Wednesday, May 4, 2016

ENS 12: Proving the message

In WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air," did Mr. Gann intend the message:

Mea culpa.  Despite my "reconciliation" of letters from the 56 available to the 38 used and unused (accountants like to "reconcile"), I gave the above message credit for one too many 'a' s.  The Inc_ is missing an 'a' reflective of this error.  It disappoints me greatly that the message seems incomplete, but that is the record.  I will post a notation of the euro to ENS 11 but, generally, if the essay has been out there a day, its an error that's in the record.  As if Mr. Gann knew he spelled Inca incorrectly, he later spelled "Inca" perfectly in an acrostic word that I cite as proof below.  Something lost, something gained.  Maybe a concept emphasized at the expense of my having made an error.  As if that's unique.

Did Mr. Gann provide a web of interrelated concepts that color the above supposed message derived from the 56 letters that were missing in spelling the 45 greatest earthquakes in the WD Gann "Map of Time" period of 168 years?  If so, then the inference is that a similar fate, "Yellowstone - Now" will occur some time soon.

What is the proof?  For me, the threshold of proof is low.  I've experienced miracles during my last two years' study of TTTTA; coincidences of such mathematic improbability they cannot be considered other than miracles.  You saw miracles of prediction if you've read Mr. Gann's prediction of 9/11 found in the 6th prophecy or followed its discovery in the MOT according to the similar method used in a contemporary fictional work.  You can backtest that and others using the tracks in this blog and the download of the MOT.  Do that backtesting if for no other reason than to prove my work wrong.  You will find many errors owing to the fallibility of my editorial staff; I have none.  If you do the work, I'm confident you'll get the "hook" of which I spoke in the recent My Phiessay.

Proof.  "2+2=4."  Pretty simple.  "I witnessed that crime and will sign an affidavit."  A little less simple, depending on the credibility of the witness and nature of that person's agenda.  How about a preponderance of interrelated circumstance?  Melodramatically, it comes down to Marie's note:

The proof begins with the background established in the previous essay; 252 and 266.

252, John Dee's philosopher stone number, 252.  How is the number '252' proof?  Let's use Luo Clement (a pen name for WD Gann in my opinion) by applying his Pythagorean interpretation of letters as numbers to see if anything pops out.  Some believe that the numerical representation of letters may hold meaning, might confirm truths that otherwise might be discounted.  We have 56 missing letters  in the spelling of the 45 greatest earthquakes of the MOT period.  We have Mr. Gann's modus operandi; a method that indicates what is missing may be more important that what is seen.  We have Mr. errr Clement's table of letter values.  Let's assign values to letters:

When we extend the 56 missing letters by Pythagorean values, Luo Clement's values of letter vibration, you  have John Dee's philosopher stone number 252 (in yellow for lazy Noxious Ones).  I find page 252 of TTTTA memorable but not relevant.

266, St Malachy's (thought by many to be Nostradamus) prophecy of the last Pope.   In contrast, I find page 82 entirely relevant.  You don't see it above?  Page 82 is highlighted in blue above.  I don't even have to look it up to know what's on that great page but will reprise it:

"To those who understand numbers, '266' reveals some remarkable events that are to follow the election of the new Pope."  Remarkable events that will follow the election of Pope Francis which occurred March 21, 2013.  Two years ago, before the 6th and 7th Prophecies were discovered and before the MOT was developed I knew this paragraph was Mr. Gann's warning that "remarkable events"

45, the number of greatest earthquakes during the 168-year MOT period.  Could Mr. Gann have predicted that in 2016 I would research the all-time "greatest" earthquakes as they appear in Wikipedia in 2016 and would find exactly 45 as having occurred after June 22, 1848, the beginning of the MOT period?  That is the way it worked out.  And that's the number you see highlighted in red in the tabular insert above.

You will also see John Dee's number of 252 divided by 56 missing letters and you get 4.50000.  Elevating one decimal place get, again, that 45 highlighted in yellow.  Looking at the 18 unused letters and 38 used letters as a proportion of letter values you get 4.56 (82 / 18) and 4.47 (170 / 38).  Each is pretty darn close to 4.5 or 45 if you will.  I don't think it is mathematically possible, in these latter two calculations, to derive values closer to 4.5 or, again, 45 if you will.

