Intervals. Mathematically, I cannot fit a formula to the origins from which I am reckoning except to say that from those origins to September 6, 2016 demonstrate recognizable intervals of the numbers 69 and 96. Stated differently, I can't prove it, but the intervals and results are startling.
The intervals that keep occurring are multiples of 69 and 96. The numerological properties of those numbers are many. Unquestionably, they are important to WD Gann in "The Tunnel Thru the Air." Robert Gordon's birth date is June 9, arguably the most important page of TTTTA is page 69 that describes Jonah(s) "3 days and 3 nights" (permutations of adding and multiplying give you 69 and 96), Robert Gordon's 69 Wall Street address..... It goes on and on and on. Capstone it with two "proofs" or whatever. WD Gann's "number" according to Luo Clement is 69 (born on the 6th of June and his assumed name number is WD = 5+4 = 9). Similarly, Robert Gordon's number is 96 (I'll leave the calcs to you or you can look back in prior essays and find them).
The correct starting point. Historically, the points from which the reckoning occurs are key dates in the life of the United States; July 4, 1776 (independence), January 2, 1886 (the Dow Averages includes 2 non railroad stocks in its calculation to become the DJIA), October 28, 1886 (dedication of the Statue of Liberty), April 18, 1906 (San Francisco earthquake), September 3, 1929 (the top prior to the 1929 crash), (October 24, 1929, the "Black Thursday" that began the Great Crash accelerations) July 8, 1932 (the DJIA Great Depression bottom), August 25, 1987 (the top before the 1987 crash), October 19, 1987 ("Black Monday), February 23, 2016 (the largest earthquake in the 48 contiguous states 14 monts occurring in Wasco CA), June 10, 2016 (the largest earthquake in the 48 contiguous states since 2014 occurring at Barrego Springs CA), and other dates.
September 6, 2016. How I get to 9/6 doesn't really matter unless what I "triangulate" from starting points plus intervals does actually occur. Every calculation can be characterized according to present knowledge as "specious," plausible but so vastly improbable that it is false. If what I think is going to occur according to those doubtable means does occur, well, it can still be classified as just another inexplicable "synchronicity" or "spooky thing." But it would be so "spooky" even the most accomplished modern scientist and "randomite" would have to sit up. Two years ago, I'd dismiss it in a second. Today, I would not be surprised.
The intervals and starting points point me to September 6, 2016 as the DJIA final top. A separately developed SWAG would give me a top of 19040 (the number of days between the July 8, 1932 bottom and September 6, 2016 divided by Phi plus the bottom on that July 8 or (30741 / 1.618) + 40.56 = 19040.
Prediction. Predicting a final bull market top on September 6, 2016 at 19040 would be a starling prediction if it came to pass. The end of an 87-year bull market (1929 to 2016). But that's not what is important.
What's important is that it would attach great credibility, or maybe, wonderment to the prediction that, as in 1929, some few weeks later a great financial collapse will occur.
Far worse, the collapse would not be the result of supposed excess leverage or speculation or any of the other things that allegedly "caused" the 1929 crash. Yes, one can argue all those things may be present "as then, as now." The seed of this crash would be a natural disaster in the interval of days from October 13 to October 19 and most prominently, October 15, 17 and 19.
*** ***
I can't mathematically prove the above prediction. I could spend tens of hours developing the many calculations that, indefensibly, have me arriving at it. To what end? They would remain indefensible. Besides, it might turn out like the February 23, 2016 date on which I was greatly concerned a great earthquake would occur and destroy San Francisco. Well, the largest in 14 months to hit the US did occur that day in CA but it did not destroy anything. I don't think so much as a cup of coffee was spilled that day. Ditto that for the date June 9, 2016 which worried me. Again, four minutes after midnight (technically June 10) the again largest earthquake to hit the contiguous 48 state in two years occurred at Barrego Springs, CA, but no damages. LA residents felt that one though.
So, if I lived on the Pacific Coast I'd have this rule. If DJIA makes an all time high on September 6, 2016, particularly intraday 19040, and does not exceed that number but recedes in the weeks thereafter, I'd pack a "go bag" and make a plan to get me and my family east of the Rio Grande and Colorado, better yet, the Mississippi before October 13, 2016. And if DJIA didn't exceed that high by say October 10 or so...I'd be driving east.
But that's me, always superstitious when I see "spooky" things happen. Put this essay in the corner of your "attic" that has notable information and file it as "interesting and not a prayer of being possible."
But if it happens...then it is a warning.
If I had the apparent ability of Mr. Gann to predict future events based on math and science, it wouldn't be "spooky" it would be the great law of "action and reaction." Cause and effect. It would be "forewarned is forearmed."
Needless to say, I'll keep working on the dates and intervals and will change my mind and when I do I'll update. If the pattern of TTTTA is established by 2016 events (the three Allied Enemy campaigns), then 2016 will be but the beginning of three very bad years.
[Note that September 6 is 9-6 and that October 19 (the last of the speculated events occurring October 15, 17 and 19) is 10-19 or simplified and reversed is 911. Note my street number. Note that the 69th day from today is October 13, the beginning of the 7-day interval. I did not plan that. And incredibly, this essay is the 369th I've published or the permutations of Jonah(s) "3 days and 3 nights" on page 69 of TTTTA.]
Jim Ross
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