Monday, April 13, 2015

WD Gann's 7th manifest prophecy, part 3 of 3

Its been two weeks since posting part 2 of 3.  There was yet one test I hadn't applied that I felt was necessary to put this final post in perspective that I'll explain last thing below.

WD Gann encoded, by my method of counting, 7 manifest prophecies in "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  I have detailed 2 of those prophecies ("The Great Battles of Detroit," the sixth manifest prophecy of the WTC tragedy, and this, the seventh prophecy of which this is part 3 of 3).

In part 1 of this series I've shown, in chronologic sequence, my finding my last name in a telestic word and my first name in an acrostic word:

In part 2 of the series I found a word that personalized the developing message; I found my street address of 20 years in an artfully constructed word; Tottenham Lane.  Because Tottenham is a long word, it was developed in three syllables as tot-10-ham (pages 350 and 351):

I found the "tot" and "ham" very quickly after I envisioned that it would be a key to proving to ME that the two words of my name were intended.  But I couldn't find the "ten".  Then, I woke up the morning of the 28th of January to realize how the "ten" would be spelled.  It would be number "10" instead of a word "ten."  And there is was, in the narrative.  A ten of the larger number 10,000.

So that is where I left you two weeks ago.  There's supplemental evidence that was even more stunning and personal to me.

My professional designation; I passed the CPA exam in North Carolina in 1978 and held that designation since.  Now look at the last insert; can you find "CPA?"  I'll make it easy and highlight the "cpa" in red.

Not only was the word "cpa" spelled, but next to it the last name of John Dee (in green), an apparently major component of understanding WD Gann's theory of numbers (see discussion of John Dee's philosopher stone number, 252, HERE).  I have discussed John Dee multiple times as his name is the most encoded of any in TTTTA that I have found and is, itself, confirmed by his alias in communications with Queen Elizabeth I as "007."  Thirdly, there is a telestic word "eee" which is a marker found in the first paragraph of the Foreword (see a discussion of the 6 e's HERE) and, in total, a notable 83 times in TTTTA.

Still don't believe?  Recall I've alluded to Mr. Gann's Rosicrucian orientation and its encoding in TTTTA.  Just as the Rosy Cross was found in Shakespeare's works on page 37 of one Shakespeare's plays by Peter Amundsen indicating Lord Francis Bacon's involvement, so we find the Rosy Cross also in TTTTA but on page 53 (see my discussion HERE).  [The numbers 37 and 53 are revered by Rosicrucian's and Masons as they are two of the three angles of the Pythagorean 3-4-5 right triangle.]  The Rosicrucian "manifest" was "Fama Fraterntatis" and we find "fama" spelled directly above "tot" and"cpa":

The "coincidences" keep mounting up.  The most stunning components of evidence yet remain.  The word "tot-10-ham" is a bit spread out over 2 pages.  What would bring it together in a mathematically irrefutable proof of itself?  If it is a notable triangle….say, a right triangle or an isosceles triangle.  And perhaps not just visibly, but mathematically. 

But before I look at the actual triangle that is formed in TTTTA, let's look at what I "saw" and as I experienced it, mathematically wrongfully, on January 28, 2015:

It sure looked like a right triangle to me.  Again, I was stunned.  But it was a wrong reflection.  A correct reflection would be that imposed on the actual manuscript of TTTTA.

The following work can only be replicated with a faithful copy of the first edition, first printing TTTTA which can be found at HERE.  I have used an Excel reflection of that book above to find and reproduce the words acrostic and telestic words…not as a faithful reproduction of the true printer's edition.  In evaluating the supposed triangle, its best viewed against the actual pages of the first printing itself.  Pages 350 and 351 are aligned as if they were a single page and the triangle is superimposed over them.  The black triangle IS a faithful reproduction of the visual black triangle formed by the extreme letters/digits of "tot-to-ham."  Doesn't appear to be a notable triangle does it?

The black triangle does not LOOK like a notable form; a right triangle or an isosceles triangle.  Looks are deceiving, just as the subjective language, as Gurdjiffe would put it, is deceiving.  If you consider the printer's dimension, a line space takes more than twice the space of a horizontal character.  Consider, there are an average of 36 lines per page in TTTTA, but there are, variably, 45 to 60 characters per line.  The space is not "squared" is it?