45, the number that divides time and space (price) into equal parts, as I recall.

Is this random?  Take a breath.  It gets far far deeper. 

Parsing page 82.  Focus on that article cited on page 82 (insert above), referred to as appearing in the New York American dated January 29, 1932.  Close Mr. Gann.  You planted an article on that date discussing the Papacy.  And, in its last paragraphs, you planted those prophesies of St Malachy.  But you planted the article in your home town newspaper, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 10 years late:

And 82 gets still deeper.  How many pages were in the January 29, 1932 issue of The Brooklyn Daily Eagle.  The webpage says 81 pages but you can't have a newspaper with 81 pages.  Maybe a page is un-numbered... you can't have a piece of paper without two sides.  There must have been 82 pages.

I could say far far more about page 82 but you should read it... page 82 is Mr. Gann's 'Predictions 101' or 'Predictions for Dummies' page giving you WWII and the Great Depression.  Predictions in plain text that even the Noxious Ones need to dismiss as 'just luck' or otherwise lose sleep.

The Inca's.   This one isn't a number...its the heart of the prediction;  "Pumapuka Inc_ in volcano mud."  A society that declined, its greatest symbol of prosperity and spirituality, Pumapunku, precipitously and largely abandoned, destroyed.  Perhaps, 'volcano mud?' Millions of tons of ash settling on Pumpunka coalesced by rainwater.  Imagination.

Did Mr. Gann encode the word "Inca" in TTTTA?  Did he intentionally omit the "a" so we would look for a correctly spelled "Inca?"  Indeed he did, once and only once.  And he spelled the word with a capital "I" as is proper (in red highlight):

As per normal, I could write for hours on the above citation accompanying "Inca," spelled acrostically with a cap 'I.'  But I'll limit myself to three points.

First, the yellow highlighted narrative; "There will be political wars and revolutionary changes...."  Does that sound like the political rhetoric within each of America's parties?  Black lives matter.  Build the wall.   Was Mr. Gann talking of 1928 or of 2016?  

An early on contention while trying to understand the MOT was that events that occur on its right side is a repetition of those that occurred on the left.  On the right side of the MOT we are at the year 2016 and its counterpart on the left is 1848; the "Year of Revolution" in Europe.  As best I recall my research, there was open revolution in 55 European countries that year.  Karl Marx was the great active promoter of those revolutions, socialism and the worker's cause. In the 1848 U.S. there was massive territorial expansion with the treaty ending the Mexican War and a path to the Civil War.

In 2016 we see impending disintegration of the European Union.  In the U.S. we have the first openly admitted socialist major contender for the presidency of the U.S. espousing socialism, workers social justice, penalizing the upper class and, quite literally, "revolution." 

There are layers and layers of similarity between 1848 and 2016.  Was Mr. Gann speaking of 1928 on page 82 or 2016?  

Second point is the answer to the immediately foregoing riddle.  See the number 88 highlighted in blue?  Such two digit numbers are infrequently found encoded in TTTTA.  I find similar numbers 11, 77 and 88, each only once.  88 appears directly beside 1928.... 1928 plus 88 is 2016.

Third point is the meaningful narrative that is found in the first paragraph of page 82 and which is a continuation of the last paragraph of the preceding page:

Some believe these paragraphs foretell of calamities attendant dual eclipses, etc.  In the context of the theme of "Yellowstone - now" and the fate of Pumapunka under volcano mud, I can envision a different but severe period beginning in 1928 + 88 or 2016.  

Page 88.  The reflex to read the page of a suspiciously presented number, as 88 is presented on page 82, is always too great for me.  The whole of page 88 is meaningful what with an acrostic inverted word "map" and a telestic inverted word "God" but I'll forego the entire page for brevity and reproduce only the last paragraph and its continuation on page 89:

The last battle will be fought in the air.  In the context of the plain narrative of TTTTA, we expect that will be a military war.  In the context of "Yellowstone - now," I think otherwise.

