Saturday, December 30, 2017

On the nature of 'solutions;' math and pseudo math

Rene Descartes, who cameoed in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air," provides, perhaps, two of the book's most insights; 1) that, perhaps, spacetime, an inherently fourth dimension phenomenon, can be modeled using Euclidian math and a Descartisian coordinate system and 2) only math and not its pseudo science, statistics, can solve problems.  As an exercise, I identified those great persons Mr. Gann had identified in TTTTA and read up on them; John Dee, Lord Bacon, Leonardo de Pisa, Sir Conan Doyle....  I know a little about a lot of great men, but not a lot about any of them.  With that caution and apology in mind, let me summarize my amateur understanding of Rene Descartes' two identified contributions to TTTTA.

Cartesian coordinates encoded in TTTTA.  Descartes is best known by amateur mathematicians (me) for having created Cartesian coordinates.  Well, my reading is that he did not do that, but his discoveries in mathematics enabled his students and fellow mathematicians to create that system and name it in Decartes' honor as "Cartesian."  Any high school student who studies what was that level of math and geometry when I was in the public school system knows the X and Y axis and the ordered pairs that define a point in two dimensional space.  Every stock chart is a Cartesian image designed to locate the ordered pair of time and price.

Properly unfolded, the WD Gann "Map of Time," becomes 30682 (15341 lines X 2 for one line up and one line down) ordered pairs of time and space.  Simply segregate the time (dates) and space (line numbers) that are paired on each line of TTTTA; move the dates to their chronologically ordered arrangement on the X axis and the line numbers, sequentially ordered on the Y axis.

Mathematically, the ordered pairs so arranged must create a line that is 45* given that there is a one to one relationship between one unit of time (albeit two days is the unit of time) one unit of space (one line).  The blue line is that 45* angle:

The above uses only the cumulative line numbers of the MOT.  What does the chart look like when that space element is elaborated by the chapter numbers?  Well, you saw it in a previous essay, its my present formulation, the red undulating or "vibrating" line that I have named the "breath of God."

Its the same 45* angle, but it undulates.  Why would it end with exactly at exactly the same XY pair, that being (30682, 30682)?  Its because Robert Gordon traveled the same number of miles North South as he did East West.  It works the same way, I propose, when properly unfolding the MOT.  I'll let you ponder that dynamic.

No, I still don't know exactly how to apply the "breath of God" curve to practical applications, err, like analytical (as opposed to statistically) predicting the stock market or the future of our country.  "Learn to labor and wait."

Descartes and the relation of analytic versus statistical solutions.  "Figures lie and liars figure."  Being an accountant that always hurt.  It all depends on what system of figures.  Let me explain.

Incredibly artfully, Descartes delicately derived and delivered the proof of the existence of God in his 1647 "Meditations on First Philosophy." In it the existence of God and the immortality of the soul are demonstrated."  Delicately because philosophers discussing other than a rigidly established Church-oriented discussion of God were routinely imprisoned and worse.

Most (me among most) will recognize "Cogito ergo sum" or "I think, therefore I am."  After reading and after listening (audio version), I structured in my mind that first step of logic and the ensuing steps of logic thusly.  I first doubt whether I exist, but since I doubt, I must be thinking.   How can I have thoughts if I have the thought of doubting?  Since I doubt therefore I think, I must exist.  If I exist and think then from where do I receive thoughts?  Did I make them from having not had anything in the beginning?  There must be another who exists and who gives me thoughts.  

I get a little hazy, confused on the ensuing arguments.  The 'other' must be God for those of my level are in my same dilemma as not, in the beginning, having any thoughts.  But since there is good and evil in the world, does God give me evil as well as good thoughts?  No, God gives me only good thoughts, but God does give me all thoughts.  That is the problem.  Given only an incomplete set of thoughts, I fill in the gaps with my conjecture....  out of my ignorance, I create untrue thoughts.       

Okay, how does this relate to TTTTA?  Statistics, the "science" widely attributed to the work of the great mathematician Carl Gauss, is the "conjecture."  Its our filling in of the incomplete set of thoughts not given us in their entirety.  We cannot predict the future so we extrapolate; from Gaussian probability.  From the coin toss.  Randomness.

