not read the above essay, the remainder of this essay may not make sense.
A key concept of Mr. Gann's geometry of all things…and the market, is the circle. Using the encryption methods found in the "St Marie" and the "rose", I find the "circle" to be meaningful as well. Here are the locations and associations of numbers with the word "circle" found in TTTTA:
The sum of page numbers is 2149 twice reduce to 7 and the difference in page numbers is 401 reduced to 5. So what do we find of meaning on page 75?
Why its "Future Cycles". The concept that all things repeat and, we might read into that, future cycles repeat as a function of the circle. From page 75 of TTTTA:
I guess we all get the meaning of the above from a plain reading of TTTTA and so much of Gann's work. I find twofold comfort in the above exercise of Gann's having encoded his emphasis on the circle. First, he puts emphasis on what we already know. But second, I connect to the allusion that the circle will become the mathematical means to divine the future….the "process" to which Gann speaks in the immediately forgoing paragraph on page 75:
The "process" is a function of the circle. Again, we know its the process but how does the "process" work? I believe, at this point in my education and subject to revision as I learn, that it is the most important lesson of TTTTA. And that lesson is declared at the end of the next to the last paragraph of the 'Foreword:'
So one last item to button up in that spreadsheet way up there; the sum of the chapters. Would we like just a little more comfort that Gann designed this encryption to lead to deeper contemplation of the circle? The sum of the chapters is 19 (see above spreadsheet) and 19 squared is 361. And 361 degrees is the number of degrees that it takes for the earth to rotate relative to the sun to constitute one day.
Ponder onward.
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