Thursday, August 30, 2018

Failure and discovery amid discouragement.

With the most prediction recent failure I remember Robert Gordon's constant process of re focusing.  And, as I re immerse myself, I sense a guiding hand.  To explain...

Backtesting.  I've received that message many times in the encoded words of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  So, despite what I perceive to be the seeming late hour in this bull market, I decided to work on the 1929 crash sequence.  I pulled the four important dates and copied the lines in the Map of Time.  By the way, you can do that yourself by referencing the line number of TTTTA in the "Map of Time" that is available for free download.  Following is the final DJIA highest high of September 3, 1929, the bottom of the first wave decline at September 4, 1929, the secondary high on September 11, 1929 and the final crash bottom on November 13, 1929.  Here are those 4 lines from the Map of Time:

Incredible, isn't it?  I decide to backtest the numerological methods I 'imagine' on, arguably, the most devastating DJIA crash in American history and I get that concurrent revelation.  Why, its 'as if' someone knew that I would be backtesting 1929.  Oh, you don't see it?  

Of course you don't.  Before I show it to you, some context.

The methods I imagine that are encoded into TTTTA's "Map of Time" involve not the occult but the natural.  Trying to square my amateur understanding of physics gleaned from Carlo Rovelli and others, I imagine space populated by Farraday's "geometric points of force."  They're 'seats' for occupying particles or forces such as photons or gravitons....   These vacant "points of force" allow electromagnetic fields to propagate their waves through them.  They are the necessary medium that enables waves...enables "vibration." 

I probably have my understanding wrong, but that's the state of my imagining what I've read.  

I imagine similarity to the Map of Time.  The numerical structure, the cumulative line numbers of TTTTA, represents the greater geometric fabric of the space created by the combined gravitation of the magnetic fields of the Earth and Sun.  More powerful are the effects of the Earth's gravitation is that of Earth.  Recall that the force of gravity is an inverse exponential property of mass and distance.  The Sun is bigger but we're a lot closer to Earth...ground zero for Earth's gravity so to speak.  If I am correct, then there should be a convenient reconciliation in the Map of Time of the time according to Sun's year and a similar Earth period.  There is.

The Annual Map of Time, which I first rendered from TTTTA has 15,341 lines, but that number descends and ascends giving it 30682 lines with two dates per line making it 61364 days.  That's 1/15th of the Biblical Great Week of 2520 years.  Interesting name for 2520 years, Biblical Great week.  So, take those 30682 lines and "appoint" them as 20 seconds or 1/3 of a minute and you will find the MOT is 440 lines away from being what we call a week of 144 hours.  Those 30682 lines are 7.102 days and that fraction of .102 days extrapolated over 52 weeks in a year is the 5.3204 difference in a year of 360 days and a solar year of 365.242 days.

The Map of Time jointly models Earth and Sun's gravitation.  Of, for you lunar people, the Moon has plays a modest role with its puny but observable gravitational effect on time.  But those three bodies are the represent the vast majority of gravitational effects on time.  The former two are numerically modeled in the Map of Time.  Each line represents a "seat" which ordered time and consequent repeating historical events must take.  Or, so goes my imagination.

*** ***

It must be so in some fashion according to how I have imagined Mr. Gann may have "seen" me.  I don't have any frame of reference to imagine a spiritual ability so I haven't any of that evidence.  I know only mathematics and I see the foregoing as my only ability to rationalize foresight; that all things are predestined and periodic events.  We just don't know how to compute the period and we don't know how to apply that period to each person's, each location's, each nation's individual fate.

To get back to where I started, I become very frustrated when my math does not work.  But I don't stop.  This time I decided to backtest 1929 which I believe is being repeated in the current time frame in some mathematically determinable manner.  I just can't determine it.

As well, I know the model is all numbers.  All numerological...purely thought and imagination.

And in my frustration, as I work, I see the message.  You didn't see it in the above insert.  Look at it again but, this time with what I saw almost immediately when I first copied those four lines containing those four dates onto a blank worksheet to begin backtesting.  Read the letter that are highlighted in yellow and then in blue.

