Curiously, I've previously researched but not found his name on the registry. That's another story.
If you recall, you'll find the names of many of the US warriors of World War II as fictional characters in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air." You'll find the rank of Robert Gordon, that being "Allied Commander," a rank first given in all of military history to Dwight D. Eisenhower, in World War II. You'll find the name "Nagato," the name of the fictional General of the Japanese forces in TTTTA. In real life, from the bridge of the Japanese Imperial Navy's flagship Nagato was given the command to attack the US Navy at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.... "Tora, Tora, Tora" as the legend goes.
WD Gann's prediction of World War II is richly documented in plain sight TTTTA. I have documented that prophecy as the "Third Manifest Prophecy." It has been a source of perceived personal failure that I could not document Mr. Gann's having prophesied the attack on Pearl Harbor that day of infamy, December 7, 1941.
With my discovery of the five Torah Code paths in the WD Gann "Map of Time," I have discovered that prediction:
In tan highlight at the left above "12/7/1941."
In highlighted green you see the acrostic letter 'a' and telestic letter 'e.' Those are the letters of the word P ea r l. Using the five paths of the Torah Code that I have described in recent previous essays and the line numbers 162 and 1729, you can find the contiguous acrostic/telestic letters P, r and l.
In highlighted light blue you will see the acrostic letters 'b' and 'a' and the telestic letter 'h' of the word "H a r b or." Using the five paths of the Torah Code, aforementioned, and the line numbers 1730, 1731, 163 and 164, you can find the contiguous acrostic/telestic letters r, o and r.
If you use the Torah Code as described you will find Pearl Harbor associated with the date December 7, 1941. I will not do it for you or describe the Torah Code rules to word construction further. I am satisfied and, in my world, that is all that matters. But it does not end there.
Trace the cumulative ascending line numbers 1730 and 1731 that is highlighted in yellow to those same responsive descending line numbers:
The cumulative descending line numbers 1730 and 1731 in yellow, the letters "I" and "I" in red bookending the letters "saw" in blue.
Put it together, "I saw Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941" encoded and written in a book that was published in 1941.
I am at peace with that long lingering concern. WD Gann predicted the largest attack on the Homeland; 9/11. He predicted the Pearl Harbor as well.
There's yet more. If you do not try to navigate through the Torah is difficult and intuitive. A doubter, a randomite, will spend maybe an hour and fail and I'll not waste my time doing it for them only to have them continuing to doubt. Its easy to doubt. Doubting comforts the doubter, creates self importance, elevates the vapid to supremacy without any effort.
There is more, even for the simple minded, unbelieving doubter. Read the narrative adjacent to the date, December 7, 1941. It is Revelation 39:11, the valley of Gog where the dead of the first nation founded under God, Israel, are to be buried. And the United States is the second nation, and only other nation, founded under God.
*** ***
I am spending hours, days decoding the Torah Code in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Through the Air." I've called it the "Map of Time," the "Weekly Map of Time," WD Gann's Torah Code, the "three deep path".... I am admonished in the words I find, time and again, it is not Man's Torah Code. It is divine. That perhaps Lord Francis Bacon encoded its results in the King James Version of the Holy Bible in that first translation, that WD Gann lifted its spirit and placed it in an unusual book that promised the secrets of the future as an "open book" to those who would "seek and find"....
It is not a mortal device, it is the Word.
A person with an inquiring mind might consider the date of Foreword of "The Tunnel Thru the Air," that being May 9, 1927. It sums to the number "33." And to what two-digit number does the Holy name of God, that being Jehovah or "The Magic Word," enumerated by the table of values found in Luo Clement's "The Ancient Science of Numbers".... to what two-digit number does 'His' name reduce?
I won't do that work for you. If you won't do the work, you don't deserve the answer.
Jim Ross
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