Sunday, March 6, 2016

WD Gann's "Map of Time" Download version 4... and "Chapter XXXIX"

Back to basic research following my most recent failure.  How many times in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" does the author caution us not to give up?

In reflecting on how supposed clues might be misinterpreted to present incorrect though plausible predictions, I did notice 4 errors in previous versions of the MOT.  At least, I interpret the following to be errors in how I enumerated lines found  in WD Gann's "Map of Time" as it was encoded into "The Tunnel Thru the Air:"

  • To accommodate the exact number of days in the 168-year MOT period, an additional line was required (see HERE for an explanation).
  • When comparing the MOT to the first printing text of TTTTA I found on the very first page a horizontal line that suggests a vertical line space should be placed before and after it's occurrence.  In the left portion of the insert below numbered (1) you will see the horizontal line above WD Gann and below the title but you will not see that horizontal line in the shot of the MOT on the right side under (2).  Under item number (3) you will see the revised MOT where there is a horizontal line inserted and a vertical line before and after that horizontal line.
  • Similarly to the foregoing, there is another horizontal line space occurring on the sixth page of the book, that being the copyright page, directly below "by WD Gann."  And similarly, I have added that horizontal line to the MOT with a vertical line space before and after that horizontal line.
  • Also on the copyright page of the first printing of TTTTA there is a noticeable space, almost a quarter of the page, between the line "moving pictures and dram" and the line at the bottom of the page "Printed in the United States of America."
The above four errors (errors in my opinion), add 6 lines to TTTTA.  If you will recall, the 168-year MOT period and the narrative line spacing that I have given TTTTA resulted in there being a difference of four lines...the MOT period being 4 lines greater than the number of lines enumerated in TTTTA.  This was discussed, among other perceived errors, HERE.  If you look at the bottom of the attached shot of the last page of the version 3 MOT, you will see that the last printed line of TTTTA is line number 15336, yet the 168-year MOT period requires 15340 lines.  Obviously, to me, there has been an error and the 6 extra lines found above more than offset that 4 line perceived error.

So now we have 2 lines too many.  Well, I've been giving the MOT credit for a line space preceding the title on the cover page.  See the very first insert above under (2) and you will see line 1 does not contain any narrative and line 2 contains the title.  I have removed that first line space under version 4 of the MOT and you can see that under (3) of the first insert.

All of the above explanations are my accountant's need to "reconcile" what I've done for persons' who are serious about evaluating the credibility of the MOT.  I feel it necessary where for most people, likely, it is not.  So, with the above explanations logged, following is version 4 of the MOT:

One last note.  You will notice a new column on the extreme left of the MOT in which there are Roman numerals in bold italics.  This column renumbers every "section" of the book starting with the Cover as section "I," the inside Title Page as section "II"....  You will find that "section XXXIX" falls on the widely puzzling misnumbered "Chapter XXXIX" otherwise known as "Robert Gordon's 7 days."  Perhaps Chapter XXXIX is the only properly numbered chapter in TTTTA.....

Much more of the section numbering will be revealed in a forthcoming essay in the planning cue.

Jim Ross

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