I already knew the instruction of the message "add me."  I'd gleaned that instruction long ago.  I know the solution to time is numerologically modeled in TTTTA and I'm always thinking myself on the verge of recreating its rules.  But this message specifically meant a lesson is to be learned from this specific 1929 backtest.

And more importantly, it meant my effort, now, in 2018 was seen 89 years ago and that I am given encouragement to continue.

[You can backtest this occurrence.  Download the original Map of Time I deciphered two and a half years ago and find the four lines that correspond the four dates.  Find the first and last letters of each lines in the respective line numbers; you can even go so far as trace them back to the first printing copy of TTTTA on  Can't make this stuff up.]

Jim Ross

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Experiment 2: Parsing price and time in the DJIA

WD Gann studied in his laboratory in New York according to the principle of "as above, so below."  Was he studying the stock market for only the purpose of making money or for what it might tell him about natural laws that cannot be seen.  "As above, so below;" How many times did he declare that?  Even modern science uses analogy to "imagine" relationships to be tested.  Mr. Gann studied the mathematic relation of time and space as it presented itself in the stock market and, in my opinion, knew that mathematics must govern the smallest of particles.  From the Ticker Interview:

"....mathematic principles of the highest order...." are the foundation of all things great, the universe, and all things small, the quantum realm.

How closely does this quote this 1909 quotation confront the "probability cloud" of modern quantum physics and assert causality, sensed in the stock market and proven beyond any measure of improbability (286 trades in 25 days with only 22 losses), exists throughout nature?  Does it give you pause to think of the nature of quantum physics, be it string or loop theory, and consider Mr. Gann's choice of the Faraday quotation above?  "....mathematical points of force."

In trying to understand Mr. Gann's stock market methods, as I interpret them from the Map of Time (MOT) and the correlated Weekly Map of Time (WMOT), I see mathematic occurrences that force me to believe, consistent with my admitted bias, that time and price are interdependent and analogous to, if not the same as, time and space.  And both are mathematically determinable, not the result of a "cloud of probability."

Last week, I posted a note, "Experiment," in the DJIA proposing August 21, 2018 is its highest secondary print (the highest high being January 26, 2018) in DJIA before a discernible drop.  [Through means other than Mr. Gann's methods or mathematics, I've concluded the drop will be dramatic and both tops, January 26 and August 21, will endure.]

Let's examine that claim, that August 21 is a secondary high, a bit further.  Try this experiment yourself to get an idea of what I am seeing in the math.  Use the average price decline per day for the period January 26, 2018 to the lowest low since then, April 2, 2018 to project the secondary high (the column containing green highlights):

Back in the day, actually, as recent as about a year ago, I'd perform the "simpleton math" that I've presented in the column with all the green highlights.  And I come up with August 12, 2018 as being a candidate for the secondary high.  And, true to my modus operandi of a year ago, I'd be wrong.  Now, that's the part you can do.  

The next part (the yellow highlights), you'll need two dates I have derived from the MOT and WMOT as "givens;" January 28 at 4:30am and August 2 at 2:32am.   Then you can create the remaining math in yellow.  I've used my Map of Time (an annual map covering 168 years) and Weekly Map of Time (covering approximately one week depending on whether you consider solar or equitorial time) to find those two dates you will treat as givens.  Given those dates should be, again, straightforward math.  Do the math.

Three major points:
  • The bull wave did not end with the January 26, 2018 high as we interpret from the stock market.  Rather it occurred on January 28, 2018 at 4:20am according to the MOT and WMOT.
  • Second, the WMOT differs from my old simpleton method as a result 1) a 2-day difference in the starting point (1/26 versus 1/28) and 2) 7 days due to the extrapolation of that difference via its relation to the change in price between those dates and the bottom on 4/2/2018.