Math is the proof.  Do the math.  Bisect the triangle with the red vector DB and count the lines and the characters that form the components of the two right triangles.  Let Pythagoras guide you and you'll ultimately find triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle to the second place of the decimal.  The math is above for you to prove.

One last clerical matter.  This 3rd post of the 7th prophecy series took two weeks to complete, not because of the above information, but because I needed to answer for myself one last question.  I manually looked through every letter of the 15,304 acrostic and 15,304 telestic letters of TTTTA for any proper nouns (names) greater than 3 letters.  Since, "Jimi" and "ross" are, each, four letters, maybe it was just random as there may be found hundreds of 4 letter proper nouns (names).  Such is not the case.  It took me days and days of looking at those 30,608 letters, imagining proper names that might be constructed.  I found only 19 such names, 21 when including "Jimi" and "ross" (see them HERE).  I'm probably wrong.  I'm sure I'm wrong.  Someone, some person without a life, might find 25 or 29, but there are very very few.  You'll have to be inventive to find 30.  There are very few.

* * * * *

All heretofore cited coincidence is something you can replicate.  Every acrostic, every telestic is there.  There are far too many coincidences to explain away.  Probably, I've missed some things and there are some things I've found but not produced that are beating a dead horse with more evidence.  I believe the above is a preponderance of evidence.

But there is one final piece of evidence to which only I can attest.  You can't replicate it.  You can only take my word in faith for it.

As I noted in part 2 and above, I was sitting in a second viewing of "The Imitation Game" on exactly January 27, 2015 when I realized Mr. Gann would encode a very personal bit of information in TTTTA to confirm to me that he was speaking to me.  He would encode my street address, Tottenham.  And that day, I found "tot" and "ham" but couldn't find "ten."  The next morning, I woke up "knowing" where I'd find the "ten;" it was a "10" as previously shown.

And it was there.  I found it on January 28, 2015.  And, if you will go back to the very first insert above, and focus on the first letter in the word "Jimi."  And it is the capital letter "J."  Now look directly left of that letter and you will see on that line the date "January 28, 1927."  Exactly 88 years ago, a meaningful number for anyone familiar with number theory.  And then you look directly above the January 28, 1927 and you find "Future Cycles."

Such was the final proof that caused me to believe, unshakably, that whatever is occurring now, in these, no doubt, poorly worded, imperfectly constructed posts, was foreseen decades ago by WD Gann.

I feel that I have presented two most notable prophecies of Mr. Gann among another five with which many people are already acknowledged (his prophecies of inventions, the Great Depression, WWII, the Vietnam War and The Great Battles of Detroit).  I feel that I have lived up to the burden placed on me that I should develop and make this information available, imperfect and incomplete as it may be.

But is that all there is?  If Mr. Gann indicated this information is needed by this generation, the generation of the 266th Pope, what is the information that is needed going forward?  We know the 6th prophecy of the WTC tragedy is behind us, we (or at least I know) he predicted I'd find this information.  So what?  "What difference, at this point, does that make now," to quote an unfortunate contemporary testimony?

If Mr. Gann encoded all this prophetic information to be revealed on a post fact basis, did he not provide a future prophecy yet to manifest from this point forward?  Yes, I believe he did.  It is, at least, "The Harbinger" thesis offered by Jonathan Cahn.  Except that, Mr. Gann encoded it 88 years ago.  And in the last series of posts, I'll outline, as best I can, where that prophecy is located.  I do not know if I can find specific events yet to occur.  I actually doubt that I can at this point.  But I can find Mr. Gann's reinforcement Rabbi Cahn's prognosis of the lifting of His Grace from this nation formed in the name of God.  I will attempt to develop this theme and evidence which I have noted and additional evidence as I might find in the final series regarding the prophecies of WD Gann.

Jim Ross

Note added 2/8/2015.  Having subsequently found reason to predict a great earthquake in 2016, most likely between February 21-24, 2016, most likely in San Francisco, most likely in a X level of intensity, I find it troubling that adjacent my name (the 7th prophecy) is the acronym "ENS."

The US Geological Earthquake Notification Service monitors and warns of seismic events on a real time basis.  An inquiring mind might wish to find and consider the instances of "ENS" that are, apparently, purposefully encoded into TTTTA.

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