Saturday, June 4, 2016

June 5, 2016, This time maybe it isn't different, part 2 of 3

Continuing with the previous essay "June 5, 2016, This time it's different."  In that essay the proposal was made that the first enemy campaign of the fictional Great War in the Air found in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" symbolized a similar timeline of seismic events.  In real time, the timeline would have begun with the April 14/15, 2016 Japan earthquakes which would correspond the fictional declaration of war by Japan in "April, 1930."

Reckoning from April, 1930, (April 15, 1930 is chosen) the next fictional event would be the destruction of the US Pacific fleet and, closely thereafter, destruction of Los Angeles which would occur in the "middle of May" 1930 or within 30 days after the declaration of war by Japan.  I'll call the end of this 30-day period the "end of the initial interval."

And following the "middle of May 1930" destruction of LA, the enemy attacked a line from El Paso to Brownsville on exactly August 1, 1930.  That's

We know what happened in the fictional war but will the same thing happen in 2916?

Once the comparable first time interval is established in "real time" in 2016, and assuming it would for otherwise there isn't anything to talk about, then the next event in real time would occur based on the fictional August 1, 1930 attack on the areas from El Paso to Brownsville;  that attack occurred at 1.60 X 30 days.  The rub is, what is the real time interval comparable to the fictional 30-day interval?

With that background, I noticed a series of "clues" in TTTTA that suggested the I look at page 52 in TTTTA which foretells of dire events of Biblical proportions and a date according to Ezekiel 8.1 " the sixth year, in the sixth month and in the fifth day of the month..."  The discussion continues on page 53.

From the April 14/15, 2016 symbolic declaration of war by Japan via earthquakes on the Pacific Rim of Fire to June 5, 2016, the sixth year of the 2010 decade of the sixth month and the fifth day in the month, you have 51 days.  If you consider the first of the Japan earthquakes, to June 5, it is 52 days.  Remember 52 days.

There were other clues including the Pythagorean enumeration of the targets I have suggested including Las Vegas:

Three points of a triangle, San Francisco, Los Angles and Las Vegas.  The first two enumerations of SF and LA of 53 and 37 are the angles of the Pythagorean right triangle.  And Las Vegas, the near time interval from April 14 to June 5.  When I plotted the three points I found:

Points A and B are the epicenter of the 1906 SF earthquake and the 1994 Northridge LA earthquakes. Point C is Northwest of Las Vegas in a valley and amid a web of faults, some active some inactive.  Point C was subjectively selected to produce a right triangle relative to vector AB.  

The nature of the triangle is less that 2 degrees from a perfect Pythagorean 3, 4, 5 right triangle producing angles of 37, 53 and 90 degrees.  If I were to extend vector BC and thus move point C perhaps 20 miles the right triangle would be preserved and would become a perfect Pythagorean triangle.  And its angles of 37, 53 and 90 degrees would agree with the enumerations of the words San Francisco and Los Angeles.

I have failed to prove the math of the triangle of space and the circle of time.  I can see the manner in which the two should "reconcile" as us accountants like to describe it.  WD Gann would call it "squaring."  The circle of time and triangle of space should be equivalent, in my opinion.  I have not provide the latter.


Bottom line, I do not have mathematic proof an event will occur according to Marie Stanton's note or according to Ezekiel 8:1.  I have clues that have been fully set forth above and in the previous essay.  

In February of this year I had clues as to the location of a major earthquake, San Francisco / Los Angeles; one which, in my rich imagination, would be a great disaster of the magnitude of the 1906 SF earthquake.  One did occur in Wasco, CA midway between SF and LA but, at 4.9M, it was only the largest in the US since January of 2015.  It happened reasonably when and where but it was wrong.  It was not an event of the magnitude Mr. Gann seemed to have encoded as occurring.

This time is different in that there are definitive clues regarding the time and extent of events that may occur on June 5, 2016.  You can find them on pages 52 and 53 of TTTTA.  

At the same time, this time isn't different.  I do not have the mathematic proof to indicate an event will happen in or near Las Vegas.  And, it goes without saying, we all hope the outcome will be as it was in February; nothing of significance happens.

What I've got is only that which I've reproduced above.  Clues and my rich imagination.  As hard as I've worked this last week, I cannot prove the circle of time to the triangle you see above.  Clues, even a preponderance of clues, are subjective.  Math, properly framed, is not subjective.  

One last thought.  In the vast improbability, should an event occur as suggested in the early hours of tomorrow morning, it sets in motion a series of unimaginable future events.  

Jim Ross


  1. As much as I want to be able to predict these things, I really hope your wrong. And Mr. Gann is wrong as well.

    Maybe the man upstairs will change his mind.


  2. You are aware of the 12. year, 12. month, 1. day on page 53 ? Doesnt it contradict your 6. year interpretation for being 2010+6 ? 2010+12 doesnt make much sense to me.
    What could make sense:
    Maya calendar end: 2012
    Assuming thats really 2016 due to 0 AD missconceptions - giving +4 years offset. Then one could count:
    2000+6 = 2006 + 4 = 2010
    2000+12 = 2012 + 4 = 2016

    1. Yeah, when I go down one road, my bias towards that end seems to preclude alternatives. Can we ignore the sixth year and sixth month and fifth day and select the twelfth year, twelfth month, twelfth day. On what basis would we reject the first and select the second. I think the 12 12 12 relates to the last battle of the first enemy campaign, that being the "capture" of Portland and Seattle. But, until I get something right, its all meaningless chatter.

      That 33 you noticed, my name "James" and my birth day the 21st of the month, is 33.

      Thanks for considering


  3. Btw there is a 33 a/t directly above the 12/12/1 statement.


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