  • Vastly, the most important point; delta price and time are being used for the period 1/28/2018 to 4/2/2018 to predict a secondary high on 8/21/2018.... accurately.
Under my simpleton method, I'd come up with August 12, 2018.  Using the methods I've imperfectly learned from the MOT and WMOT, I come up with August 21, 2018 at 1:31pm.  The actual high as of this writing is August 21, 2018 at the 12:52-12:56pm bar.  That's 35 minutes off.

*** ***

I've always sensed market time is not the proper variable in predicting the market and the above tentative result would so indicate.  And I've always believed time and price were determinable and that Mr. Gann had the math to do so.  I've only my renditions of his Map of Time, some crude ideas of how to navigate them derived from Major Motors, and the above results...which are startling to me.

You may criticize the above in many ways; for example, I didn't derive and explain my claims that the actual high was January 28 not January 26.  [Unfortunately, if I'm correct in those methods, I do not foresee me ever explaining them.]  Or, you could claim that the Ticker Interview was staged, with the help of Richard Wyckoff and others.  Why, it appears Mr. Wykcoff is plausible as it appears he may be buried less than 400 yards from Mr. Gann.   Or you could claim WD Gann died not wealthy and since everyone wants to be wealthy he didn't know anything.  "According to your faith, be it unto you."  

Your final complaint might be, the 'fat lady hasn't sung.'  Nasdaq and S&P made new highs Friday and DJIA is only 98 points away from an intraday high exceeding that of August 21.  Now, this complaint is certainly true.  Just as certainly,"time proves all things."

If proven true, then I will be certain of the following excerpt from the Ticker Interview:

Like the elements of the periodic table... stocks, indices, places, people, organizations exhibit their individual properties according to their 'number.'  In the case of the elements, its their atomic weight. In the case of others, its their "number" derived by other means or methodologies (Luo Clement).  As Pythagoras is thought to have first said "All is number."

Its an experiment.  Where I was at a 30% comfort level this last week that the DJIA secondary high was printed on the Augutst 21st, I'm now at an 80% level now.  

And then again, I might be a bug on the windshield as early as Monday at 9:30am.

Jim Ross

Followup 8/27 9:25am.  DJIA futures up 144 and will likely gap over the proposed 8/21 secondary in which I had great confidence.  Another failure. 

Friday, August 24, 2018

"Map my war"

Pretty obvious.

With all the reference to future war in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air," the above sets the tone for mapping a future war.  How do you "map?"  You use the narrative of key events of the fictional war.  Then you find their relationships line number relationships.  The you read the "Torah Code" proximate the events.

I haven't and really do not know how to do it...but the above is my first imagining of how to do it.

Just a random composition?  Go back and read my discovery of "Tao to War" and its foretelling of 9/11 and the consequent wars (Iraq and Afghanistan).  I do not take the above encoding lightly, especially since I have long been aware of WD Gann's apparent prophecy of a great world war in our time, the time of the 266th Pope, for a long time.  Pope Francis, born on the 266th degree of the solar year.

*** ***

About the "Torah Code."  Its not a science, its not literal.  It is subjective.  Even if written in plain English, two people will differ on any interpretation; ask any lawyer.

First, the Torah Code encoded in The Tunnel requires that is can be done.  Without belief, it cannot be done.  If you believe it can't be done, it won't.  You've heard all that.  "Start with the end in mind" is Covey's rendition of the ancient philosophy.  More to my experience in recreational life is the challenge of putting; "see the ball go in the hole" before you execute your putt.

Second, it requires silence and effort to consider what words might be constructed out of the indicated Torah Path.  Nothing is easy.

Finally, it requires an mental mindset even beyond belief and faith.  It requires those spiritual abilities that you'll find in far eastern philosophy and, far less explicitly, in western motivation.  The most prominent coming to mind would be Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich (1937)."  It is right behind the Bible in the number of non fiction (some would call the Bible fiction) books.  I elected to read and study an earlier text which Napoleon Hill studied and wrote to the author that it had inspired him to create his book;  the author was Charles F. Haanel "The Master Key System (1916)."  Why study Napoleon Hill when he attributed to Charles Haanel the inspiration of the former's work?  Is it any surprise I find that Charles F. Haanel to be a Mason?  Is it any surprise the spiritual content of Haanel's work will be found in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thur the Air" or "The Magic Word?"  Some small portions verbatim?

