As if I were the first to notice; its great when you get older because you can experience a 'new' epiphany ever day out of subject matter to which you previously expressed wonder.
- Each stock in a grouping has a unique rate of vibration.
- Stocks resolve to a periodic motion following any impulse that dislodges them.
- A stock's properties (vibration, periodicity, reaction to an impulse) 'recur' just as its own weight of vibration increases...the periodic table of elements.
I've suggested Mr. Gann was a world class Einstein class physicist; perhaps the latter's superior. I've suggested Mr. Gann was the 1920's Einstein Essay Prize Editor who moderated that contest appearing in a half dozen issues of Scientific American. The link to that series of articles is a singular September 18, 1920 advertisement in "The Publishers Weekly:"
That same book announced in the opening leafs of Luo Clement's (who is a non de plume of WD Gann as I have claimed) "The Ancient Science of Numbers" named "Numerical Vibrations" which there isn't any record of having been written...9 years later someone is trying to purchase a copy.
And that same day we find the mysterious "Einstein Editor" writing in his essay of that date that a perfectly serviceable calculation of Einsteinium special relativity might be had out of the use of Descartisian coordinates and Euclidian geometry:
At least, as a finite mathematician (accountant) I claim my synopsis might be had from the above by virtue of our existing in a Minkowski gravity well (earth's gravitational field) where time is not altered by acceleration, gravitation.
Now flip back to the Ticker Interview quote. Realizing (I realize, others are less 'out there' with me) we are dealing with a physicist who is relating physical (physics) natural law to the stock market, we need to be relating rules of the periodic table to stocks according to their weight and class-inferred characteristics. The story of the development of the periodic table (Lavoisier, Newlands and Mendeleev) is an incredible one of "deductive science;" ah Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Elements can be classified by their weights and according to the class of their mathematic weight each element in a class exhibits characteristics of their class.
Okay, okay, you get all that from the plain reading the paragraphs in the Ticker Interview following the opening citation. But what you don't get is the connection to Luo Clement (aka WD Gann, IMO) or the level of application of physics. Most of all you don't get the implication; a stock's "atomic weight" and its classification on the periodic table of stock elements is its "Numerical Vibration...which was never published...explicitly.
Where is this going? I've predicted a yet to occur earthquake based on the WD Gann Map of Time (MOT) its reflection of the earthquakes that occurred in 1848 and 1906. At this point, the prediction is based on a device that we (I) perceive that a person left in a book; the MOT. The prediction, as stated, depends on a subjective perception (my perception) of another person's encoded device. The device is the problem. Did I interpret the device correctly?
Moreover, what is the device based upon? Well, it must be a result of either WD Gann's mistaken understanding of 'nature law,' my misunderstanding of his understanding, must be based on real natural law and will therefore manifest. The device is not "the thing." "The thing" is the natural law applied to time and stocks should be as real as the prediction of the boiling point of hydrogen. If the device is correct, then there should be a mathematical formulation that is "the thing."
So, how do we categorize stocks similar to the categorization of elements? Where do we find the atomic weight, if you will, of a stock or a nation or a....person? I'd submit we find the means to classify all things according to characteristics they will exhibit is the methodology we find in "The Ancient Science of Numbers." It all 'hangs' together; WD Gann, Luo Clement, the Einstein Editor and the understanding of how stocks vary according to 'natural law.'
The stock market was simply the laboratory of this great physicist, WD Gann. From his "Master Course for Stocks."
I had a smile on my face the other day when a reader suggested 'my' prognosis for dire problems in the stock market comported with WD Gann's "The Financial Table" which, as he accepted was based on the North Node. It was as if the device, "The Financial Table" was the acid test of natural law. Not mocking him in any way because, if anything is certain, I don't know. But so it should be understood, the MOT isn't anything other than a man made device interpreted by a person who doesn't know any better (knows a hell of a lot less in fact). The MOT, should it be found valid by time and events, is twice removed, from natural law; WD Gann's formulation and my interpretation. The search cannot stop at the MOT.
If the personal interpretation of the man-created device MOT proves valid (predictions of the year 2016), then there must be a mathematic natural law that is the source of the prediction. Acrostically encoded on page 36 (interesting number, 36 at 1/10th of the circle) of "The Tunnel Thru The Air:"
I offer "Number is the if and why of all things." I can envision Pythagoras nodding his head in approval. Or is it delusion; the "23 enigma?"
