Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Back to the structure of The Tunnel

Maybe two years ago I counted the lines in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" (TTTTA) using typical typeset standards and found a total (15341 lines).  Sure, there's some minor subjectivity.  I could see someone contesting some of the line spacing determinations I made.  Similarly, measuring the Great Pyramid (GO) can be disputed.

Can math suggest the intent of the creators (creators of the GP or creator of TTTTA)?

Derek Skhane (Gnosis) has created a lifetime of numbers supporting his (and others) thesis that all Number, regardless of the denomination (inches, feet or miles or seconds, hours, years) can be derived from one another.  All Number is related and analytically provable.  Through the course of many essays he uses his derivation of what the Great Pyramid was intended to convey; a height of 480 units and a side length of 756 units.  Archeologists have quibbled since Petrie's on site measurements about the extent of deterioration of the structure and what it would have been.  Skhane uses math to analytically  reason what the intent of the creator(s) was.  Math, truth.

Can the structure of TTTTA, as I've conjured it, allude Mr. Gann's intention?  Here's the structure I have previously proposed:

For the naive, there are 36 chapters in TTTTA and 418 pages and the 34th chapter is unconscionably misnomered as the 39th.  Start reading symbolism from those gifts on the plate without further inquiry and, I believe, you are down the wrong road from the first moment.

No, there are 42 'sections' (as opposed to chapters) in TTTTA, 432 pages and 15341 lines.  Can math prove Mr. Gann's intent?  Yes:

15341 lines / 42 chapters = 365.262

Days in a year = 365.242

I'd submit the above is the intended structure of TTTTA, to the extent its shown above, as alluded by math to 4/100ths of a day (365.262 versus 365.242).

If you believe the analytical math of 480 and 756 of the GP as opposed to the subjective measurements of Petrie and cohorts, then you probably believe the structure of TTTTA as allegedly proven by math as opposed to the arbitrary page and chapter numbers presented.

To where from this point today?  I've written this before, so this observation is not the 'where' as yet; the earths average circumference of about 24880 / 15341 lines = 1.6217 or less than 8/100ths from Phi.  I think there's some intent mixed into that math.

Okay, that's a distance measurement of 24880 miles divided by a distance measurement of 15341 lines (some might say a 'count measurement' instead).  Let's try to mix some apples with some oranges instead.  The first day of TTTTA is June 9, 1906; Robert Gordon's birth.  And the last day is August 30, 1932.  The time elapsed is 9579 days.

15341 lines, a distance measurement or ordinal measurement and 9579 days, clearly a time measurement (or maybe a distance measurement if extrapolated by the circumference of the earth).

15341 / 9579 = 1.6015

The 6th number of the Fibonacci sequence divided by the 5th number or an early and possibly the most recognizable representation of Phi; that being 1.60.  

*** ***

From the above I've reached two simple preliminary conclusions beyond proving (IMO) the intended mathematic structure of TTTTA.  

First, Mr. Gann liked Phi (duh) and considered it so important he inscribed it in the fabric of TTTTA.  In contrast to a self impressed noted astrologer who claimed he did not like Mr. Gann because he failed to teach his great secret of Phi to the public, I believe WDG encoded Phi in dozens of ways for persons who would work to find and thereby appreciate its significance.  Ask, seek, knock.

Second, and reprising Mr. Skhane, and, perhaps Pythagoras himself, "All is number."  Number embraces and unifies (or is the unification of) time and space.  Two of the three forces of which both WD Gann and George Gurdjieff spoke.  

  • WD Gann, page 78 of TTTTA:

  • W. I. Gurdjieff, pages 478-480 of Beelzebub's Tales,  'the sacred Triamazikamno' (the law of 3 comprised of the neutral, positive and negative forces).

All and everything comprised not wholly of space or of time, but of space and time inseparable, unified in Number by the neutral force or neutralizing force...the latter, perhaps, Phi in some manner.  Judgment or reckoning of time impossible without space and vice versa.  Just a thought.

Am I wrong or am I onto something?  Will I find WD Gann and Pythagoras further and inextricably encoded according to math?  I'm already down that road and envision another essay.  I believe we will see yet more convincing encoded mathematic intent of WD Gann.

Jim Ross

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