It was two days ago I made a further perceived connection. I'd earlier made the connection that I had been standing at Mr. Gann's grave at noon of the summer solstice, 60 summer solstices and 3 days after Mr. Gann's death. The connection I made is that my arrival "home" at Newport RI at 4:20pm was, when converted from daylight savings time, was the same moment that Mr. Gann passed, 3:20pm, separated by 60 years and 3 days.
I really don't consider that a biggee. But "things" add up. I thought it notable.
Consider this one. We find the 1950 "The Magic Word" was reissued as a second edition by Renato P. Alghini in October 1979 and a copy might be viewed at I expect Mr. Alghini considered "The Magic Word" worthy of reprinting where it may not have been a best seller. A little more context. I understand (not being a WD Gann historian, only an avid fan of "The Tunnel Thru the Air) Mr. Alghini was an associate or employed by Mr. Gann for 7 years. He must have picked up a little something. I read it was Mr. Alghini who observed that Mr. Gann frequently took his Square of 9 calculator on visits to the floor at the markets.
Here's the teaser. As mentioned, Mr. Alghini added to TMW a preface to the second edition in which he poses the question in the last paragraph:
"No other conclusion makes sense." Would a person, knowing of an invaluable secret, admit his knowledge during his lifetime? But that's the teaser.
Where's the "meat" you say? Would Mr. Alghini NOT know the span of Mr. Gann's life? I don't think so. Yet we find added to the second edition of TMW the following portrait (on the left):
Wow, Mr. Alghini, inexplicably, was a year off in the year of passing and 9 years off on the date of birth. He was 0 for 2 in his tribute to a man he obviously admired if not, with whom he conspired. And might we guess was his neighbor in Miami in later years of their lives (I don't know either way)?
But that's not the "meat." Anyone who reads this blog knows my many recounts of Mr. Gann's planting, in my opinion, of the wondrous number '69.' We know that Mr. Gann lived 77 years and 12 days. Wonderful numbers, 77 which is also 7X11, and 12. 7 and 12 are numbers Mr. Gann liked a lot. 12 can be reduced to 3, also a respected number. Robert Gordon's birth date, his office street number on Wall Street; 69. 69, which is composed of the wonderful number 6 which might be inverted (flipping top to bottom and left to right) to produce its twice mirror image, 9? 69, the number of years and days between TTTTA's Battle of Washington and the World Trade Center attack according to the "6th Manifest Prophecy." But where is 69 on Mr. Gann's stone?
Mr. Alghini, I believe quite purposefully, misprinted Mr. Gann's life span to create a duration of 69 years. I expect that's the reason....but that's me.
I no longer believe in coincidence.
A final notation as opposed to anecdote. We are in the 168th and final year of the "WD Gann Map of Time," a map created from the number of lines of "The Tunnel Thru the Air." This 168th year spans from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 and is a 1/15th component of the Biblical "Great Week" of 2520 years (either lunar or solar). According to the clues in TTTTA I am persuaded to believe we are in the last year of the 168th year of a MOT cycle. According to my research, it seems we may be in the 2520th year of a Great Week, but I have far less confidence in this last observation.
Historical events repeat according to the Great Week as well as at the smaller cycles, 168 years being one such component. We would therefore expect 2016 to mirror the year 1848 and, perhaps, the events of a Great Week ago.
1848 was a year of revolution in Europe giving rise to nations; it was a year of new national identities, new freedoms and has been characterized as the "Spring of Nations." In the United States, 1848 saw the end to the Mexican American War in which a great southwest portion of the US was taken from Mexico. 1848 also saw the emergence of American warriors who would play roles in the Civil War within two decades thereafter; Grant, Lee, Jefferson Davies, Sherman (totally out of recollection). 1848 saw the divisions of "black and grey" between those who believed the Mexican American War was an unjust exercise in expansion and those who considered it destiny...and the issue of whether new territories should adopt slavery. Many observe 1848 sowed the seeds of the Civil War....national revolution.
A Great Week ago (based on a lunar interpretation of the Great Week previously posted), the Jews were expelled from Judah...."The Exile."
