***The Beginning***
The Beginning of what I consider the insightful period of my "journey" into "The Tunnel Thru the Air" was the enigma of the "6 eeeeee's." After read how Peter Amundsen found apparent Lord Francis Bacon acrostic and telestic encoding in certain Shakespeare's works, I gave it a shot and found the "6 eeeeee's:"
In red you will see six consecutive e's separated only my spaces corresponding the meaningful text of TTTTA having 3 purposes; to entertain, to teach a moral lesson and to show foreknowledge.
The "6 eeeeee's" are a statistical impossibility. The self proclaimed only man who could "make a prediction" based on page 69 of TTTTA ridiculed my wonder at the "6 eeeeee's" claiming one can make anything you want out of letters. He demonstrated to me the Socratic method found in the Apology. Socrates went to the self proclaimed greatest lawyer, greatest mathematician, greatest artist.... and asked the extent of his knowledge and was told each knew all about that which they knew. Socrates then knew that he was the smartest of all men for he, at least, knew that he did not know everything; he knew he could not know that which only God could know.
The "6 eeeeee's" are a creation of WD Gann 1) to alert the reader of the importance of the adjacent narrative, 2) to alert the reader the entire book to acrostic and telestic markers and messages throughout the book, 3) to represent the first of 84 similar telestic concatenations of the letter of 'e,' and 4) to make a prediction, itself.
The integrity of the "6 eeeeee's" rests in its statistical improbability. There are 15K lines in TTTTA so there are the same number of first letters in each line and last letters in each line. There is a finite number of 15K letters arranged consecutively as either an acrostic or a telestic; not an infinite population nor are the letters re arrangeable as in the Bible Code via its algorithm. Finite and pre arranged. The "6 eeeeee's" aren't a divine creation, they were contrived by a man, WD Gann. The statistical improbability is that, if all letters of the alphabet having an equal probability of being the last letter of a line, the probability of an 'e' ending a line is 1/26 just as the probability of a head occurring in a coin flip is 1/2. The probability of 2 consecutive heads in 2 tosses is a joint probability of 1/2 X 1/2 or 1/(2^2) or 1/4. The probability of 2 consecutive 'e's on two lines of text is 1/26 X 1 /26 or 1/(26^2) or 1/676.
The probability of "6 eeeeee's," given an equal probability of that letter's occurrence of of 26 letters, is 1 / (26^6), or "one divided by 26 to the 6th power" or 1 divided by 308,916,776. Actually, the 'given' in the above phrase is incorrect because 'e' happens to be a popular letter; more words end in 'e' than in 'x' for example. So, maybe the probability is 1 / (13^6).... I'll letter the true statisticians parse whether the ultimately improbability is 1 in 300 million or 1 in 150 million...it is small beyond comprehension.
***Three dates***
Date 2, is actually a period of time from March 2, 2016 to March 23, 2016. It is designated by the "6 eeeeees". The second date falls within the area covered by the '6 eeeeee's;" an area from lines 47 to 55 or dates of 3/2/2016 to 3/23/2016. This area might, poetically speaking, be expanded to include all lines between 45 and 55, inclusive. Why? because 45 and 55 are notable numbers and because that area covers the entirety of Mr. Gann's objectives of TTTTA.
The second date, a span of 21 days, falls within the lines of the 6 eeeeee's. I believe this correspondence to be very important.
What events in 1948 would mirror those in 2016? Again, revolution in France, Marx and Engels in Europe and Elizabeth Stanton (as in Marie Stanto) the symbol of women suffrage. I believe Mr. Gann gave us the greatest emphasis of "6 eeeeee's" to correspond the greatest of the events. The same themes in 2016; social upheaval in several perspectives (black vs white, Islam vs infidel, lower class vs wealthy, aristocracy and government dependents vs all others, the "war on women").
I reckon from there being a period, this period will be one of great strife; revolution of identifiable nature and significant proportion. As in 1848, I expect it will be put down but on that I'm unsure.
Date 3 is October 19, 2016. The third date is October 19, 2016 which I discovered in a contemporary movie critics liked but considered a 'b.' It is the movie "Knowing" with Nicholas Cage. October 19 is the date the world would end based upon a page of seemingly incomprehensible numbers that Cage realized represented every great disaster over 50 years; it was a "map of time." It was the means by which I discovered the encoding of September 11, 2001 in the MOT. And Cage ultimately discover October 19 would be the end of the world based upon the letters "EE." Here's the official trailer; use the enlarge button to avoid the distracting advertisement:
Notice the 'seeing eye' at the beginning of the trailer. Notice the contestation that 'number systems are a dime a dozen' and that 'people see what the want to see.' There is far more in the movie that comports with TTTTA, but are not related to the third date. One last note about Knowing however. The author/producer was Ryne Douglas Pearson. We find the noun Pearson in the TTTTA character, General Pearson, 45 times. We find the noun Douglas in the TTTTA character, Claire Douglass, 9 times. We don't find Ryne in the narrative. We find Ryne spelled 1 time as an acrostic word:
Look it up; page 330.
