Recall my recent essay regarding "SPX and Gold" which indicates that if SPX tops at a 1902 close when the market reopens Tuesday, it effectively squared 1902 days from the 3/9/2009 low SPX close. Actually, 1902 calendar days from 3/9/2009 occurred yesterday, May 24, 2014 but since markets are not open on weekends and holidays, I give the benefit of the doubt to the next previous or subsequent trading day. So, Tuesday, in my experience, may be considered day 1902.
Now some facts. The low close for 1998 was 957 on August 31, 1998 even though the low intraday printed a tad lower at 923 on October 8, 1998. Helio Uranus was at 311 degrees.
So what is the geometric relation between the two periods?
And the sqrt(3) is the diagonal of the cube. Pretty significant.
So, 1902 calendar days from 3/6/2009 to this coming Tuesday squares price. And now we find a very meaningful relation between the beginning of the 17-year cycle and that same date in 2014. What next? You should have already noticed what comes next.
The lowest closing low on August 31, 1998 was 957. So what is the relation between price at that date and the indicated close, errr 1902 on the target date. 957 X 2 = 1914. 1914 vs 1902, very close. Perhaps we have an intraday high at 1914 and close 1902? Heck, there is a range of the intraday low of 923 and the lowest close of 957 which, when doubled, gives a range that is well within striking distance of SPX' current price.
The above is strong for me. The remainder gets a bit loose.
What has Uranus been doing during since 311* in 1998? Well, on 5/14/2014 its at 13* having moved 62* since 1998. Does that have a relation to price. Well, we don't know where price will end this 5-year rally so let's pick a number, say that 1914 which is double the 1998 low close. Price moved 1914 minus the lowest intraday low for 1998 which was 923 or 991. 991 divided by 62 is 15.984. If you divide by 10 you're darn close to an early Fibonacci iteration of Phi, 1.60 or Fib #8 divided by Fib #5.
Don't stop now. Looking at these relations on a Sq of 9 chart (unfortunately, my So9 chart won't shrink down to show Uranus on the outer square), you see, of course, Uranus in 1998 (black longitude line) near sextile Uranus in 2014 (purple longitude line). Interestingly, the black longitude line intersects cell 933 which was an intraday trade within 10 points of the lowest intraday low in 1998. So, does the purple 2014 longitude intersect any prices within reach of the current market? Sure, cell 1954. I guess maybe that 'ups the enny' from the 1914 intraday.
I'll be disappointed if next week isn't an interesting week. My read, given the stuff I've posted about QQQs possibly topping by the end of the week, is that bears may have a hard time.
But more importantly is how it all relates to the last 3 years of Cowan's 17-year cycle. Does the 3 year period begin forthwith? Or is Cowan wrong?
Courtesy of Trifon on the Thetaspendulum board, May 29 will be 923 days from the end of Bradley Cowan's Pentagonal Cycle on 12/7/2016. And the 1998 lowest low (intraday) was 923.34. Coincidence?
ReplyDeletePerhaps there's a void between the August 27 which I project for a closing high (today) and August 29 which might be inferred from the Trifon's observation. Or, perhaps we get the high close on one of the days and high intraday on the other.
Or perhaps it is an illusion. Always interesting to observe and anticipate nonetheless.
Did it again. I keep saying August and its clearly May for each of the dates.