Saturday, February 10, 2018

The perfect name; Luo Clement and the trading week beginning February 19

A world class research librarian and a WD Gann student once remarked to me, as I've before reminisced, "How I've wondered about the perfection of the name Luo."  He, the librarian, was also a reader of Luo Clement's "The Ancient Science of Numbers," and I'd be remiss if I didn't also note the subtitle "The First Book of Instruction."

What did he mean, the perfect name, Luo?  I'll give you the meaning, as I read it into what he'd said, and the punch line as well:

"Luo" enumerates to 3 3 3.  Pretty nifty for WD Gann to create a name, Luo, the use of which as a first name is, according to my research, unique in all of North America.  In my research, I have not found a man named "Luo Clement."  Mr. Gann avoided the the trap that befell Francis Bacon.  Lord Francis Bacon, upon creating "William Shakespeare," allowed that name to be so closely aligned with the near illiterate horse tender, Willam Shakspur of Stratford, that posterity believes the author of those great works was other than the nobleman, scientist, philosopher, theologian, and student of John Dee.  But WD Gann knew, didn't he.  We find on page 126:

"Literary genius?"  Ah, Lord Bacon who, it is told, was tasked by King James to edit the first English translation of the Holy Bible, the King James Version of the Holy Bible, prior to its publication.  Perhaps not just the literary genius who attended to the KJV manuscript but authored the great plays to which we attribute the honor to a man who was not of nobility, hadn't any legal training, hadn't any formal education, had not traveled far beyond Stratford....

As I read God's Torah Code encoded in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air,"  I find, unmistakably, reference to Bacon having encoded the KJV.... just as WD Gann encoded his "The Tunnel Thru the Air."

How does this tie back to Luo Clement?  Where do I find the above passage regarding the Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban?  I find the excerpt on page 126 which reduces to 9.  On what day was Francis Bacon born?  April 9, 1626...  His birth number is 9.  I was disappointed to see that "Francis" enumerates to 7 making his Luo Clement birth and name number 9 7.  Still, the 9 permeates the Count's existence.  Of the totality, the birth number is the eminent.

Page 126, to which the connection was made by another, is encoded in a plain sight anagram with the word "OROLO."  That is the pen name firm managed by WD Gann that published ads in about 1909 from his address at 120 Liberty Street, NYC, the present address of the 9/11 audio museum and the 'find' of my same librarian friend.  I stood in front of that address on June 21, 2015 and stared at it, not aware of its significance.

Pen names; William Shakespeare, OROLO, Luo Clement.  A modus operandi of great minds leaving "footprints on the sands of time."

Back to the contrived excellence of the pen name, "Luo Clement."  Its the 3s; isn't it just as the first insert above derives?  My librarian friend, as best I could tell from our exchange, was in wonderment of the first name being comprised of the Pythagorean equivalents of 3 3 3.  Perhaps he noticed, perhaps not, that the last name, alternately reconstructed out of the sum, 27, is mathematically 3^3 or 9 instances of 3 added.

In all, 12 instances of 3 between the first and last names.  12, one of Mr. Gann's favorite numbers, which, as well, reduces to ....3.

Nothing is wasted in WD Gann's works.  It seems, and I believe it so, every word has meaning.   Every letter has meaning.  As I parse God's Torah Code transcribed into the acrostic telestic encoding of "The Tunnel Thru the Air" I find that every acrostic letter and every telestic letter must be conflated to a word by search of the Torah Path to find the word that was intended to re assemble the thought being expressed.  There is an incredible "book within the book" within TTTTA.  I've only scratched the surface.

The perfect name...and Francis Bacon, according to my Baconian posture on the debate, begs the question "What is in a name...a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."  It is not who wrote it but the intended thought it invokes

*** ***

All of the above to what end?  Luo, 333....  what is on page 333 of TTTTA?

That is the question with which I had to get out of bed at an unconscionable hour.  I wake up with these thoughts every single day.  It is said Lord Bacon had a pen and paper on his night stand for when he arose with thoughts derived from his sleep.  It is said that sleep is when the soul reaches the cosmic intelligence and we awake with lingering thoughts of the experience and the result.  And so it was that I put on my robe and stumbled downstairs to read page 333 at, I was shocked to see, 3:33am illuminated on my cable company's box.  It was about the same time Marie wrote her letter.

Page 333, Robert Gordon's envisioning of his greatest invention, the tunnel thru the air.  Disappointing that there has not been a tunnel thru the air, as yet, invented, some 91 years later.  Or was that symbolic, a tunnel through air?  Was it, instead, the same tunnel that tunnel that he and Francis Bacon and Francis Bacon's teacher and mentor, John Dee had identified?  An invention that dates to and before the "divine plan" of the Great Pyramid, one that WD Gann said the world was "not ready" to believe or receive it, one that would come to the world when "it needed it the most"....

3am, June 5, 1927 or 6+5+1+9+2+7=30 reduced to 3, appearing on page 120 which reduces to 3

To myself and now posed as a question to you, I conclude the world will need Robert Gordon's actual greatest invention, a "tunnel thru time" in the immediately forthcoming years of tribulation.  But I cheat because I've read the Torah Code that is encoded and reflected in "The Tunnel Thru the Air."

Don't believe me?  That's fine.  I'm obviously vested in it.  Next week, the week beginning February12, according to my entirely fallible Elliott Wave interpretation (not the tunnel thru time), Friday's low completed the 'b' wave of an "irregular" (where the 'b' wave exceeds the starting point of the 'a' wave) implying the 'c' wave will be impulsive and will recover much of the lost ground since the January 26 high (1+2+6=9 or 3^3).  And EW would then be set to enter a dreaded wave 3, the wave 1 counterpart of which was the dramatic and historic decline from the January 26 high.  Wave 3s are thought to exceed their preceding wave 1s by Phi or Phi^2.  But we all know about the subjectivity of EW, don't we?

The Torah Code view, not a subjective view.  The week following next, that week beginning February 19, will contain, according to my reading of the Torah Code included in TTTTA, a great crash will occur, eclipsing the "slip" that occurred these last two weeks.  And the greatest of those down days will begin on my birth date, February 21 (which....reduces to 3).  The Torah Code prediction, in my estimation, comports with how I believe the subjective EW view will work out.

How big?  The Torah Code I located and highlighted in a previous essay described the predicted February 2, 2017 declines, two days were the largest point declines in history, as a "slip."  The Code describes the February 21 decline as a "crash."

If these things predicted as occurring the trading week beginning February 19 do occur, and I believe they will, then I'd refer you to Ezekiel 33:33.  And to the spirit of Marie's note.

Jim Ross

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