Friday, April 3, 2015

Samuel Morse, the telegraph and Morse code

You can 'see' so much of WD Gann's hidden thoughts in the acrostics and telestics. of "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  There isn't any substituting simply perusing the entire book of acrostics and telestics for things you've missed.  Some of it is simply known history, but seldom without meaning.  Take for example, Samuel Morse and telegraph on page 65 and 66.  Interesting page number, 66.  You don't see Samuel Morse on page 65 or 66?  How about the hidden acrostic and telestic"

That's better.  We find "Sam" and "tele" which augments the meaning of the associated narrative regarding speculation, science and laws laid down in the Bible.  Hmmm, perhaps speculation can be reduced by science to a formula as objective and clear as the predictability of Morse code as reproduced by electromagnetic pulse?

It shouldn't escape notation that the message is brought to you in 'coded' acrostics and telestics and Morse code is just that; code.

Those would seem reasonable thoughts to be drawn.  I expect there will be confirmation created by some mathematic device later on.  I haven't found it yet but I've come to the point that I expect it is there when the concept is important enough.  It just takes time to emerge.

An interesting history of the component inventions that allowed Morse to create the telegraph can be found HERE.

Jim Ross

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