Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Correction, new insights and the movie Pi

As I disclosed in the Mea Culpa post of a couple days ago, I made an error in line counting and the corrected number of lines is 15304 from cover of "The Tunnel Thru the Air" to last line of the back flap using the rules I established (one line between paragraphs and one line between pages).  When I revised the lines, I had to re index all the acrostics and telestics for my Excel device that finds acrostic and telestic words.  This led to another error in the counting of the word "TWA" which I discussed in the 9/11 prophecy.  There is also an error in logic concerning the number of instances of "ata" which refers to Mohammad Ata (misspelled).

First, there are 20 instances of the word "TWA" not 15.  15 was the recurrent number of terrorists on the 3 planes that struck the USA, the fourth plane scuttled in Pennsylvania and not allowed to attack.  Still, 20 represents the total number of terrorists on all four planes.  You may say none of the planes were TWA and you might recall, the assets of TWA were sold/distributed in early 2001, most, but not all, of which became property of American Airlines.  There were 2 American Air flights (11 and 175) and 2 United Air (77 and 93).

Second, the real name of Muhammad Ata is Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed Atta.  
I came to realize, duh, this when, in light of the 'finder device' error with TWA, I recounted the number of 'ata's and found 15.  But with one of the 15 was extremely elaborated:

This citation was very meaningful in several respects:

  • There are 4 's's preceding the 'ata' signaling to me "this is meaningful,"
  • The narrative says "putting error to flight" referring to Ata who boarded a plane to kill,
  • Of course, the acrostic 'ata,'
  • The five asterisks of referring back to Luo Clement. 
When I say the asterisks refer to Luo Clement, read my series regarding WD Gann being Luo Clement.  I assert and, by a preponderance of evidence, show that WD Gann is Luo Clement and that it was Mr. Gann who wrote "The Ancient Science of Numbers."  The five asterisks appears only once in TTTTA and once in "The Ancient Science of Numbers." It is a component of the preponderance of evidence.

So what is this saying.  Its saying compute the Pythagorean value of Mohmmad Ata's name.  And I did.  And just to make sure I had the spelling of the name correct I looked it up….and I was wrong again.  It is Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed Atta.   I see it most frequently (defending my stupidity) spelled 'Mohammad Ata,' not 'Mohamed Atta.'  

So I went back and searched for 'Atta' and found 3 instances.  All three are incredibly meaningful.  Two of them were derived from narratives that dealt with forgiving ones self for errors and doing the best he can.  So I felt better about myself.  But one had BOTH 'ata' and 'atta' contiguously presented and was packed with 9/11 meaning:

Both 'ata' and 'atta' contiguous; 15 of the former representing 15 successful attackers and 3 of the latter representing 3 successful planes carrying 15 successful attackers.

In meaning I try to find; a beginning, an end and a beginning.  The Japanese first attack in the fictional war, a beginning.  Robert Gordon's punishment of the attackers during his 7 days, an end.  Mohammed Atta, a new beginning.  A new beginning; 9/11 the "first warning" according to Jonathan Cahn's thesis of "The Harbinger."  The thesis that I will assert WD Gann published in the 'veiled' language of TTTTA in 1927.  But that is several posts from this point.  It is the ongoing nature of Gann's 6th prophecy; that 9/11 was a beginning, not an end.  Recall the 700 year rise and domination of Islam ended with the first crusade in 1096-99 and found its peak approximately 1000 years ago.  A thousand year cycle ago.  There's a post on "The Great 1000-year Cycle."

Why the movie Pi?  I discover incredible frustration when I see my incredible errors.  And yet, when I do the work to make corrections, I find, what I consider, greater meaning and insights.  Take a step, back up two, advance three.  But I also find some redemption that in the errors, new understanding is gained.  And I find forgiveness in doing the best I can.

I guess it all works out well in the end.  But the confusion and personal indictment along the way really works on one.  Pi.

I'm still contemplating the final post of the series on the 9/11 sixth prophecy and  final post 3 of 3 of the seventh prophecy. 

Jim Ross
of Tottenham

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