Thursday, December 28, 2017

"A date by any other name would smell as sweet"

My initial whimsical thought of the three dates involved in the recently presented prediction of DJIA 25207 on July 18, 2018.

No doubt you recognized the adoption of Lord Bacon's "Romeo and Juliet."  Oh, William Shakspur, the barely literate horse tenderer (16th century car parker/valet) whose daughter was entirely illiterate and who was not known to have left Stratford very often yet wrote as if a world traveler, as if was royalty, as if an elite barrister and statesman?  Another essay for another day that others have already written.

Three dates, two historic, and a predicted date.  Dates and price levels that predict a future date.  Other than two being the source of the prediction, do they seem to have any "vibratory" similarity or connectedness?

Background, based on two data points (DJIA price at September 3, 1929 and the date of the Great Depression low July 8, 1932) a future data point, DJIA 25207 on July 12, 2018 was predicted.  Its a formula and a method.  The math and geodesics of the prediction are based on 'Robert Gordon's seven days.'  Confirming the prediction is a simple calculation based on vibration as defined by Luo Clement.  What you see below is not, in any way, the mathematic methods or the source of the prediction.  They are simply relationships that have coalesced as a result of the prediction.  

Philosophically (if 'Number' has philosophy) I might entertain the idea that the combined properties of the two historic dates (two columns on the left below) have some  similarities between themselves and with the predicted values.  Perhaps so:

Wow, the reduction of the historic dates are 6 and 3 and the predicted date is 3.  All in Luo Clement's vibratory class of 3-6-9.  And it looks like the net historic date reductions (6 and 3 in tan above) equal the reduced value of the predicted date, that being 3, also in tan.

How about the price levels?  They're pretty simple.  Adding the DJIA extremes of the historic dates and reducing them gives you the number 3 in red.  And the predicted value of 25207  gives you 7 in red.  Concatenate them get 37, the smallest angle of the Pythagorean 345 and symbolic of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and Pythagoreanism.  

I just can't help myself, one more of many other observations I won't mention.  Mea culpa, I rounded the 1929 highest intraday high of 386.33 down to 386 and the lowest 1932 intraday low down from 40.56 to 40.  Not on  purpose; I was whipping the numbers.  The above was my de novo shot at it.

Using instead, the exact 386.33 highest 1929 high and 40.56 lowest intraday low I can multiply the two and divide into the predicted DJIA value of 25207...what the heck, you can read the numbers:

Pretty darn close.

*** ***

A theme of SK Hane (, an incredible numbers guy, is that all numbers, regardless of system of measurement, regardless of application, can be related between one another.  Only by working some of his vast numbers of examples involving ancient measurements, astrological measurement, Great Pyramid measurements, Bible notations and derivations.... will one begin to understand his insight (begin is as far as I've gotten).

What a unique insight, somewhat proven, I guess, by near neurotic (worse than me) manipulation of Number.  An insight that, perhaps.... "All is number."  

Catchy phrase, "All is number."  Seems I've heard that before somewhere.  Perhaps Number is permeated by a spiritual thread beyond our understanding; or is it all coincidence?

Circle back to the 'rose' and the 'date.'  The Luo Clement Pythagorean value of 'rose' is 21 and that of 'date' is 12.  Both reduce to 3 and concatenated they are 33.  21 and 12, both reduced to 3 are my exact birth number (21) and name number (James = 12).  I discovered this well after I'd penned the title of this essay.  

Circle back to Lord Francis Bacon, user of pen names, expert in cryptography, great Freemason and, some say, Rosicrucian, student of the great mathematician, scholar, alchemist John Dee.   Lord Bacon passed 252 years before the year in which WD Gann was born; one interval of John Dee's philosopher stone number, 252.     

Perhaps a spiritual thread runs through more than just Number.  Or is everything random?

Jim Ross

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