Sunday, June 8, 2014

Gann speaking from the beyond?

Now in the nth reading of WD Gann's Tunnel Thru The Air (TTTA).  Two notations of great interest to me have been Mr. Gann's unusual reference to St Malachy's prophecy of the 266th Pope and the circumstances of Marie Stanton's disappearance and return.

About the 266th Pope, St Malachy prophecies characterized the popes that would thereafter reign.  His prophesy indicated the 266th Pope would be the last.  Gann notes St Malachy's prophesy would be characterized as "unwavering faith" and I find Pope Francis in Wikipedia characterized as "unwavering orthodox."  St Malachy's prophecy is heaped in controversy, some believing Nostradamus was the ghost author.  Regardless, Gann diverts to the prophecy on page 82 and says:

To those who understand numbers, "266" reveals some remarkable events that are to follow the election of the new Pope. It shows that wars are not yet over and that Europe will have troublesome conditions and in fact, the entire world must yet pass thru a very evil period between 1926 and 1932. 

Surely Gann knew the number of the Pope in the 1920s and it wasn't remotely close to the 266th Pope.  Therefore, he was referring to the future period when the 266th Pope is elected.  Our period.  [Actually, I believe he was referring to both that period of 1926 to 1932, but more important to us, he was referring to our period.]

Now, for a quick overview for those without a background in TTTA, WD Gann's fictional 1920s love, financial and war story that, as he put it in the Foreward, contained a veiled secret.  The hero, Robert Gordon (RG), wooes Marie Stanton (MS) to elope.  They meet June 5, 1927 on the Sunshine Special (a train) with the intent of marrying the next day.  RG and MS turn in for the evening in separate train compartments (how quaint and proper were those things in the 1920s) and MS turns up missing the next day having left a note that said "According to your faith, be I unto you….Time proves all things….I will come to you when I mean the most and your need is the greatest."

So MS leaves in 1927 and does not return until much later.  In the interim, RG conquers the markets (commodities and equities) while inventing airships that enable the US to conquer its foes in the greatest World War.  In the wake of the great US triumph, RG becomes the Supreme Commander of the World and addresses a great congregation of world leaders on August 30, 1932.  Following the address that day, MS returns to RG.

That's the set up.  Gann is speaking to our generation as signaled by the 266th Pope.  Now apply the interval of MS' departure and return:

If the market topped Friday and the proposition above is true (a big 'if'), then Gann was off by…..2 calendar days.  Pathetic.

The astro interval coincidence surrounding the 1927 and 1932 dates is incredible in my accountant's (as opposed to astrologist) opinion.


Note:  TTTA researchers.  I'm truly a Gann amateur, do not know Gann's veiled secret and have struggled since my first reading of TTTA in 1974.  Be gentle with me in your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. And it gets more interesting:

    The 9/3/1929 top bears a relation to the entire interval that is one half the number of the 266th Pope to which Gann mysteriously referred.



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