The birth number (the single digit reflection of the day of the month born) is the first of the two numbers judging from Luo Clement's methodology of evaluation that begins on page 109, Chapter IX, "The Supreme Test." The birth number, as described on page 36 of TASON is the immutable negative influence which is shaped by the changeable name number (the Pythagorean single digit of the given name or assumed name) which is the positive influence.
Both Donald Trump's "number" of 5-5 and Hillary Clinton's 4-8 are internally harmonic as both are in the same triad. Donald is in the 1-5-7 trained and Hillary is in the 2-4-8 triad. Interestingly, Mr. Clement comments on page 68 that "The most antagonistic vibrations to a 5 are 8 and 11." Hillary is 8-4, both of the same triad and singularly antagonistic to any 5...and Don is supremely 5. They people are not "soul mates."
On the negative side, Donald has a drawback about which Luo Clement felt necessary to comment (pages 40 and 41, respectively):
Far too many nuances of name numbers to evaluate but the character of harmony/inharmony of the birth and name numbers are the prime considerations and the further variables are refinement (again, I use as authority page 36 of TASON and the evaluation process utilized in Chapter IX, page 109, "The Supreme Test").
IF the election occurs in November 2016, about which I have concern, I'd expect Donald to prevail over Hillary. I find on page the following in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" concerning the "sign:"
WD Gann (pink above on June 6), Robert Gordon (pink, June 9) and Donald Trump's (green, June 14) birth month and day heading this page which indicates "a time for action rather than words;" each of these men born under the sign of Gemini.
Curiously, you see Mr. Gann describes the U.S. as under the sign of Gemini while July 4, as we think of the nation born the day of the Declaration of Independence is the sign of cancer. How do we reconcile that?
Not being an historian, I'd offer this. During the Constitution Convention held in 1787, five plans for the Constitution were presented, the earliest on May 29 and the latest on, perhaps June 18. Ultimately, the "Connecticut Compromise" was accepted on July 23, 1787 which is one day after the end of Gemini....perhaps we might expect the Compromise having been substantially reached one day earlier and monumented the next day.
So much on the above page and in enumeration. I'm biased and there are nuances of "Clementine" enumeration I haven't the judgment or knowledge to interpret but I'd expect Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States...if an election is held.
Jim Ross
Hi Jim,
ReplyDeleteI am a fan of your work. However, i have an observation about this particular article. I think you missed a point here,
Donald trump name's cornerstone isnt harmonious with both the birth and name number, which shows that whatever he starts will not conclude in his favor, even if he enjoys early success. Also, Donald is in a cycle of "o" which is also inharmonious with his birth and name number, and even inharmonious with his name's cornerstone. Compared to Hillary, she is in the cycle of "h" which is harmonious with all her numbers, and is in the same triad of 2-4-8. So i think Hillary clinton will win the election.
In 2008, when she lost the primary to Obama, she was in the cycle of "y" which was inharmonious with her numbers.
Check page 37, luo clement book
I agree with most of what you said. The problem is priorities. If you re read the final chapter, "The Supreme Test" the first item that Luo Clement focuses on is the birth number. That is the "negative." The second thing he focuses on is the "name" number or positive. It colors the item of first importance, the birth number.
DeleteThose two items "trump" all other considerations. Keystone, capstone or whatever, the first influence is birth number, the second is name number. In every one of the examples, those are handled in the first sentence. Every consideration after those two variables are reduced to "finer points."
So, when you start reviewing keystone, cornerstone, capstone, you're evaluating perhaps a variable that is third most important in determining harmony.
Now, to say "whatever he starts will not conclude in his favor" is a bit overstating it when you look at his $10B. Heck, he won the primary by the greatest margins in recent history.
Yeah, I'd thought about the letter cycle of Donald and Hillary each was in, but it would all seem nuance when you get past the birth and name number. I don't know how those variables can overwhelm the power of a 5-5 starting point.
Regardless, I think there's an outstanding chance the election won't occur in November:
The next two months might be very interesting. Thanks for reading and making me re read the individual letter chapter. Maybe someday I'll understand how it all fits in,
Still reflecting on your points. I agree the 9 year cycle favors Hillary. You didn't mention that Donald is 6 letters and therefore does not have a keystone; Clement says his can't be a perfect name. His cornerstone and capstone are both 'd' giving him 4-4 to match his birth/name 5-5.
DeleteOn Hillary, here corner/key/cap is 8/3/7 which has questionable harmony with her harmonious birth/name numbers of 8-4.
Hard to prioritize the rules. Perhaps the key is how the harmonies of the candidates harmonize with the birth number and name number of the United States of America. And the next question is what those numbers are. Is 4 in July 4, 1776 the birth number or the date of the Constitution (17 reduce to 8) or inauguration of the first president (30 reduced to 3)? Two of those favor Hillary.
Here in VA our Governor (Bill Clinton's former chief money raiser) unilaterally restored voting rights to 200K convicted felons. That and Black Lives Matter makes Virginia a blue state. Add in Obamaphones and free college education and Virginia is a lock.
Lots of vibration questions but you can't answer them if you don't start studying from some point of ignorance. I've got a long way to go. Thanks again for forcing me to go a little farther,
Jim thank you for going over the principles again. However, it seems you have missed the point of luo clement writing TASON, it was meant to be recipe book, if I may call it that, for bringing in harmony whenever you want to bring harmony into a life. However, if you wish to know the future of anyone its the name that you disect. Please reread Pg 30, 53-54, pay attention to what he wrote about Jessie. I hope to discuss my understanding of why trump won the nomination, tomorrow . stay harmonious
ReplyDeleteSorry Oladimeji, I replied without using the reply button. See below.
Yes, it brings harmony. But it is exactly the same thing as L Balliet Dow's much more detailed books. So I fully disagree with you on the principle reason in writing TASON was to bring harmony. That was a far distant secondary motive.
ReplyDeleteThe reason Luo Clement, a pen name for WD Gann, wrote the book was to add a nuance to L Balliet Dow's books. Her method of determining vibration was to add all of the digits of the birth date and all of the number/letter equivalents of all a persons name. WD Gann, IMO, discovered the correct mathematic determination of vibration derived from only the day of birth (exclude month and year) and only the given name (or the assumed first name).
The "Clementine" number representing vibration is then used against the "curve of the future" to determine the future of a particular person, entity, etc. See future cycles.
I don't believe Pythagorean letter/number alone can predict any person's future. You must combine vibration with the "curve for the future." See page 76 of TTTTA.
I have written many essays which prove, IMO, Luo Clement = WD Gann.
Hello Jim,
DeleteAm thinking that we should let the prognosis be, after the elections, the law of vibration itself, will prove the truth. In case out want to talk via email,
Again I've got to disagree. I don't think the election "proves" one way or the other. "Proof" would be if Trump were a 99% lock and it turned out Hillary or vice versa. Or if vibration, alone, called the last 5 elections in a row.
DeleteQuestion. If Trump is a 5 and Hillary is a 2, then what if 90% of the electorate is 5?