And the continuation on page 89; TTTTA's earliest appearing date of May 9, 1927 plus page 89...  May 9, 2016.  And the date of Marie's note above, June 5, 1927 at 3 a.m. plus 89....

The final sentence highlighted in red; and all men would perish but for the Lord shortening the time.  Mr. Gann was confident such would be the case; the time would be shortened.


To wrap up the Inca's message, a declining society whose greatest geographic symbol of attainment was the lost city of Pumapunku, its remaining structures largely "...hidden beneath the modern ground's surface."  An exhortation to action, "Quick, quick, jump."  

To wrap up the proof by coincidence of numbers and circumstance; some by Pythagorean extraction of values from letters, some from the interrelation of numbers, some by references to pages with meaningful text.  The circumstances presented above only make sense if you've sensed that feeling of underlying order and used your intuition to question the one's natural inclination towards randomness... much as Mr. Einstein recommended.   Much as you find in Marie's note, "According to your faith be it unto you."

I now have the "data, data, data, I must have data" that began the study of earthquakes in this series.  I have 45 observations of earthquakes since the beginning of the MOT to this day which I believe Mr. Gann intended to be found.  And, in so doing, 33 of those earthquakes were ones that had not occurred at May 9, 1927, the date of TTTTA's Foreword.  He predicted them.

My purpose from the third of this series was to continue trying to find the data that would allow the derivation of mathematic prediction;  WD Gann's method of math and science.  That was the "hook." Perhaps the "hook" was designed to lead to the message:

... and not to the data or the mathematics of time and space.

Above my pay grade.  All I can influence is doing and sharing the work.

Jim Ross


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Terribly interesting. Did you see the essay on "Trump?"

    Truman minus the n and add the p. Truman's numbers add to 24 and reduces to 6. Trumps add to 25 and reduces to 7. No brass ring.

    If, however, we compare first names, Harry is 32 and Donald is 23. Again incredibly, the are the horizontal reverse. And they are both 5. They have the same name number at the simplest but most important level of analysis (per recall as I'll need to go back and review Luo).

    The birth date number is simply the day of the month. Incredibly, Truman was born on May 8, 1884 and Donald Trump on June 14, 1946. Truman's birth number is 8 and Trump's is 5.

    If there is validity to combining the name number and birth number Truman's is 5+8=13 reduced to 4. Trump's is 5+5+10 reduced to 1. I doubt Awodell (if he's peeking in) would approve.

    Truman the 33rd President and Trump (prospectively) the 44th. 33+44=77 and 77 is found as a telestic on line 3809. April 30 adjacent line 3809. My name spelled on either side of the narrative of line 3809. And my dream scenario in the narrative; 1) speculate and make a lot of money, 2) perfect an envisioned invention and 3) work on other discoveries. The only one of those I've accomplished is #1 and that's been fleeting. Good to have a dream.

    And Trump the 45th president combined with his total number of 1 winds up giving you a 1 when reduced. Now I know that won't fly but it has a nice ring to it; 1, the monad, the 'all.' As entirely Biblical as Trump does not impress as such. But who shall judge the hearts of men? Judge only by the fruit.

    In the context of 77 and April 30, please re read the essay I wrote now only 3 days ago entitled "April 30, 2016." Makes me believe the conical helix is the real deal. And there it sits on my research "to do" list.

    Incredible find Steve, now I won't sleep tonight. Thanks,


    1. I will reread your essays. What is most interesting about this discussion is the lack of complicated math. I think about your helix and see multiple 360 degree turns. Each line with four days. If you knew how long a cycle is, as in how long a 360 degree move in time would be, then you would use simple math to calculate dates. However, the real secret could turn out to be when repeated dates become more significant. Which dates have more energy behind them. I have a number of theories about this. Still to be researched.

      One thing that bothers me, "Pearls before swine." At what point does the blog of yours start to break Jesus rules?