A tough lesson.  Thinking I knew something, I found myself levered to 9000 contracts of QQQ puts (39 strike I think) on exactly September 29, 2008.  That was the day Congress voted down the banking bailout.  I "earned" a six figure return that day.  Now "knowing" I could work miracles with my 'scientific understanding' of Elliot Waves, I promptly lost that money over the next several years.

A bigger lesson.  The deluded Surgeon General knew our nation was too fat in the mid 1980s and began his "war on dietary fat."  Reduce fat intake and reduce weight and we reduce cardio vascular risk.  And what happened?  People have reduced water insoluble fat intake substituting water soluble carbohydrates (sugar, "hearth healthy" cereal most notably "Special K, bread, starch)...  And our nation is now facing its greatest health crisis; obesity leading to CVD, diabetes...  The body is not dumb; it knows the analytic answer.  It is programmed to store energy for a rainy day.  Its far easier to break down and store water soluble carbohydrates in fat cells than to break down water insoluble fat.

An even bigger lessons.  My LDL, like 90% of Americans is too high according to scientific statistical studies, so I was progressed onto Crestor.  My LDL declined to under 100 but I was getting up to urinate at least a dozen times a night.  What does excess urination signal; the body is trying to rid itself of something toxic.  Was Crestor toxic or was Crestor causing my body to create a toxic situation?  Well, Crestor reduces LDL (a fat derivative) but LDL is necessary to allow water soluble Triglycerides (a carbohydrate derivative) to navigate the water soluble blood system and be delivered to storage in fat cells.  So, was Crestor toxic to me or was it creating a toxic high blood sugar situation which would otherwise been abated by storing energy in fat cells.  Does it matter?  Yes, I stopped taking Crestor, stopped peeing all night, got sleep and am satisfied Crestor did not make me diabetic.  Indeed, my amateur reading of nearly 30 years"statistical studies" show those on a statin regimen have the same statistically "all cause mortality" as non users.  You take your statins and you are a lesser CVD risk but you increase your risk for diabetes, etc.

"Figures lie, liars figure."  To the meat of it.  Most statin studies, vastly expensive undertakings, are funded by pharmaceutical companies with an interest in their outcome.  Does anyone really think there isn't bias?  Lets take the great Jupiter trial funded by AstraZeneca as I recall.  An objective trial, why of course.  It was such a great study many were proposing statins for public drinking water.  An objective trial by an objective funding source over objective researchers with "statistical science" leading the way.  Objective right down to its name, Jupiter or "Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Prevention; An Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin.  The study had, at its nexus, the Justification for.... The outcome was destined from the moment the study was conceived and before the first subject was my opinion.  Perhaps the study was named after its inception, which would change only the degree of my skepticism.  Astravenica got what it wanted and paid to get and more; the fringe immediately called to put statins in our drinking water.  Well, at least that wasn't accepted by acclamation of the medical community facing a 50% plus prescription non compliance rate.  Maybe the patients are too dumb to know what statistics says is best for them?  Or maybe the wondrous body, evolved over eons, does know.

Morals to the story and its relation to Descartes.  When we don't know, we conjecture.  Statistics is our pseudo science of conjecture.  Elliot Waves might give us a marginal edge in the market, maybe a 5% more likely to succeed edge.  Crestor might reduce LDL and reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke but the tradeoff may well be diabetes or worse, catastrophic neuro-muscular debilitation such as my father-in-law and sister-in-law experienced.  

*** ***

The lessons have been driven home to me by Mr. Gann.  I've extrapolated from the coding of TTTTA a great geologic upheaval last year; my "Great Mistake."   I've, many times, perceived market indications "messaged" in TTTTA that did not come true.  We all know, to include mainstream geologists, the Pacific Coast will someday slip into the ocean... that the stock market will drop.  The history of these things is clear.  The expectation of the repetition is clear.  Its the 'when' and the 'when' cannot be answered by a linear extrapolation, or even a curvilinear extrapolation; nor by coincident indicators like astrology or multivariate analysis or fundamental analysis.  Perhaps an 'edge,' but that's all... again, in my opinion.

When statistics leads to the truth of causation, well, that's another story.  Its an aid to understanding of  true science yet to be identified and proven analytically.  But standing alone statistics it is Descartes' conjecture; the thought that has not been given to us.

Until it is proven by Number, it isn't proven.

Just an opinion, and confession of a recovering Gaussian,

Jim Ross

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