Sunday, March 15, 2015

Perhaps Mr. Gann's great discovery of 1908…indeed.

I've been up all night on the following trail concerning "The Tunnel Thru the Air." This post is not my thoughts on yesterday's riddle which I've promised.  I'll have to work on that after a couple hours sleep.  The trail below consumed me last evening and all this morning.  I had to document it while I had it somewhat clearly in mind.

Before reading this post, you need to understand the circumstantial evidence that Luo Clement is WD Gann provided two essays previous.  And to fully understand the 1908 discovery, you will need to understand the Pythagorean and Descartean properties of Robert Gordon's 7 days with which I struggled and published several months ago on this blog.  What follows is a train that leads to that same geometry of space and time.

Luo Clement's, "Ancient Science of Numbers," published in 1908 indicates the "pendency" of a later book of higher instruction, "Numerical Vibration," which was never (that I can find) published."

A Google search for "Luo Clement Numerical Science" returned on the first page a September 18, 1920 Publisher's Weekly ad requesting Luo Clement's book "Numerical Vibration" and is shown HERE.

A simple Google search of "September 18, 1920" produces as the very first and second result Scientific American published that date. The remainder of the first page of results, athletic articles.

Inspection of the contents of Scientific American yields one title of possible relevance to Mr. Gann's work; "New Concepts of the Past Century; The Change in Outlook Since Classical Days, Which Makes Non-Euclidian Geometry a Possibility" written by the "Einstein Prize Essay Editor."  A reading of that article and its December 4, 1920 sequel, "That Parallel Postulate; The Dividing Line Between Euclidian and Non-Euclidain Geometry and What the Latter Means," contrasts Euclidian (3 dimension) and non Euclidian (not exactly 4 dimension but kinda) and the mathematicians that disproved Euclid's never proven "Parallel Postulate."  Continuing the thread to a further sequel of the Einstein Editor backwards to a previous article of the Einstein Editor "What Has Been Said About Einstein; A Review of the More Important Popular and Semi-Popular Books and Articles in English" we find glowing praise of Dr. A.S. Eddington, Cambridge and his book "Space Time and Gravitation; An Outline of the General Relativity Theory."

[The Einstein Editor is not named that I can discover and a request for his name put to Scientific American has not, as yet, been answered.]

The contents of the first chapter of Dr. Eddington's book concern "The Fitzgearld Contraction" and describe the differences in perception of reality based upon the differing positions of observers.  Time and reality differ among observers based on their location.  The second chapter begins with the 1908 assertion of the German physicist Minkowski:

From Wikipedia we find that Minkowski space integrates the three dimensions of Euclidian geometry with a fourth dimension….time.  The coordinates of {X,Y and Z} become {X,Y, Z and T}.  The Lorenz Transformation creates the scenario of event prediction according to this delightful presentation courtesy of MIT that can be found HERE.

But forget the Lorenz Transformation as the Einstein Editor may have given us a lead to 2000 year-old Greek Euclidian geometry and the Descartian coordinate system to navigate Minkowski's four dimensions.  From the previously cited September 18, 1920 Scientific American article:

Descartes, Pythagoras theorem…. both aspects proven as 'an' if not 'the' math lesson of Robert Gordon's 7 days in the several posts I have provided on that subject.  Entirely Cartesian and Pythagorean math and geometry.

Pythagorean geometry and Dr. Descartes cameo appearance in TTTTA.

An aside.  Using the first edition printing of TTTTA, I discovered my last name spelled telestically on page 14 in about December 2014.  I found my first name spelled acrostically on page 75 in early January and it is adjacent the subtitle date of January 28, 1927.  Still unconvinced but shaken, I found my street address (Tottenham) and professional designation (CPA) spread on pages 350 and 351 spelled with a combination of the narrative and acrostics.  And I found the last piece on exactly January 28, 2015.  Exactly 88 years after the date on page 75 to the day.  I should have published a memo on that day.  I might now get a second bite of that apple.

Another aside.  Today I've completed what I believe is a very promising, albeit tenuous, thread beginning with Luo Clement's apparently never published book and leading to the 1908 special relativity mathematics presented by Minkowsky and enabled by the Lorenz Transformation.  The next subtitle dating found in "The Tunnel thru the Air" after the aforementioned January 28, 1927 is March 15, 1927.  And today is March 15, 2015.  Exactly 88 years later.  I'm planting this memo to document the date.

The next date shown in TTTTA as a subtitle will be April 30, 1927 on page 97.

Perhaps this thread will prove to be or lead to Mr. Gann's great discovery of 1908.  If so, did he predict when his great discovery would subsequently be found?

Is it possible to suspend our belief in chaos and consider the alternate?

Jim Ross

NOTE:  As Mr. Gann wrote "Ancient Science of Numbers" under the name Luo Clement, I will present the case that the unnamed "Einstein Essay Prize Editor" is, again, Mr. Gann.  The circumstances that indicate the former have become persuasive and one cannot construct the above, highly tenuous, but entirely logical, trail without the connection.  The case for for the latter promises to be equally likely and more easily and more firmly documented.

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