    2. About that wheel in a wheel. Count the hours in a week; 168. Count the minutes in a 7-day week and consider Mr. Gann’s comment that the smallest cycle is 4 minutes. That gets you to a “Lesser Great Week.” Now divide by 7 and you get to a daily 360 Earth axis cycle. 365 circles in the solar year and 52 Lesser Great Weeks” in the solar year. I haven’t explored the Hebrew week as yet.

      Wheels within wheels.

      The Hermetic "Pearls before swine” is the cruder version of “Milk for the weak.” Churchill was not the most congenial but he was sure witty. You’re right of course. Point well taken.

      I’ve had a conversation with my daughter that “a man cannot know his number.” To which I responded that the church is to respect a person’s prophetic reading of the Bible. After all, the Bible is source of knowledge be it by easily understood parable or deeply hidden enigma. Again, milk of the weak, meat for the strong.

      And I wouldn’t have known a bit of that worthwhile knowledge were it not for Mr. Gann and another highly knowledgeable contemporary Mason who was willing to share his wisdom (not his craft’s secrets) with me. I so look back and wish I’d gone down that road early in life.


    3. If I measure back 88 years from 2017 I get Herbert Hoover. If I measure back another 88 years I get Henry Harrison.

      So where does 69 fit in? Looks like it should be another HH.


  3. Or maybe two other letters that are 8. Hehehe, QQ or ZZ.


    1. ZZ Top for president? LOL

      Sharp Dressed Man

      "Clean shirt, new shoes
      And I don't know where I am goin' to.
      Silk suit, black tie,
      I don't need a reason why.
      They come runnin' just as fast as they can
      Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.
      Gold watch, diamond ring,
      I ain't missin' not a single thing.
      And cufflinks, stick pin,
      When I step out I'm gonna do you in.
      They come runnin' just as fast as they can
      'Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.
      Top coat, top hat,
      And I don't worry coz my wallet's fat.
      Black shades, white gloves,
      Lookin' sharp lookin' for love.
      They come runnin' just as fast as they can
      'Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man."


    2. ZZ's vibration, most excellent. 8+8=16 reduced to 7.

      How about rapper Wocka Flocka Flame....he's running as well. I not so sure I can publish his lyrics.

      After all, 'W' is a very strong letter.

      He will win hands down in Colorado high and California (pot and young kids, err young adult voters).


    3. Are we just using the first letters of the names? Even if we were, ZZ Top would be ZZT. Is Wocka WFF? I really don't understand all of this yet.

      ZZT = 1800 reduced to 9
      ZZTop = 1930 reduced to 22 reduced to 4.


    4. ZZT = 8+8+2=18 reduced to 1+8 = 9
      ZZTop = 8+8+2+6+7 = 31 reduced to 3+1 = 4

      Actually, the name number is first and foremost the first name. So, if ZZT is the first name then you list the number for each letter, add them and if the result is greater than one digit then you reduce it until you get to 1 digit.

      Harry Truman's most important or name number would be the value of Harry or 8+9+9+7= 33 reduced to 3+3=6. 6 would be his name number and his birthdate of May 8, 1846 would be simply the day of the month or 8. Name number 6, birth number 8. Then you decide whether the name is in harmony, in the same vibration class. Luo said you can change your name to affect the harmony of your name and birth number (you can't change the birth number). Hence, WD Gann didn't find his full name optimum and referred to himself as WD Gann. Luo of Luo Clement is said to almost a perfect first name vibration. But no one can really evaluate that because you'll never find an American in New York in the early 1900s named "Luo Clement." Luo is an asian last name and still very obscure. I issued to the doubter/researchers more than a year ago and received 0 takers.

      Hence my essay that Luo Clement = WD Gann....much meat on that bone for the strong. Note the phrase in both TTTTA and Ancient Science "According to your faith be I unto..." and the mysterious asterisks on page 130 in TTTTA and Ancient Science. Bread crumbs for the open minded.


    5. I did some research after reading your Luo essay. Found a lot to study in the Chinese, Indian, etc. ancient numerology knowledge. I believe the answers to a lot of questions will be there.


  4. Almost nothing going on in the U.S. over the last couple days in terms of earthquakes. Unlike "no news is good news," pressure builds when there aren't any earthquakes.


