Sunday, December 6, 2015

"se non è vero, è ben trovato”

On page 82 of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air," Mr. Gann presents three themes; first he proves his ability to predict the future, second he explains the timing of a prediction that will occur in our time period and third he provides the prediction.  I'll lead you to all three, but the third, you'll have to decide what he meant would occur.

First, he generally predicts the time and nature of the first phase of the Great Depression (1930-1933) and the time period of World War II (1940-1944).  Not too shabby.  Perhaps overt proof of Mr. Gann's ability to predict future events for those who would chose to read the simple words?  

Second, he introduces two themes of timing; the "great 1000-year cycle and the prophecies of St Malachy and the 266th Pope.  The "great 1000-year" year cycle is easy to is the only cycle in TTTTA to be described as "great" or with any such elevation.  And we know from previous essays that the history of 1000 years ago from 2016 found the Isalmic world reaching it peak and not to be challenged until the First Crusades of 1096.  The theme, the rise of Islam 1000 years ago.

On page 82 of TTTTA Mr. Gann discusses the prophecies of St. Malachy (some believe penned by Nostradamus under that pen name of an actually deceased Catholic figure) and points to the 266th Pope.  In specific, Mr. Gann says that "remarkable events" will occur upon the election of the 266th Pope.  For the better part of a year I have written my opinion that the discussion of the 266th Pope was not intended as the basis for the prediction of either the Great Depression or WWII.  Mr. Gann was hardly so ignorant as to have believed the 266th Pope would be elected in the 1920's, 1930's or 1940's.  He knew that.  It did not take foreknowledge for anyone to know such would not be the case.

Rather, he knew the 266th Pope would be elected much later and, in my opinion, the election would foretell the remarkable events Mr. Gann foresaw.  Relevant portions of page 82/83 in TTTTA:

So it seems clear to me, the 'remarkable events' are meant for our generation; the one in which Pope Francis, widely regarded the 266th, was elected in 2013.  The theme, just like the "great 1000-year" cycle and the renewed rise of Islam now compared to the 11th century, is "remarkable events" will follow the 2013 election of the 266th Pope.

Third, what are the events?  Did Mr. Gann elaborate in 'veiled fashion?'  I believe he did.

Recall the essay "Confirming Aspects of Mr. Gann's Modus Operandi" found HERE.  Mr. Gann planted that date, January 29, 1922 so that the inquiring mind would search for any article of that date and concerning the 266th Pope.  That's my opinion.  It took me seconds to perform that Google search (did Mr. Gann know we'd be able to search for text) and I came upon an article that appeared on that date in the"Brooklyn Daily Eagle" on that exact date and discussed the 266th Pope.  Mr. Gann lived in Brooklyn; you don't suppose? I expect he wrote it or was involved in its publication but, regardless of whether you follow down that road, its hard to dismiss.  

Interesting  as well, the number of pages in the the paper that day are shown in Google as 81 pages.  Think about that.  There's a front and back to every page.  There can't be a front without a back now can there?  Perhaps the unnumbered page is the cover to the paper or a last page that is nothing other than advertisements.  But there must be an 82nd page.  And we find the above discussion in TTTTA; beginning on page 82.  

Are there "remarkable events" alluded in the January 29, 1922 article?  The below excerpt can be found online HERE - the full article begins on page 2, the continuation below is on page 70 and there are 81 pages to the entire paper according to Google and as noted above: 

I can read and re read page 82 and then read and re read the 1922 article and find differing conclusions.  For a best case scenario if we insert in page 82 the post 266th Pope election years "2013-2017 for the years "1926 and 1932" then we can find that scenario:

"...famine, depressing business conditions and panic, not only in Europe, but in the United States."

For a worst case scenario, I'll leave it to your consideration.  Remember, I'm not saying this.  I am simply reading, decoding (correctly I believe) and presenting.

Whatever you decide, I'd submit the third theme is not good.

"se non è vero, è ben trovato”

Jim Ross


  1. Hi, just out of curiosity:

    W.D. Gann DoD: 18.06.1955
    Soon (have a close look?!): 24.12.2015
    = 60 years, 6 months, 6 days

    Btw, keep up your interesting work.

  2. Thank you. Yes, WDG passed very close to the summer solstice and that would put semi annual anniversaries close to the solstices. 60, 6 and 6...interesting. Can you imagine my astonishment when I determined, after the fact, that I was at Mr. Gann grave on 6/21/2015...the day of the solstice at exactly 12 noon EST. It took a while for me to realize that since my iPhone said 1:20 DST when I'd walked back to the front gate (maybe 10 minute walk). That meant I was at the grave as late as 1:10 DST. Converting back to standard time I was reading scripture at the grave itself at noon on the solstice. It was dog gone hot that day.

    Lots and lots of coincidences have come my way over the last year.

    Thanks for considering,


  3. Btw. its Page 70 - not 82 ?
    (Arcticle is beginning at page 2 with your quote on page 70 (2,70 .. intention?)
    One more "hint" ?:
    You read the column left of "Pope Benedict..." on page 70 ?
    Titled "Cardinal Gaspari grants Interview ...":
    Reading this is interesting to say the least: Hate in europe as we start to face again today. Maybe more evidence. It seems like "the war is not over yet" could become reality.

  4. You are correct. Google is showing 70 of 81 so the excerpt is on page 70. Another Rossup. I'll fix it. I've been up since very very early this morning running tetrahedron calcs on the 1929 market. I wrote today's post in my spare time between what I should be doing...and it looked it. Way too many errors in the first draft. But when I have an idea, I like to get it written immediately for otherwise it might be lost (as if of substantial value).
    Yes, I had noticed 2 and 70 or 70+2=72 or Bradley Cowan's pentagonal element (Pentagonal Time Cycles... is in my lap at the moment). I'm pretty sure I mentioned in the first post on the 1/29/1920 article. I often wonder if Mr. Gann contrived such little details or if his 'personal vibration' was so strong that "coincidences" seem to gather around him.
    About Europe, the 1848 revolutions were over pretty quickly...put down and put to bed by December 1848 and Marx was writing about their failure in early 1849. Based on that, the Map of Time would suggest (I think) the internal strife will end by the end of calendar 2016... But....



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