As I read bits and pieces of my interpretation of the Torah Code of The Tunnel, it is clear to me its interpretation is each person's spirit emerging to create the words and phrases.  I have interpreted sections that say just that.  It may be different between two people who earnestly try to understand what is being said by virtue of their differing destinies.  But some things would emerge as being in common between different well intentioned students (if there are any other than me); that's the tenor of the three words above:

"Map my war"

Its a teaser, in my opinion, to inspire a person who believes.... to get to work.  I feel alone but not lonely.

Jim Ross

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Following study of the numerology system encoded into Major Motors and very satisfying backtesting of the five primary data points of the 1929 crash and the January 26, 2018 high, I'll offer today as the secondary high in DJIA.  Of course, it is 3:06pm on August 22, 2018 and DJIA and the high for the day is 25,836.17.  DJIA, today, is 52 points short of making a high and, hence, needs to surpass 25,888.82 (yesterday's high) to become the high for the second wave relative to the January 26, 2018 high.

Again, not much back testing but I've had some success with the tests on Major Motors and 1929 data.

Jim Ross

Update, 3:32pm still before the close.  The numeric "confirmation" I am looking at is 3:53am on 8/22/2018....  the wee hours of this morning.  My interpretation is the previous day's trading was confirmed as the secondary high.  No high today and, if my interpretation of these freshly developed numeric rules is correct, a secondary high is in.  My level of confidence, maybe 30%.

Update, August 23.  Sleeping on it, it occurs to me (not that it hasn't before) that finding a pivot point is, itself, meaningless.  Even if the point is derived according to a previous great high and even if I've correctly identified the 'time' numerology algorithm, not having the price prediction makes trading the pivot with confidence impossible.  Or, at least, according to Mr. Gann's admonition of safety first.  Encoded in the acrostic/telestic words, at least according to my identification and interpretation, his system provides the price as well.  Time and price.  So, maybe this is an enduring 2nd wave top (Elliot Wave lingo) relative to the January 26, 2018 top (my preference), maybe its an intraday blip (I don't think so) with a future all-time-high or higher secondary high....but for certain, I don't have the right to declare it either without knowing the price objective of Monday's high.  Once again, level of confidence is substantial but well less than 50%.

Monday, August 20, 2018

August 20, 2018, a discovery

I think.  First, however, about the previous post.  I do not have mathematic 'evidence' according to Mr. Gann's mathematic methods, that January 26, 2018 is "the" final high of the Great Bull from March 9, 2009.  At worst, I have acrostic/telestic encoding words that I assembled, some of which were given in the previous post.  At best, I have a line number "path" through the Map of Time that provides me two important dates; October 15, 2018 and January 26, 2018.  Those dates are exact based upon the path.  Learned from experience documented in this blog, I consider neither the acrostic/telestic encoding nor the line number paths as conclusive....mildly persuasive, very exciting, but not dispositive evidence according the only natural law; mathematics.

Back to one-half the thread of this essay; 'a discovery.'  Its a discovery that is a confirmation, in my opinion, of the course of my life for the last several years.  Largely, the last several years of my not so intellectual life has been studying WD Gann and his "Map of Time" encoded in "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  I continually doubt my study but I welcome doubt as a defense against delusion.  Was it not doubt that convinced Rene Descartes that "I think therefore I am?"  Delusion, it would seem to me, is only the erroneous extension of imagination.  As I 'doubt,' I often find confirmation in The Tunnel that I am headed in the correct direction.  [And at other times, I fall flat on my face.]

August 20 was a day of confirmation with a discovery.  Perhaps its only a confirmation, an "attaboy," or perhaps it is more.  Here is the discovery:

It means just about nothing to you as presented even after I give you the context.