    1. "San Andreas fault 'locked, loaded and ready to roll' with big earthquake, expert says"

      Seems to agree with what your saying.


    2. My most recent imagining is the "Jonas sign" proximate the event will be May 9 and will be a deep Pacific ocean quake in the 6M area. Michael Janitch indicates, an offshore event at 7 will be followed shortly by a Pacific coastline earthquake. Following the fictional war there the US fleet was first destroyed offshore.

      Then, after the Jonas sign, Los Angeles would be first destroyed as it was in mid July in TTTTA. Then there was the attack in the El Paso, then San Francisco (in August I recall), then Portland and Seattle. LA, El Paso and SF would be a San Andreas event(s). Portland and Seattle would be a Cascadia subduction event.

      I'll be pinning those TTTTA dates down tomorrow and writing an essay. Errr, unless I dream something else tonight....just kidding. I don't dream these things. Its reading and imagining. I just have great quiet time before the dogs force me to get up in the morning.

      Yellowstone is yet later...its the Allied Enemy drive up the Mississippi to St Louis and subsequent destruction of the "Grey/Greaty City of Chicago".


    3. That's quite a few earthquakes before Yellowstone. Are you lining up in time an earthquake on June 21? Or is that supposed to be Yellowstone?



    Is it possible for someone to predict an major earthquake for DC? The biggest in recent memory was in 1941. And that was relatively moderate. What cycle could be used?


    1. According to the great seismic minds, earthquakes cannot be predicted. And earthquakes are not caused by distant earthquakes....they suspend the natural law of vibration!!!

      My only concern for DC (based on what I've read in TTTTA) would be volcanic ash and crime. NYC and DC were attacked but no damage. In TTTTA all the people fled the cities. I expect that wasn't just due to the enemy but hungry people do bad things. And with 40% of the population on food stamps (check my stat, it sounds high), what happens when they can't buy their cigarettes on their non functional EBT card. The EBT system went down about 2 years ago on the east coast and we nearly had a food riot at the local Kroger. And I live in an upper middle class low density low crime suburban area.

      Really, the crime and access to food would seem to be the problem. Full tank of gas, some cash, some silver halves and a go bag. Very low cost contingency plan.


    2. I don't know. References to "Watch for red sky". Things like that in the codes. Wanting me to run. I could see rioting causing fires, but no reason why I should be running. Unless, it is volcanic in nature.


  6. I found a puzzle in OROLO. Solved a big part of it. But I still have questions about the meaning of it. Pretty soon I will send you an email describing what I found. I don't want to post it here for the "Swine". It is incredible where Gann has led me.

    Going to take a bit of explaining to get the ideas across.


    1. I'm very uninitiated in anything other than TTTTA and would appreciate your thoughts. Read it all but far closer to TTTTA. About the swine thing, I cleansed it. Its really unnecessary and I'd decided some time ago to avoid it. But the Noxious Stalker got me over reacting. Thanks for the gentle slap...I needed that.

      BTW, OROLO ads were in WD Gann's days at 120 Liberty Street (office 1206 I think). I visited 1 WTC last year during one of the 3 trips to WDG's grave and found myself right out front of 120. It is now the 9/11 audio museum. Wow, 120 or 1/3 the circle. Page 120, the first appearance of Marie's note. Note the acrostic word left of Marie's note.

      Isn't it interesting WDG had an office near contiguous with the WTC site at 120 Liberty and then an office near contiguous with the first location of the NYSE; the Tontine Coffee House at the southeast corner of Wall and Water Streets. 82 Wall Street, where he occupied one of the 12 stories (I think) is pretty darn close to where "it all began." Interestingly, I believe 80 Wall Street has 42 stories, just as TTTTA has 42 sections and 168 is 4 X 42.....

      Gosh, 82 Wall Street, Luo Clement's publishers Roger Brothers at 82 Duane Street....and page 82....the 266th Pope.

      Dogs telling me its time to nap. Wife already turned in.


    2. Sleep well. I'm going to go back to my OROLO discovery and grind on it little bit more.



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