No, the world won't end on October 19, 2016 (I don't think). October 19, 2016 has great numerical resonance with 1929. It is 29 years removed from Black Monday in 1987 and three times 29 years removed from Black Thursday in 1929:
It does not end there; theosophic reduction of October 19, 2016 gives you 119, the reverse of 9/11. It also gives you page 119 of TTTTA where we find "All his happiness was blasted in a moment:"
I reckon from the above a terrorist attack will occur on October 19, 2016 that will have great impact on the stock market.
Date 1 will be February 22, 2016. I have changed the date found above in the MOT, February 24, 2016 to a date found one line below that date (indicating an error in my numeration of the lines and dates of TTTTA despite my 100s of hours devoted to perfecting it). October 19, 2016 is actually beyond the end of the 168-year MOT period which ends at mid year 2016. What, then, would be the historic reflection of October 19, 2016, early in the life of a new 168-year period, in the ending 168-year period? It would be about February 22, 2016:
There's always a "there's more." You see the computed date of the equidistant reflection of dates is February 20, 2016 and yet I say above February 22, 2016. IF the San Francisco earthquake happens, then it will be between February 20, 2016 and February 24, 2016 is my interpretation. And earthquakes are never isolated in a moment or day with preamble shocks and aftershocks happening days before and after. I select the day of February 22, 2016 because it is the birth date of George Washington, a great Mason and Founding Father of this nation. February 22 is also the 53rd day of the calendar year and one of the angles of the Pythagorean right triangle (90*, 53* and 37*). 53 is the a number symbolic of the Mason and of the Rosicrucian and revered by both. [It has not escaped notice that my birth date is February 21.]
I reckon, therefore, the predicted San Francisco earthquake will occur February 22, 2016 with preamble shocks from February 20 to February 24.
***The Final Problem***
....happened. (1)
Above from "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes," Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Adventure 11. I add the last word "happened" because I believe my journey is representative of those things Mr. Gann buried to "forewarn" the world of the "remarkable events" that would follow the election of the 266th Pope (page 82 of TTTTA).
Conscious of the narcissism that would pervade the following thought, I view myself now the Dr. Watson that chronicles the unspeakable genius of WD Gann. Whether this view is truthful or delusory is contingent first on the events of the three dates listed above; the first harbinger of which will be February 22, 2016. I am led to this point by incredible circumstances the number and character of which contradict all that I have been taught about a random world. Is the world random or is the world determined, at least to some great extent? Again, that "b" rated movie, "Knowing:"
Prediction isn't possible without determinism. It is impossible in a world of randomness. Nassim Taleb ("The Black Swan") tells us the "fat tail" statistical improbability of the number of one-day stock market declines exceeding 5% (from recollection, might be 10%) in the two centuries of American stock market operation exceeds the number of stars in the infinite universe...there aren't enough zeros to express that improbability. And yet, there are people and organizations that successfully game the system. The great Benoit Mandelbrot stood outside the foreign currency trading room of Citicorp in the mid 1980s wherein 40% of the world currencies were traded without commission. He was told it was the most profitable operation in that great bank and he remarked (from recall of his book) "This cannot be random."
"The Final Problem" has plagued me for weeks. It concerns the WD Gann Memorial Triangle (GMT) comprised of three points; A-the Statue of Liberty dedicated in 1887, B-the location of the fictional Mammoth Building at 42nd and Broadway, the site and time (1932) of the fiction "final battle" of TTTTA (which was actually both New York and Washington comprising one battle though separated in time) and C-the Green-Wood Cemetery, where WD Gann was buried in 1955 and which was also the location of the first organized battle of the Revolutionary War in 1776:
With those three points and that same timer interval (23 years) I demonstrated that 2001 was "triangulated" from the three points in time (1886, 1932 and 1955). Simply, to 1886 add 5X23 years to get 2001, to 1932 add 3X23 to get 2001 and to 1955 add 2X23 to get 2001. Mr. Gann triangulated the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in somewhat this fashion I expect. This is the 6th Prophecy explained beginning HERE.
The GMT is an incredible device that, I believe, holds the key to reckoning the mathematics and geometry put to the purpose of predicting exact time and place of future events; predicting the future in a Minkowski space (a concept in Einsteinian physics of special relativity associated with an area in space that is dominated by a gravity well-the earth's gravity well in or case).
The GMT is something much simpler for those of us who have not re discovered the actual physical and natural law described in the preceding paragraph. The easiest observation of the above is the 3 aforementioned points of the triangle are separated by 23, 46 and 69 years or multiples of 23. The problem I had was why 1955? Well, yes, Mr. Gann was a great man and, having seen what I've seen, the greater among himself and the great Albert Einstein. Mr. Einstein proposed special and general relativity in 1905 and 1915 (from recall), respectively. Mr. Gann discovered and implemented the former in my observation and opinion before the Ticker Interview in 1908. Still, why would 1955 be so important despite his greatness?
