Sunday, June 12, 2016

Anagram scrabble; "Look Thru Tunnel for Giddy Barrack Obama Winning the Throne"

If you've worked with online anagram solvers, you know that the more letters you give them, the longer they take to give word solutions.  And the more letters, the more solutions.  Just reading the solutions for a modest number of submitted letters to see if any make sense typically takes an unreasonable amount of time.

However, some solutions just pop out at you.  Take the previous essay in which the words WD Gann and Sadie H Gann appearing on their monument produce not only an intelligible phrase but one that makes sense.  Why does it make sense?  Months ago I proposed that Mr. Gann knew exactly when he would die.  This phrase generated from their combined names indicate that determinism was in the works from their birth.  If you believe in determinism, its a confirmation.  If you don't, you might find the implication, well, uncomfortable.

So, a bigger anagram scrabble.  Let's take the full title of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air or Looking Back from 1940 by WD Gann" that you find on the inside title page.

Solved, unsolved, corrected and re solved.  Well, at least one solution.  It took me maybe an hour, a good soaking in a hot tub, and an "allowance."  The allowance was for the numbers comprising "1940."  In Luo Clement's table of Pythagorean values a 1 could be an 'a' or a 'j' or an 's.'  A 9 could be an 'i' or an 'r.'  A 4 could be a 'd,' 'm,' or 'v.' '0' is a problem as there aren't any letters to substitute for '0.'
So, one hour, a good hot tub soaking, a little Pythagorean letter for number substitution, and correction of a mindless error gives me:

"Look Thru Tunnel for a giddy Barack Obama winning the thr0ne."  The substitutions are in red.  The one non Pythagorean substation is an "o" for "0".  The letter 'o' for zero.  Would seem appropriate....a bit of poetic license Mr. Gann? 

Except for the 'o' for '0', the message is perfect.  It uses every letter with only the allowance of substituting a, i and d for 1, 9, and 4, respectively.  It doesn't use any letter twice.  And the substitution is something Mr. Gann (Luo Clement in my long held opinion) would consider a meaningful activity; err, I think he would.

Does the message make sense?  Yes, there is a substantial contingent of "right wingers" "set in their ways" "clinging to their guns and Bibles" who believe President Obama will not go quietly into that retired politician goodnight.  Our leader for.... '0'.  For infinity?

I am sure there are alternate products of all the letters of TTTTA including the author's letters.  Please do provide any that you may conceive in the "comments" below.  Three conditions or rules.  You must use every letter, must not use any letters twice, and there must be a contemporary message that makes sense.  Mr. Gann wan't much of a jokester.  He seemed a very serious person.

Yes, long ago I found Barrack Obama in the acrostic/telestic wording.  It is a zig-zag word with a very unclear message.  Not a defensible message that I'd offer.

Mr. Gann's gravestone as previously mentioned, 30"X30"X8".  30X8=240 or 1776 plus 240 to equal 2016.  The 240th anniversary of the founding of the U.S. representative democracy under the Constitution of the United States... the 4th of July, 2016.

A king to end the 240th year?  Hard to decide whether its the facetious and conservative side of WD Gann or whether its a serious prediction.  No opinion here, but I'll be looking for the places in TTTTA where previously I found President Obama encoded.  After all, that's where Mr. Gann clearly tells me to look.

Wow, now that I look at it, the four letters that are derived by substitution from 1940; they spell a word.  They spell "road." What's that all about?  Often, in WD Gann research, I have found that what is missing might be a suggestion to something far more important.  

"Road."  A path to somewhere that we are not. 

Jim Ross

[Petter Amundsen did somewhat that which I accomplished above with certain of the letters and words of the title of TTTTA based upon his suspicion that it indicated a WD Gann methodology related to the lunar return.  Very very intuitive.  In fact, I owe having found acrostic and telestic encoding of TTTTA to Mr. Amundsen who, apparently, became side tracked with the Shakespeare/Stratford-on-Avon controversy and Oak Island.  In his book on Oak Island he found acrostic / telestic messages that led to Lord Francis Bacon as a contributor, at least, to certain Shakespearean works.  That I can find, Petter did not discover that encoding in TTTTA.  There is a paper of his in the public domain on the title of TTTTA and the lunar return.]


  1. Hmm, you can construct many anagrams from the title.
    First i suggest to look deeper into its structure:
    Whole title 42 chars, taking the number away you have 38; and taking "or" away you have 36 - the uppercased letters only.
    36 makes up a perfect 6x6 square or 3x12 and so on.
    The title could have meaning in a 6x6 letter square.
    But who could solve it with ~ 3,7..e41 permutations ?





    Even deeper going could be something like this:

    ".. OMEN ...."

    All what iam able to "find" in the title makes somehow sense and seems to offer a connection to the content of the book. But this could be a subjectiv illusion as well.

    So who can decide which "meaning" was intended.
    A reliable key is needed - but missing.


    "or" consists of two letters 1&2 = a symbolic 12 -
    and is written on its own line for the purpose to
    find the two-sided 18 (=36) in the title ?
    12x12 = 144 -> / 2 = 77 (Ganns age) -> 1940+77 = 2017.
    The longest chapter is 12 with outstanding 31 pages.
    Last chapter 36 is 3x12 and spans 12 pages.
    Misnumbered chapter 34 is 39. 39 = 12 (=3) gematria.
    I wonder whether TTTTA could span 144 as -77 & +77 (1863-2017) instead of 168 years. Or - if this is not the case - number 12 and factors play a much bigger role in deeper interpretations than one has thought of till

    One last thing: I believe the three-fold purpose of the book points to 3 decoding levels:
    1: read it
    2: a/t - first proof for "there is more"
    3: a deeper code (based on 7 or 12 ?)
    Third level requires a key which must be found first.
    (Something like the Bible Code - the many "tora"'s in the TTTA ?) This level requires all human brain centers: FEELING&KNOWLEDGE&THINKING -> logic/math -> hidden messages.