Do we now hear echoes of 1848? Where the European Union has emerged from the Spring of Nations, has it been reversed in the face of Islamic immigration to the extent nations are building walls and citizens are arming themselves? Is the EU Balkanizing (neither positive or negative connotations intended) as the opposite now where in nations were emerging in 1848? Will the Jews be exiled from Old Jerusalem or will the opposite occur, or will nothing happen? In the US, has the hispanic immigration largely taken back the southwest? Is the growing divides between wealth distribution, between race, between socialism and freedom, sewing the seeds of revolution...the opposite of nation building in 1848?
And yesterday I hear a leading presidential candidate espouse, no doubt not intended to be taken literally, "political revolution." Are the seeds of something bigger being sowed, however unintentionally, in this year of 2016?
Jim Ross
I had no idea 1848 was such an important and formative year.
"It remains the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history"
And the great Marlborough NZ earthquake occurred October 16, 1848...76 days after the beginning of the present 168 year cycle.
ReplyDeleteUsing the mechanics of the MOT, the comparable date would be 76 days before the end of the MOT on June 30, 2016. That would be April 15, 2016 (the due date for Federal tax returns).
Previously I've predicted that earthquake to occur in January 2016 through a calculation that triangulates with the 1848 quake, 1906 San Francisco quake and 1958 Alaskan quake. I'm not sure on the finer point of the date...I'm pretty sure about 2016. We'll see.
What is your standard of proof that you are holding yourself to? Just to play devil's advocate, there is an earthquake somewhere practically every week it seems like. What is the minimum magnitude and time window should one occur that you will give yourself credit for properly divining? Any specific locale?
ReplyDeleteYou know I am a huge supporter of your work, but I just want to save you from unintentionally creating one of those vague prophecies that is too opaque NOT to occur.
Thanks Jim
Standard of proof; simply a preponderance of evidence that I have developed. I haven't any doubt Mr. Gann could "compute" the future both as laid out in the Bible AND as according a combination of math, geometry and physics. The two methods are the reflections of the same thing; natural law.
ReplyDeleteThe question of the earthquake is separate from the issue of whether Mr. Gann could do it. That first question is wholly resolved in my research and to anyone who reads my wrestling to uncover evidence with a self satisfying mind and the willingness to replicate my work. I doubt, no I am certain, there isn't a person who will spend the dozens or hundreds of hours in re creating the MOT.
The second question and the one about which I have complete doubt is that "I" can replicate Mr. Gann's work at this time. If "I" am wrong, that doesn't mean Mr. Gann is wrong. My work on the MOT this last week proves to me I am off on the predicted earthquake. First, the 1958 Alaskan earthquake should not be off two months or whatever. You're somewhat right, earthquakes occur somewhere every day, but not 7+ earthquakes. And I'm wrong because the Alaska earthquake is too far off in days.
On the other hand, how do we not know a sub oceanic earthquake >7 did NOT occur on the comparable MOT date in 1958 relative to the 1906 earthquake? We cannot.
So, I have to revert to the exact interpretation of the MOT. The earthquake would occur on birthdate 2/21/2016. Reduced, that would be 2 3 9 and 2 X3 would be 6, concatenated with the 9 you have.....69.
I'll be posting a correction in the "2016 part 2 of 4" series. I have discovered several minor errors in the MOT and have many more insights.
I can't make this 'stuff' up...I'm just not smart enough.
I understand, and in no way meant that as an attack on the vast effort your have put towards this undertaking. I understand that you are attempting to replicate a master's work, something not easily done, and a process rife with error.
ReplyDeleteYour point about the earthquake records is true. As Gann said, easy to predict future if we have enough data about the past. There are no worldwide sub oceanic records from the past. That data set would be invaluable.
Keep up the good work Jim
I didn't take offense at all. In fact, I took it as a moment to collect thoughts on which I'd been dwelling most of this last weekend and to introduce the correction to the prediction I've made. I don't expect to make that part 2 of 4 post for a couple days; I have some work yet to do.