Monday, December 29, 2014

The Mammouth Building and 9/11

I have long held the suspicion that Mr. Gann veiled a prophecy of 9/11/2001 in The Tunnel Thru the Air and have written lengthy essays on the matter not to be repeated here.  Simply consider, The Mammouth Building….the largest building in New York City.  110 stories.  Ditto the World Trade Center.  There's numerology linking TMB and WTC and gematria that provide contextual Biblical allusion to the purpose of 9/11 in God's plan (Daniel 9:11 and Rabbi Cahn's thesis).  Here, I'll consider a simple pointer Gann may have designed.

The veiling is the same page and chapter number pointer method identified in the previous two essays.  Select a prominent concept (the 'circle' or 'St Marie', etc., in the previous essays), list all occurrences including page number and chapter number, sum those numbers and infer a pointer to a subject relevant page in the book.  In this case I have selected "The Mammouth Building" and all permutations of that subject.

First note, Gann prominently misspelled "Mammouth."  That is not a mistake Mr. Gann would have made in my opinion.  Second, he repeatedly describes it interchangeably as the 110-story building as if to make a point in itself.  So, the definition of the Mammouth Building for my purposes is each occurrence of Mammouth or 110.  With that in mind, here is the analysis:

[Note 1.  Previously I've computed the 'page number difference' as including all pages up to the first instance as being a page number difference.  For example, for the first instance on page 110, the number that would have fallen in the middle column of numbers would have been 110.  That's a mathematic fallacy because when you find the total of that column, you would always compute the last page number.  There isn't any new information in a number so computed.  So, the first item in that column is '0' yielding a total difference of '291.']

From the above sheet I derive three possible pointers to pages relevant to The Mammouth Building, pages 53, 233 and 401.  [All are interesting prime numbers and 53 has further geometric, philosophic and encoding significance explained below.  Of course, 401 minus 233 yields 168, the number of hours in, say "Robert Gordon's Seven Days."]

Page 53.  Page 53 is a key method used by Lord Francis Bacon allegedly used to embed information into William Shakespeare's to prove (again allegedly) he was at least a co author of those works (see Ignatius Donnelley's "The Great Pentagram" and Petter Amundsen's "Oak Island….").  As the theory goes the Pythagorean 3 4 5 triangle has angles of 37, 53 and 90 degrees and it was natural for a Rosicrucian (Bacon) or Mason (Gann) to locate key information on one or all of those pages.

We find the point to page 53 and on page 53 we find the Biblical allusion to, perhaps, a missile:

Of course, the planes that struck the WTC were, planes with 2 primary wings.  Still, they were used as missiles.

Page 401.  The sum of chapters is the exact page as the last occurrence of the Mammouth Building in TTTTA.  It is the return of Robert Gordon at about noon on the seventh day of his having circumnavigated the earth and destroyed all of its major buildings in great cities.  And on that 7th day he rested.

Page 233.  Not that it supports the argument here, but I find it interesting that on this page Robert discovers the light ray method that would allow him to "melt down skyscrapers."

At the same time, the upper steel infrastructure of each of the WTC towers were melted, causing them to pancake downward (or so I understand).

Enough for now.


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