    But thats only my 12 cents :)

    1. As per normal, I did not hit the reply button when replying to you, so I'm sending you this 'reply' to let you know I replied and I am grateful for you comment.

      Also, let me make one last point about my finding a credible, mainstream thought solution to a 42 letter anagram of the title in an hour. I wasn't bragging. I am anagram challenged. I believe the solution was meant to be found at the right time and believe it to be a clear and not at all outlying thought. There is real contempt for the ignorance of the masses of people and the need for a great "thinker" to simply take over and do for people and make right the rights of the past by edict. I found it because I was the chimp pushing the buttons when each would light up. And I believe, it was intended. But that's me.

      Thanks again,


  2. You make incredible points. Like many acrostic telestic "messages" I find in TTTTA, there can be multiple messages given a matrix of the letters. One can interpret that as just the inevitable nature that words will be found in random text. Or, by measuring the "tightness" of the letters, you can determine (I can't because I'm not a statistician) the improbability of any given message.

    This little game is unlike those more doubtable exercises because you have to use all the letters and only once. And the one substitution process I used was a WD Gann methodology of Pythagorean substitution plus the zero for 0. And then that substitution itself gave a message itself "road."

    All that and, I did it in less than an hour.

    Like you say, the permutations of 42 letters is bigger than the online solvers can handle and, if they could, would not be something a person could read in days, weeks, years I suspect.

    "Misnumbered chapter 34." To many at the very superficial level yes. But read on.

    There's two more things to ponder here. First, I found a very credible solution (I've found Barrack Obama persuasively in several places in TTTTA) did it in an hour. Second, the number 42. There are 36 chapters which I have re figured according to my essay on the "An Updated Structure of TTTTA" which was posted (and is still there as are all essays) on April 11, 2016. TTTTA is 42 sections when you define the Cover, Inside cover, Publishers page, Dedication, Foreword and rear flap as sections. That's 6 additional sections. When you add 5 sections to each chapter, you find that the only chapter that does not need to be renumbered is that silly chapter XXXIX "Robert Gordon's 7 days." As it turns out, it is the only correctly identified section. Imagine that!!

    About revising the period of the MOT. There are too many confirming statistics that cannot occur in any way other than the way it is presently configured. Not that I can't have offsetting 1 line errors, but Mr. Gann engineered into it word markers like Phi and PI that align with their mathematic calculation on that marked line. They can't occur any other way (see my essay of June 1, 2016 on Pi). Having reconciled the 168 years to 1/15th the Biblical Great Week (the macro) and to the number of hours in the week or 168 (the micro), I'm pretty adamant on the physical structure being that which WDG intended.

    On the other hand, like the number of permutations in the 42 letter title alone, I'm sure that there are, in those 42 sections taken separately, lots of structures that will involve 12, 77, 144, etc.

    "Something like the Bible Code." You might want to consider the essay on "Torah Code." I nixed the idea of someone's comment on discovery of the acrostics telestics in TTTTA as "not like the Bible Code." I was wrong.

    Unquestionably, there is more, far more than one level of encoding. I can "see" it in the sequences of repeated acrostic telestic words. I can "see" it in the scriptures that are at plain narrative level. I haven't been able to crack it.

    Thank you for considering and taking the time to reply, I'll surely refer back to your comment often,


  3. There we go:


    How i got to this ? Splitted title w/o 1940 gives

    and ROR is for a programmer one thing only:
    ROTATE RIGHT. Thats what i did - mirrored by ROTATE LEFT. The splitting is not symmetrically in length which the "or" suggested to me.
    The nice result shows the time spiral and a message.

    Now take ONE WORD from both sides (H... R..) and lookup prior post ana. Thats a real msg in two instances - both obtained from the title alone.

    1. Interesting as well; a time spiral. The WD Map of Time is a time spiral upward from its mid point of 1932 (summer solstice) 84 years upward left and 84 years upward right. Each line spirals 2 days further apart from the beginning date in 1932 until you get to the top (15,341 lines) and the date on the right is 168 years from the date on the left. I've discussed that many times in essays but it is dramatically shown by the two 45* angles of the screen shot of how the interval expands upward:

      Thank you so much for that insight. I would have never picked up on ROR although I have heard it used when I worked with an IT staff.

      I did not quite understand adding one word for both sides. I interpreted add "HE" to the message in the previous essay but I couldn't figure out the word the begins with an "R".

      Another line of thought. You used 36 letters without any spaces once you eliminated the 1940. If you go back and type out the entire title and add in the "by WD Gann" and include spaces you have a text length of 60. Eliminate the spaces and you have a length of 48. Eliminate "byWDGANN" and you have a length of 40. Eliminate 1940 and you have 1936.

      You have an inverted spiral that decreases by 12, 8 and 4. The decrease is geometric.

      All this supports, IMO, the Map of Time. Doesn't tell me how to properly use it but makes me feel I remain on the right track.

      Thanks again,


  4. Hi Jim & Guest,

    i see a "HEAT ROM" in the middle and a "KING BACK" on the right in the spiral of the guest.


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