Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"Inferno" October 28, 2016, a warning 9 days late?

Flash back a year or so, I felt compelled to write about discoveries I had made in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and most importantly his "6th Prophecy" of the 9/11 tragedy.  I wrote it up as a pathetic teaser of Dan Brown's Prof Robert Langdon discovering a prophecy in TTTTA and becoming involved in a mystery/thriller which a Dan Brown type might adapt and create something compelling.  Of course, I'd already read Brown's "Inferno" so it was in that mold.  I was curious as to why that book had not already become a movie following from the success of "The DaVinci Code" and its sequel.

I gave up the idea because I had discovered the WD Gann "Map of Time" and the repetition of the dire events that occurred in 1848 that would be repeated in 2016.  To convince a great writer that he should, out of human compassion and not money, take up a thread of prophecy to create a fiction that would capture the imagination of his readership and warn them... well, I did not believe there was time.  It would take years and what I perceived was much much closer.  The "remarkable events" about which Mr. Gann warned on page 82-84 of TTTTA.

So, this morning I get my first glimpse of the trailer "Inferno" to open October 28, 2016.  It will be 9 days too late for many in my estimation.

At least, according to my reading of TTTTA and its encoded messages it will be late.  Always consider the source (me).  My interpretations have been "Chicken Little" wrong in magnitude but correct in timing.  My research of TTTTA and the MOT indicated a devastating earthquake based on TTTTA for February 23, 2016 and the then greatest earthquake in over a year to hit the 48 contiguous states that day (Wasco CA) did occur that day.  And another on June 9, 2016 which occurred 4 minutes after midnight PST on June 10, 2016 at Borrego Springs CA that then became the greatest earthquake to strike the 48 states since 2014.  The February quake at 4.9M Wasco didn't cause a ripple in a cup of coffee in San Francisco or Los Angeles....but the 5.2M Borrego Springs did.  So, consider the source.

Following the timing of the "first Allied Enemy" campaign in TTTTA which resulted in the destruction of Los Angeles and San Francisco and destruction/capture of Portland and Seattle in that chronologic order, I have identified the period of October 13-19, 2016 (seven days) as the counterparts in which great earthquakes will fulfill that prophecy.  Pointedly, October 15, 17 and 19 with the greatest of destruction occurring on October 19.  Later in calendar 2016 (December 21, 2016 would be a guess) Portland and Seattle will be afflicted, rocked by a Cascadia Subduction event and "captured" by flooding.  Just predictions based on clues in TTTTA by "Chicken Little."

TTTTA refers to four contemporary movies that add color to the above prophecy that would seem about to be fulfilled; "Knowing," "2012," "San Andreas," and "Frequency."  Indeed, if you take the interval between the "end dates" of the first of two those movies or October 19, 2009 versus December 21, 2012 and add it to December 21, 2012, you get February 23, of the Wasco CA earthquake.  You find encoded characters and events of those four movies in TTTTA...  Just one example out of dozens I've documented in previous essays.  The author of "Knowing," Ryne Douglas Pearson, is prominently found in TTTTA.  

"Inferno's" debut on October 28, 2016 will be too late by 9 days for many on the Pacific Coast.  If, and that's a big "if," those events occur and a bigger "if" the movie is aired following those events, it will be timely for the remainder of the U.S.  The second Allied Enemy campaign in the Great War in the Air is a progression from New Orleans, up the Mississippi to St Louis as a strategy to destroy Chicago.  I have discovered indications Yellowstone will become the great event that will so afflict the heartland of the U.S. and so severely affect Chicago.

The subject of "Inferno" is a deranged scientist who arranges a doom's day plague that Prof Landon and attractive cohort must locate and control.  The extinction event cause by the smallest of particles, microbes, just as the greatest destruction of Chicago would be particles of volcanic ash.

"Inferno" is more than just the prophecy of affliction; its the method.  Dante's "Inferno" according to Prof Langdon, is a prophecy encoded into a book.  And what I have imperfectly discovered in studying TTTTA for the last two years is a book of prophecy that has accurately, perfectly, described 9/11 and many other events that have come true over the last 89 years since its publication.  Where the WD Gann "Map of Time" is the largest subject of this blog, so in "Inferno," Botticelli's "Map of Hell" is the map which leads Prof Langdon on his adventure.

89 years between the publication of TTTTA and 2016, the year in which we find "Inferno."  This morning I stumble on the one and only one occurrence of the telestic "89" (yellow below).  The same day I see the first trailer of "Inferno."  Too much.  So I experimented with several of the words in the novel "Inferno," such as "Dan Brown," "Map of Hell," "Botticelli," "Dante" and, especially, the Map of Hell word clue "Zobris."  Yes, they are on that same page.  No, I don't rest my case on this one-hour identification of acrostic/telestic messages.  You have to put all the information together and make your own choice.

We'll know one way or the other in 66 days, the first of three events predicted to occur on October 15.

*** ***

Early on I wondered about all these events in contemporary fictional works and Mr. Gann's bridging to them in TTTTA.  Am I so fixated on disaster that I "see what I want to see?"  The "23 enigma."  I certainly didn't start in such a biased state and I don't "want" them to occur.  I was only inquiring how Mr. Gann had such a great trading record.  At least until October 20, 2016, when the "answer" is known, I've got to go with what I've proven, to my satisfaction, is the truth.  And the truth is, I believe Mr. Gann saw these things occurring in the future.

The next step in logic, though, is how are these things so arranged...that contemporary disaster movies would predict events near their fulfillment?  Perhaps as Jonah(s) was sent to warn, then so were sent these contemporary films to warn. Mr. Gann is simply noting what he knew would be the warnings.  Just as John in "Frequency" warned and saved his father,  John in "Knowing" was warned and saved his son, Noah in "San Andreas" pointed his father to the cable obstruction and saved all aboard Ark 4, and Ollie in "San Andreas" argued to his brother, to paraphrase, "you have seen what she knows and has done, then you should follow;" perhaps these are Biblical warnings.  

Warnings in contemporary movies, the only medium that a presently non believing public might even consider.  "Gee, I live in SF and the scientist on San Andreas says its not a matter of "if" but "when."  Maybe I should move?"  Duh.  Or, perhaps its just as Caleb said in "Knowing:"

I'll know, one way or the other, on October 20. 

October 19, 2019 is reduced to (10/19/2019= 1 / 1+9 / 2+0+1+9= 1/1/9) 119 or 9/11 in reverse.  And what is the similar reduction and reversal of October 28, 2016?

Jim Ross


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  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. I'd looked for an found the Deepwater Horizon event on page 29 in TTTTA but have not fully explored it. I thought your comment very timely as I was studying that exact page this morning in the context of the 29 years from the 1987 crash and the 2016 date of 10/19/2016 dates.

      Interesting, did you notice the date of your post, today is 9/18/2016 or reduced to 9/9/9.

      Thank you for the 'heads up' and for considering my work,



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