So the final problem is this; why 1955 and what is the intended composition of the GMT?
We understand the nature and gravity of point A; it is the symbolic dedication of the nation to freedom under God, the elimination of slavery, the uplifting of the lowly... in 1886. It is the circular as the Island of the SOL is near circular with the design of the "Tree of Life."
We might stretch to understand the otherwise fictional point B, the site of the 110-story Mammoth Building for it is the located at the site of the present Conde Nast Building at 42nd and Broadway. The fictional battle of New York occurred July 4, 1932, substantially the bottom of the Great Stock Market Crash that began in 1929 and the Conde Nast now the home of the NASDAQ.
Yet again why is point B 1955? Because 1955 is just a clue contrived by Mr. Gann (prescient, of course, of when the year in which he would die). The real point B is not 1955; it is the site of the first battle of the Revolutionary War in 1776. I'll provide the numerical proof of Mr. Gann's intention...he left the final proof on his gravestone. Below are the clues we will need:
Better defined, the problem is I cannot "triangulate" the three points in time redefined as 1776, 1886 and 1932 to the year 2016. See the ???? above. I "know" the clues I am given will triangulate 2016 as the originally defined GMT triangulated and predicted the 2001 attacks. I lived with this deep enigma for months and then I knew. But I couldn't solve those question marks.
I can triangulate the Statue of Liberty dedication in 1886 to 2016 with the combined life span of Mr. and Mrs. Gann or 130 years (a measurement of time). I can triangulate the first battle of the Revolutionary War in 1776 with 2016 using a measurement of space that being 30" X 8" = 240. Interpreted as years we have 1776 + 240 years and we have 2016.
But what about 1932, the bottom of the stock market crash of 1929? Sherlock Holmes taught Dr. Watson that the detective has an advantage; he knows the answer so he can work backwards to find clues, then develop theories and then test the theories against data to eliminate those theories without merit. What is left, however implausible is the truth. The answer is 84 year or 2016 minus 1832. That noteworthy page of TTTTA that give us this short discussion:
As often it does, the question confronted me every night as I tried to sleep and every morning when I awoke when, ultimately, I awoke with the answer this weekend. The answer 84 is a comprised of a time component and a space component. It is the years of Mr. Gann's life plus the depth of the gravestone AND the years of Sadie Gann's life plus the planar measurement of the gravestone:
And there we have it, the answer to The Final Problem. From Mr. Gann's clues, the year, 2016, is proven by numbers. Just as Mr. Gann told us in the acrostic and telestic encoding of the TTTTA, NUMBER is the If and Why of all things:
I take liberties with my interpretation of the above, but do not make excuse nor will demur.
***The End***
Not the end of my journey but the end game. What does the derivation of the final answer being 2016 mean? What does the end of the MOT period of 168 year portend? What if it is not merely an ending of a MOT period but the end of a Biblical Great Week epoch?
I believe it means the "nation as founded" (to use the vogue phrase), ends. This interpretation somewhat comports with Jonathan Cahn's thesis expressed in "The Harbinger," the same Isaiah 9:10/11 interpretation I find in TTTTA (the 110-story, the cedar, the falling buildings of Robert Gordon's 7 days aka, falling stones....). That the second of only two nations founded under God will face judgement and the removal of the Grace of God. It is the symbolic Statue of Liberty of 1886 plus the combined life spans of the Gann's of 130 year equals the year 2016. And what is the message we find on page 130 of TTTTA?
These are not my messages. I'm merely the stooge finite mathematician who stumbled on a problem that he can't put down. Perhaps my interpretation of Mr. Gann's work is flawed...in many respects I haven't a doubt it is. But I've laid out the vast majority of facts, circumstances and patterns which have caused me to believe as I do. You can replicate the work I have done in all substantial respects.
IF, after diligently performing that work, you agree, then you have a responsibility to yourself, then to your family, then to others as explained on page 83 of TTTTA:
I doubt one of the of the very few people that read this blog and the even fewer that have more than a modest understanding of TTTTA, as persons of math and science, will undertake the challenge to prove my work to themselves and then act in the spirit of the plea reprised above. I hope to be proven wrong.
In fact, I hope to be proven wrong about all that which I have written because...for otherwise, the coming years will not be good ones for the United States and the world.
Jim Ross
(1) A footnote. Dr. Watson did not know the whole truth. Sherlock staged his death from the Reichenbach Fall after having done away with Moriarty. He staged his own death to go undercover to ferret out the vast tentacles of Moriartiy, eliminate them and then be free to regain his own life. So when you read that I, as did Dr. Watson, am the only one who "knows" WD Gann....well, Dr. Watson didn't "know" after all. Now did he? Nor do I. Do your own work, find that which is good and hold fast to that which is good.
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