Frustrated I could not develop predictive mathematics from the "Map of Time" I decided to attack the mathematics of Major Motors (again).  Above is only one date in Robert Gordon's Great Campaign in Major Motors, the very first trade.  The date is June 9, 1927.  Interesting that the date would be 21 years after Robert's birth and the very day Marie disappeared?  The date is highlighted in tan above.

Extract from the MOT that line on which the date 'June 9, 1927' appears.  It is the first line in the above insert.  You can do this yourself because I made available for free, the MOT, two years ago.  You'll find the date on descending line number 14421 and that line has four dates on it; June 8, 1927, June , 1927, July 5, 1937 and July 6, 1937.  On that line you have cumulative descending line 14421, ascending line number 921, descending chapter number 55 and ascending chapter line number 309.

Focus on the ascending cumulative line number 921 and trace to its descending cumulative counterpart, descending cumulative line number 14421 and you have the second line of the above insert.

This is where I really lose you.  I have the first two lines of the insert and I ask myself, what do I do with them?  Well, the person most frequently encoded into The Tunnel is John Dee.  I won't reprise the dozens of essays that that document the 45 encoded references to John Dee or his place in history; let's just say I am convinced he is as big or bigger than his near contemporaries Galaleo, Newton, Bacon, Descartes....  

John Dee's inscrutable masterpiece which he wrote for King Maximillian (and for Queen Elizabeth) was the Monas Heiroglyphica.  In it, among many other things I do not understand is a "Map" of creation (as rendered by Jim Egan, the curator of the Newport Museum):

And what does John Dee do with two columns of numbers?  He draws  cross.  So I draw a cross.

Look at the first insert showing two vectors, one blue and one red.  Now, look at the table below the two extracted MOT lines, the left side red and the right side blue and use the vectors to construct the columnar presentation of month, day, century and year.  I'll draw you one mathematic implication of this one date of five of the Major Motors campaign, now expanded to a table of numbers.

The sum of months reduces is 14 for the red vector and 3 for the blue vector.  The sum of days is 12 for the red vector and 16 for the blue vector.  These number reduce to the single digits 5, 3, 3, 7.

It did not make sense to me so I slept on in August 18 and 19 and then it hit me.... this is what I saw when I opened my workbook on August 20:

The small and large angles of Pythagoras' great 345 triangle.

*** ***

I didn't recognize Pythagoras' angles for two days after having derived them.  I went to bed each night pondering Major Motors and, ultimately I woke up recognizing the discovery.  Now the question; is it simply a teaser that I find to keep me involved in deciphering studying Mr. Gann's work?  Or is it the first step in understanding the relationships of numbers in Major Motors?  Or is it both?

There is far far more to Major Motors, some of which I have now figured out, most of which I am sure I have not.  This is only 1 of five dates of Major Motors price extremes.  The study is ongoing but I'll tie this small discovery of "Dee's map" to my concurrent study of the 1929 stock market top and crash.  You'll recognize the following as a colorful excerpt of the Map of Time (which again was made available for free two years ago):

You'll see the date '9/3/1929' highlighted in red.  You'll see the ascrostic words "map" highlighted in orange, "saw" highlighted in tan and "Dee" highlighted in red.

Saw Dee Map

If you didn't follow me on all this, cut to the chase and do this last step yourself.  Go to the first printing of The Tunnel, flip to page 404 and lift the first and last letters of the 7 lines. Dee's map and the cross enabled WD Gann to numerological predict the 1929 top and encode it into his book published in 1927.

Though I will not present the derivation, I have interpreted via the Torah Code method, encoded  words that form the comment that how amazing is it that time and space are related by the Biblical cross.  The cross relates, in some mathematic way, historic events, number denominated event, that repeat.

This is more to the August 20, 2018 date than a mathematic insight; there is, I believe, a comment about the time in which we live.  The time of the 266th Pope.

