Monday, August 31, 2015

GMT: 2016 and the first battles of three great wars

In the previous post, I introduced some numbers that would point to 2016 might be an important year in the history of the US.  There isn't any grand theory of physics or reason, simply coincidence for the dubious or a clue from Mr. Gann for the committed.  Personally, I don't know what to make of it.

But here's something I noted this morning (which happens to be the anniversary of 83 completed years after the fictional August 30, 1932 "Meeting of the World" prompting me to re-read again the warnings of pages, 82, 83 and 84 of "The Tunnel Thru the Air"):

The first organized battle of the Revolutionary War following the Declaration of Independence occurred 85 years after the first battle of the Civil War at Fort Sumter.  The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred 80 years after the attack on Fort Sumter; a difference in the interval of 5 years.  From 85 years to 80 years suggesting the next conclusive battle of the next great war would occur 75 years after the 1941 attack or 2016.

In offering this very suspect notation, one needs to draw a bright line drawn regarding when the "first battle" occurs.  In the Revolutionary War, there had been battles of Boston, Lexington and Concord but the the Battle of Brooklyn Heights (portions of which was fought on Green-Woods Cemetery) was the first fully organized battle after the Declaration of Independence was adopted.  Fort Sumter occurred after years of unrest over the abolitionist position of the Republican Party and after certain southern states adopted formal resolutions seceding from the Union.  Fort Sumter seems popularly viewed as the first battle of the Civil War.  And Pearl Harbor occurred years after war was ongoing in Europe and despite the Neutrality Act of 1935.

[I again find curious similarity between the dates of the Neutrality Act signed into law by Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 31, 1935, the fictional date of August 30, 1932 and today's date.]

Follow the thread of differences backwards 90 years and you find 1686, the year in which New York and Albany are granted charters by the colonial governor, Thomas Dongan, 2nd Earl of Limerick.  Following one period of 95 years backward in time again and you arrive at at 1491, the year before Columbus' "discovery" of America.

Make of all this what you may,

Jim Ross

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