Saturday, June 18, 2016

Burnin' Bernie 8-8-8

Some numerology according to Luo Clement (IMO, a non-de-plume of WD Gann).

If you go to Wikipedia or his personal bio page, he seemingly accepts the name Bernard "Bernie" Sanders.  I cannot find a middle name to which he admits.  And, according to Luo Clement's "The Ancient Science of Numbers" you can c,hange your vibration, right down to the minutest degree represented by the middle name we'd assume, by changing your name.

Also, his birth date is September 8, 1941.

Bernie's birth number is simply '8' for the day he was born according to Luo.  According to L. Dow Balliet, its different.  But let's stick with the WD Gann, err, Luo Clement method.

The name number, well, whether his given name is Bernard or Bernie, its 8.

[Note added 6/20/16.  The middle "Bernie" auto sums correctly to 34, but, not realizing the reduction to 7 isn't automatic, I copied the formulas from "Bernard" to "Bernie."  The 8 under the 34 is simply incorrect as is obvious to someone backtesting my work.  It is simply an error on my part that one should consider while reading the remainder of the essay.  I try not to change work that's already been posted both because it confuses and distorts the record of errors I make and because it takes too much time that otherwise can be spent on new ground.]

So, Bernie's number, comprised of the most important the birth number followed by the second most important element, the given name, is 8-8 however you parse the given name.  And if you add the last name, it is 8-8-8.

In this 168th and last year of the present cycle of the WD Gann "Map of Time," we have a candidate, Burnin' Bernie, who espouses the master theory of socialism and "political revolution" that Karl Marx used 168 years ago to inflame worker passions and embroil 55 European countries revolution.   1848, the "Year of Revolution."  The MOT is seemingly designed to mirror the events of time.  2016 and 1848 would be the comparison indicated.

Hahaha, everything is free in Bernieworld.  Even the area code created by his name is a free phone call.

8-8, kinda reminds me of Revelation 8:8, perhaps?

I won't get started on the Pacific Coast or the number 88, one of only three two-digit numbers encoded in TTTTA (the other two are 11 and 77 which add to 88).  There's not an end to the things I could write given the research I've previously offered.  

I wonder if Burnin' Burnie will take San Francisco given it's enumeration is '8.'

Jim Ross

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