Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pythagoras, Fibonacci and Phi; mathematic proof of their encoded reflection

Oh I was so disappointed when I searched WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and the related encoded "Map of Time" for some reflection of the word 'Pythagoras' the first time and came up with a blank.  It wasn't long I found on page 129 (low 'C' frequency of 128 +1) the Masonic poem "The Anvil of God's Word" which was purposefully misprinted (I'll leave it to you to discover the error but I linked an essay on that).  Why did he misprint it?  To spell the word "LATO," a village which some say Pythagoras visited to receive great knowledge.  Perhaps his knowledge of the diatonic scale?

There had to be more to Pythagoras didn't there?  Months, no, years have passed.  Where is Pythagoras of Samos?  So I look for Samos by searching the MOT for "sam" expecting to find the 'os' in proximity.  And I find it:

The acrostic letters are contiguous (in red), once and only once in the MOT centered on the line 9390.  In statistics, I suspect there should be many instances of "sam" in 15341 acrostic letters in TTTTA.  But what is the probability of the 5 letters that spell 'Samos?'  Well, small but hardly dispositive.  So, I've gotten a finger on the brass ring but not tight enough.

Wow, there's a contiguous 'wd' in yellow at line 9386.  Hmmm, what might that wiley WD do with that number to display the math of Pythagoras?  Might he divide by 2, the ratio of the second and third numbers of the Fibonacci sequence?  Let's see.  9386 / 2 = 4693 and we find at that line:

We find a telestic encoded "wd."  Now that adds to the statistical argument.  Its becoming "compelling."

Moreover, we find an 'attaboy' that Mr. Gann provided the finder.  "My God, my God, now is the time I needed her the most."  Instead of 'her,' I'd interject 'inspiration' instead.  I needed that inspiration.

A lot to make of two 'wd's.  I mean really, James, the letters w and d are pretty common letters and, well, it might be statistically unlikely to find them in a trail of Fibonacci denominated lines.  Compelling, but, still not dispositive.

Will Mr. Gann encode every iteration of Phi with the letters 'wd?'  We know that's impossible given the Fibonacci sequence is infinite.  But what is the recognizable reflection of theoretic, ideal Phi?  Its 1.618.

So let's try 1.618.  And 9386 / 1.618 = 5800.988 or line number 5801:

We find an emphatic telestic encoded word "wdwd."  That is beyond statistical improbability.  It was intended.  It is not random.  It is now dispositive.  Math has proven, to me, a believer in math, that Pythagoras of Samos is encoded in TTTTA.

Did Mr. Gann 'dis' poor Fibonacci aka Leonardo de Pisa?  Of course not, I've discussed Lenny's encoding in TTTTA before.  We find it within the line span of "TAO to WAR" or "PATH to WAR" or the mathematic "Tao device" and associated with my discovery of WD Gann's prediction of the 9/11 tragedy.

But 'di pisa' has to be mathematically related to the 'wd' sequence doesn't it?  Yes, that is my personal judgement of WD Gann's modus operandi.  Its what I would do if I were smart enough to create TTTTA.  WD Gann had to do it.  And, of course, he did.  Line 2847 on which the 'p' of 'pisa' appears multiplied by the ratio of the third and second Fibonacci numbers or 2 is line 4694.

Just look at the second insert above.  Line 4694 is the telestic 'wd.'  And re doubled as Mr. Gann said, you have line 9388; you have 'wd' and 'Samos.'

I'm sorry, WD Gann's intent with regard to Phi, Pythagoras and Fibonacci is dispositive; its proven by  Mr. Gann's unmistakeable mathematic creation.  I don't want to be on the opposite side of that statistical argument.  Be my guest.  I'll leave it to the social media rooms to let the idiots, and there are many, deny the perfection of math.

*** ***

But its not about if he encoded TTTTA or if he honored great mathematicians; ultimately, its about the mathematics that explains the universe.  The mathematics that explains the future.  As it may someday unfold, I believe Mr. Gann encoded all of these things.  But that's an opinion and its not remotely close to err, "dispositive.'  

Am I frustrated I am not 'tooled' with the intellect to unwind WD Gann's coding and knowledge?  I read the next stanza of the 'wdwd' poem:

In the 'ultimately,' its all about the explanation of the universe.  In the much smaller realm 'personally,' its all  about the 'doing.'  As my personal testimony, the joy is in the doing.  And the latter, unlike the former, is dispositive.

And yet, so much 'to do.'

Jim Ross

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