Friday, August 26, 2016

Isaac Newton, Easter, 9/11 and 3

More a note to myself to prevent my forgetting a remarkable "coincidence" of numbers (which I'm sure many have discovered long ago).

Studying the celebration of Easter I was diverted to consider Isaac Newton's (interestingly born on December 25, 1642) work in calculating the date Jesus was crucified according to astronomical clues found in the Bible and other records.  My naive understanding is that he isolated that date as being April 3, 33AD.  There was something about that date (other than its obvious importance).

So I went to the 1848-2016 WD Gann "Map of Time" and stumbled on the following April 3 date:

In green we have 4/3/1863 on the left and its right side correspondent is 9/11/2001.  I've come to believe the year of a date found in the MOT is not necessarily meaningful but the month and day of corresponding dates on the right and left sides of the MOT develop some meaningful mathematics.  That's a conclusion in process, not a truth.

Ignoring my suspicions of the irrelevance of MOT years, I noodle the difference between 2001 and 1863; it is 138 which is reduced to 12 and further reduced to 3.  And I enumerate Jesus to be 1+5+1+3+1=12 reduced to 3.

Do you think Luo Clement (pen name for WD Gann IMO) noticed the remarkable cornerstone, capstone and keystone numbers of Jesus' name?  1-1-1.  Talk about harmonious cornerstone, capstone and keystone numbers, 1-1-1 is pretty harmonious.  [What might Richard Allan Wagner have to say about Lord Bacon's mystical number 111?]    That 1-1-1, it reduces to ...3.

I continue noodling and find the difference between the year 33AD and our present year of 2016 is 1983 and, well, it reduces to 1+9+8+3=21 which reduces to...3.

I can't stop myself.  That year 1863 and the difference in the previous sentence, that being 1983.  That difference is 120 (1983-1863).  And, you get the drift, the reduction of 120 is.....3.

Interesting how WD Gann's "Map of Time," derived from the line structure of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" seem to correlate with historic events set almost 2000 years apart.  And their correlation seemingly reinforced by the number '3.'  Certainly coincidental.  Certainly unrelated.

Would Luo have any further observations?  The "death" number is 3 and the name number is 3 or 3-3.  And Jesus was crucified in the third life cycle of 9's (page 49 of "The Ancient Science of Numbers") or under the keystone letter 's.'  And in the year 33AD.

Many more coincidental instances of 3.  I'd mention the enumeration of the word "Bible" but that would be off topic in an otherwise irrelevant  (said facetiously according to my system) essay.

*** ***

I've read half Isaac Newton's research career was spent in attempting to identify the "Torah Code" he believed existed and in other spiritual pursuits.  Interesting how the one instance of the "Torah Code"(highlighted in red and blue) and the date April 3 (in yellow) found in the MOT seem to embrace dates upon which I have commented so many times; September 6 and October 13-19 (in green).

Such a smart man to so have wasted so much of his life.  He did not publish his spiritual work; perhaps, as many suggest, because it was incomplete or perhaps out of fear of the established church of his time.  

Hmph, every thing I do seems incomplete, irrelevant or wrong and yet I blather on.

Jim Ross

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