Jim Ross
ReplyDeleteA very obvious and important connection between the periodic table and Gann/Gurdjieff is that the periodic table in the form that we know it is arranged in octaves. Elements with the same "note" (for example the noble gases with a complete 8/8 outer electrons) behave very similarly (vibrate sympathetically).
Also, the word "periodic" relates to vibration as well. A rhythmic impulse has a period, as well as amplitude and wavelength.
Finally, Walter Russell, who from what I gather "got it", at least some of it in terms of Gann's occult knowledge, proposed the following periodic table in 1926. Looks kindof like the SQ9 no?
Be well Jim
Ah yes, Russell Smith's 'Cosmic Secrets' and the periodic table explained by the math of diatonic scale. Great connection. I need to do a refresher on that chapter.
ReplyDeleteWalter Russell, very interesting guy. I 'need to read.'
He didn't suggest the GFT was the acid test of Natural Law, but that it has worked astoundingly well for 100 years. Common acceptance suggests it is based on the Node, but that is not necessarily so. The GFT indicated the high in 2000, the low in 2002-2003 and the high/panic in 2007-8...not all that dusty!
ReplyDeleteIf the MOT is correct then many events of the past 10 years should be able to be proven in hindsight surely? Do we really have to wait until next year?
I agree, he did not suggest that. My how, as Gurdjieff said, what one says and intends to be understood is misinterpreted by the perception of the receiver. Language is an inadequate medium by which we think we provide a thought which is seldom received, if ever, accurately.
ReplyDeleteGurdjieff's synthesis was the student's contemplation of self and the mathematics of the octave applied to all things. WDG's method would, it seems to me, would be to lead the student into a struggle to understand enigma. The former teacher tells you to do what will be in your benefit (concentrated study) and the latter would entice you into the same activity but with Philo's enigmas. Either way, self study.
The MOT remains difficult for me to 'prove.' Like the GFT, it can only be somewhat accurate. I have great success in correlating inventions. But with natural disasters and political events...its just tough trying to understand history from 168 years ago (1848 versus 2016)...the granularity of the data is not good.
I'd consider the GFT a more specific kind of MOT; one that is attended to the 'vibration' of Clement number of traded markets.
An experiment. the repetition of 1848 in 2016 , as I've explained in previous essays, there will be an earthquake, a great disease outbreak, a great migration (as the Irish into the US), a year of revolution and a major market panic. I'd expect the last item, panic, would be supported in the GFT. What is 2016 supposed to be like in the GFT?
Thanks for the correction,
2016 is "Low prices" akin to 1997-98. Being a time where we are moving into the midpoint of the cycle, it is unlikely corrections will be severe and is more likely to be sideways with ups and downs here and there
ReplyDeleteThe last 2 cycles correlate well (97 and 78) for 2016 (I can't attach charts)..lows around Feb, highs around July, lows around Oct
I'll try to remember your interpretation of the GFT...its much more introspective that my reading would have been. I've got to keep in mind that the GFT was a device, whether constructed from the north node or simply correlative of it and Saros, and that it will be as imperfect as I expect the MOT is. The GFT is a device for markets as its name and obvious purpose suggests. The MOT is for nations and events of mankind. I believe Mr. Gann leaves clues to that effect in TTTTA. As it is intended for a more general purpose, I don't believe it gives guidance as to markets except they will be similar to the MOT reflective period. The MOT reflective period is 1848 and there was a financial panic. It is very hard to imagine what the size of that panic would be because there wasn't a NYSE, stock quotes, etc back then.
ReplyDeleteThe types of things the MOT might demonstrate would be the 1848 cholera epidemic, a great earthquake, a wave of revolutions and the general dimension of a financial panic.
It will be interesting to see how this works out. In statistics we have type 1 error and type 2 error. Type 1 is we accept an incorrect hypothesis. Type 2 is we reject a correct hypothesis. In the study of the MOT, we have 3 errors; 1) Mr. Gann was wrong, 2) Jim's interpretation of Mr. Gann was wrong and 3) Mr. Gann never intended any of this and Jim imagined it.
We see this time next year,