Jim Ross

Friday, August 17, 2018

Never say never; January 26, 2018 was the top and October 14/15 will be bad

I've continued to work between diversions and have made discoveries.  I am humbled that there seems to be so much of natural law explained by the encoded texture of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and its "Map of Time."  Were I rename it, the Map of Time would become the Map of SpaceTime as post Einstein physics no longer considers time and space as separate.  The thought extended, perhaps I might rename it Map of Gravity because the nature of gravity is presently thought to be that tapestry of the great void that was called the "ether."  Not so void after all.  But reprising my most recent studies into physics is only one of those diversions on which Mr. Gann has led me and not my intent.

So much explained by Mr. Gann, in my opinion, but without any result; I can't predict didly.

One very interesting development however and the point of this essay;  October 14/15, 2018 in our immediate future and January 26, 2018 in our recent past.  I'll explain.

I arrived at the former date embarking from the date September 3, 1929.  If you don't know that 1929 date, you should probably stop reading.  Via the Map of Time, I traced the 1929 date from its descending line 14830 to its counterpart.  September 3, 1929 was in chapter XXXV of The Tunnel, which is actually section 40 (when you count the cover flap, cover page, dedication, Foreword, rear flap as sections) of the book.  The ascending line counterpart is line 512.  You'll find September 2 and 3, 2013 on that line, but you do not have the updated Map of Time.  Remember, the last date of the Map of Time was June 21, 2016.  You needed to revise the Map by adding another 84 years.

When you do that, as I did in 2016, you find counterpart line number 512 is in chapter II, which is the section 7 of the book.  Then I applied Mr. Gann's formula:

Mr. Gann finds the cycle (chapter) he is in and then finds out what happened in that chapter (the past) and how to apply it to the counterpart chapter (present/future.  [Hmm, I find the above on page 77 of the 7th section of The Tunnel, go figure.]  So, I did.

I extrapolated line number 101 of Chapter XXXV (153 lines long) to Chapter II (401 lines long) and I arrived at the line 263 of that chapter, the first of the two subject dates above, October 14/15 (there are two dates on each line).

Notice the red highlighted acrostic/telestic letters spell "fate" or "date."  Very important.

If you take half the number 263 because there are 2 dates on each line, and move upwards from line 263, you arrive at chapter line number 395/396:

That line gives January 26.  One of my last "predictions" is that January 26, 2018 was the final great high of the bull market that began March 9, 2009.  My rationale, as I recall, was wrong, but this recent line of research indicates WD Gann agrees on the answer.  But whether or not there's another high isn't critical.  Its the October dates.

Now, October 14/15, 2018 and "fate" "date."  I find the words "fate" and/or "date" encoded/appended to or surrounding every great decline sequence in the Dow as found in Wikipedia.  Here is the 1929 excerpt from the Map of Time:

The tan acrostic/telestic letters twice spell "fate" and "date" surrounding dates highlighted in red.  You should recognize October 4, 1929 as the first wave low of the 1929 crash, October 11, 1929 as the wave two recovery top.  You'll also recognize three of the largest percentage down days in Dow history; October 29 and 31 and November 6.  Of course the crash sequence of the first larger wave down completed November 13, 1929.  And of course, that greater wave one was only the beginning of the market decline and Great Depression.

I'll not explain it in any more detail than that or try to otherwise prove it to you.  Simply write down the two dates (the earlier one of which is manifest as a high and likely the final great high) and realize I got there via the mathematic path of the Map of Time; the encoding merely supports the mathematic path I first envisioned.  Then, of course, look back in two months to see if it happened.

*** ***

So very much more, so very disturbing.  But I am so unsure that I actually understand what I think I know.  And so much I know I don't know.

Oh, by the way, section 40, being 154 lines long and section 7 being 402 lines long; that gives you a pretty good approximation of Phi^2.  And if you extrapolate the top September 3, 1929 of $386.10 plus the lines (2 days per line) from that date to January 26, 2018 by Phi, you come pretty close to the high on January 26, 2018:

I would hope coming so close but just short means the market is due for one last high.  I don't think so, but that's me.  I don't claim to know, just to observe.

Jim Ross