Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The "San Andreas" timeline

I viewed the movie "San Andreas" yet again yesterday to get a handle on some times that appear on cell phones and wall clocks during the movie.  There are very few.  To my surprise, the duration of the movie was 3 days beginning at just after noon the first day and ending at 7:35pm PDT the third day.  You might recall the movie "Knowing" was exactly 7 days.

If events I have interpreted as being predicted by WD Gann in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" are to occur according to the timeline of events of the movie "San Andreas" then following would be that timeline:

The first event, the destruction of the Hoover Dam, would occur today at lunchtime, just before 12:30pm EDT on the East Coast.  That is 1.5 hours from now or 90 minutes.  Those in LA and SF would have 28 hours from the moment of the Hoover Dam's collapse to be clear of the Pacific coastline.

Nothing we give me greater pleasure than to be wrong in my interpretation but the vast likelihood of being wrong will not prevent me of providing the information I've derived.

Jim Ross


  1. It doesn't appear as though this is going to pan out.

  2. Thanks for your work, very interesting no matter what

    1. Thank you, struggling to understand the purpose of all my work. I've been led from unmistakable reproducible mathematic anomalies to the most recent unprovable but enticing "messages" suggesting what I have written. So whats the point? I'm waiting on the outcome of today, October 19, the primary of all foci, to see if there's a permutation of the time spans (7 days in "Knowing" and 3 days in "San Andreas") that prove 'true.'

      Thanks for considering,


  3. I have been reading your TTTTA posts with great interest. From the date on the forward May 9, 1927 until the last date in the book is 1940 days. The "war" is an actual market call. Gann caught the swings in the bear campaign. Battle losses were lows and highs were victories. The end of the book, the last day, missed the bear market low by 6 days. Not bad for a forecast made in 1927.

    1. Thank you, I was aware of the war analogy and, although I have not studied it, believe it is valid if for no other reason the Battle of New York was within days of the Great Depression low. I have noted that several times. As I recall, the Great Depression intraday low was July 8 and the Battle of NY was July 4. And when you count the holiday, it was more on the order of only 2 or 3 trading days off. I've made that observation several times.

      I'd say predict darn good. And, like the 286 trades in 22 days, I don't think he was forecasting. He knew. But that's my opinion.


  4. Jim, whilst your specific prediction did not come to pass as you envisioned, your incredible work has definitely not been in vain - as they say, God works in mysterious ways...I'm sure, that if not already, your work (which you were called to perform) will play its part in the greater scheme of things. Thank you...

  5. I echo the reply by "Soloman". Your work is above reproach, and no one expects all things to work in an uninterrupted perfect line. Your math references are truly enlightening and eye opening. Many thanks for all your unbelievable efforts. Please stay the course !

  6. You time is 27-12/30-12 2016 maybe.


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