For whatever reason, this last weekend "I" became anxious to 'give away' the WD Gann Map of Time ("MOT") that "I" had developed from WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air." That's a lot of "I" s for a single sentence attesting to and warning of "my" (there I go again) vanity. Seems "I"have much the same disease as prominent contemporary political figure who is a part of each of our lives these days.
In stark contrast to that public figure, let "me" show you and warn you where "I" am wrong. The MOT has two prominent errors. On the whole, I believe the MOT can be relied upon for reasonably accurate research, but there are two obvious errors that would otherwise detract from confidence in using it.
1. The 9/11 error. The glaring error is in the 9/11 prophecy line. On September 11, 2015, on my first cut of the MOT based upon the similar discovery made by its hero, John Koestler (Nicholas Cage) in the movie "Knowing," I saw the following:
On the then counted cumulative line number of TTTTA, 2693 (blue highlight), and the 283rd chapter number of the book, I found the date 11-Sep-01. Thats backwards in chronology. Rather, after dating each line backwards and upwards from the last line of the book, I found where the date 11-Sep-01 fell and saw the cumulative line number was 2693. I was immediately relieved and disappointed that is was not 2,996 deaths that day as Nicholas Cage found in the fictional version that inspired my work. He was stunned and thus began his "journey."
And then I noticed the 283 chapter line number. 2693 + 283 = 2976 "innocent" deaths on that day. The "innocent" deaths that day (excluding 19 not innocent terrorists) were 2977 deaths, one off. Oh so similar to the discovery of Nicholas Cage.
Well, that was simply what I saw and I created a ESSAY that day, 9/11/2015, that monuments exactly what I saw. That doesn't mean the MOT was right at that point, or even now for that matter. This is what the MOT looks like after I've struggled to 'find' the correct number of lines and the correct vertical line spacing that Mr. Gann intended:
Since that date I have spent dozens, if not hundreds of hours to make the MOT correct. At times I thought of it as a means to earn money. As an accountant, I did not want to distribute something that was knowingly wrong. Greed and vanity. That mindset changed this last weekend for whatever reason.
If you downloaded version 1 or version 2 of the MOT this last week, you will see the above. Add the cumulative line number 2698 and chapter line number 280 and you get 2978 innocent deaths. You can also add the cumulative line number 2698 and the chapter line number 301 (counting from the bottom up, and you get 2999 total deaths. The number of innocent deaths is over by 1 and the number to total deaths is off by 3.
"I" maintain the error is mine, not that of Mr. Gann. I've tried to find the exact combination of grammatically acceptable vertical line spacing that will fix the problem with the constraint of line spacing convention and a total number of lines that reconciles with 1/15th of the Biblical Great week; 2520 / 15 = 168 years, 168 years X 365.242 / 2 / 2 reflecting a double and re double on page 45 of TTTTA = 15340 lines. I cannot do that. Each time I find a subjective vertical line space that I can, in good conscience, change and make that change, one or the other of the death counts or total lines becomes correct while the others become less correct. Its a rubic cube which, I believe, has a solution but which no longer causes me to believe the substance of the MOT is doubtable.
2. The last line number error. Here's the last page of TTTTA and the MOT file that you have and may be downloaded as 'v2' presently:
The last line of "80 Wall Street, New York" should be line number 15340 by my theory, not 15336. And it was during one or many of my dozens of iterations of the vertical line spacing of the MOT. But I'd change the line spacing in ways to both try to fix the 9/11 error. Sometimes the changes would be pervasive. For example, in the days after the 9/11/2015 post, the MOT was at exactly 15300 lines and my "reconciliation" to the Great Week demanded 15340 lines. So I added 1 vertical line space at the beginning of every chapter to get to 15340 lines. The 9/11 error persisted, so I reconsidered vertical line spacing for individual subjective items such as salutations and signature lines to letters in comparison to the first printing of TTTTA. I found errors which ran pretty much random and offsetting. Dozens of iterations of fixing errors and re scanning every page of TTTTA for my errors. And still, the 9/11 error persisted and the total lines error persisted.
Here's a real time example; I can see one error on just that page above that brings the cumulative line number error from 4 lines to 3 lines. The error above is found after 15303. There needs to be a vertical line space between the line "Looking Back from 1940" and the line "Written by." Compare the above to the first printing dust cover from which the last page is the above insert:
So, I give you the above two obvious errors that I hope you will not see as intentional errors (mea culpa), but that I simply make errors. I hope you accept it to illustrate the subjective decisions that "I" made in vertical line spacing in interpreting what "I" believe to be Mr. Gann's intention. And as well, so that any confidence in the integrity of this model of time might be justified at least in the effort to make it a truthful personal reflection of Mr. Gann's work.
Personally, I believe the MOT is as accurate as the granularity of its input. The right side of the MOT, it is proposed, reflects the historical events of the dates at the left of the MOT. The events of the dates of the MOT are distantly historic. In 2016, they are from the European "Year of Revolution," 1848, the year of the Gold Rush and the building of the U.S. from coast-to-coast (Mexican War). Those events are subject to the accuracy of reporting 168 years ago and subject to revisionism. For earthquakes, revisionism is less important than the reporting of events such as revolutions which might be subject to the agenda of the particular reporter.
It all comes down to Mr. Gann's caution on page 77:
"The limit of future predictions based on exact mathematical law is restricted by knowledge of correct data on past history to work from."
For me, struggling to get the lines exactly right is no longer a concern. For me, the MOT is as accurate as the nature of the history allows (earthquakes relatively exact, dates of the inceptions of famines and epidemics less so and dates of panics perhaps even less so) and it is only a starting point. Corroboration is so important. Mr. Gann gives lots of corroboration if only you 'seek.'
The primary concern I had last weekend was not whether "I" was right or wrong, but the currency and urgency of the message I perceive. And to provide persons of diligent and truthful interest and of math and science, the means to verify my interpretation of Mr. Gann's MOT and to verify or disprove my interpretation of Mr. Gann's prediction of our generation's near future.
It comes down to a personal choice and I hope that I have provided the means to make that choice. In that regard, you might re consider the advice of Marie Stanton's departing letter. Can you consider it other than a message from Mr. Gann
But that's me.
Jim Ross
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