Monday, April 11, 2016

An updated structure of "The Tunnel Thru the Air"

Many months ago I presented the structure of TTTTA as then I knew it and herein provide the structure as I now believe it to have been intended:

What did Mr. Gann intend by the structure?  First the obvious; the miss-numbered chapter XXXIX.  If number and declare sections to the title pages, copyright pages, dedication page and rear flap we arrive at 432 pages and 42 sections.  And if we revise the chapter numbers to section numbers, then the only properly numbered chapter is.... number 39.  I am attracted to believe that to be true but those are the numbers and you can conclude what you wish. 

And 432 pages.  Might that have intention?  The number 432 has wonderful Biblical, Pythagorean harmonic and geometric properties explained HERE.   I've written essays on 432 being WD Gann's "philosopher stone number" and believe that to be the case.

42 sections, doubled and redoubled as per tidbits on page 45 is 168 and 168 is the number of hours in the week or one-fifteenth of a Biblical Great Week of 2520 years.  Previewing the forthcoming and many  previous essays, a tenth of 2520 is 252 or John Dee's monas heirogliphica / philosopher stone number.  And John Dee is the most cited encoded character in TTTTA clearly marking the middle.  

[The philosopher stone numbers 432 /252 reduce by successive divisions of 2 and 3 to 12 / 7.  And 12 and 7 are a remarkable set of numbers and ratio and product.]

A final statistic, 15341 lines as I've numbered them (a subjective task done according to the rules at the top of the above insert) divided by 42 sections give you the number 365.262...very close to the average days per year or 365.242.  Was that intended?  Was the intention to tell us how many days are in the year (duh) OR to emphasize the correct structure of 15341 lines and 42 sections?  We know 365.242 so did he use it to confirm the numbers he wanted us to discover; 42 and 15341?"

What's the point?  Mr. Gann intended many many things.  The point for me this morning is the mathematic task of properly spreading the 9579 days duration of TTTTA (June 9, 1906 to August 30, 1932, see "Deriving Phi..." and "tidbits again") over 15341 lines comprising TTTTA so that the acrostic/telestic messages might be properly correlated with actual world events (earthquakes or "ens" being the "canary in the coal mine").  

There is yet another statistic describing the structure of TTTTA that I sense to be important...the middle of TTTTA.  Is it the 21st section, 15341 lines divided by 2, page 432 or page 418 divided by 2, chapter XXXVI divided by 2?  I'm not going to explain the importance but I think it is important.  And, as Mr. Gann intended me, in my opinion, to judge the book to contain 432 pages, not 418, 42 sections and not 36 chapters, the math should demonstrate or confirm that he intended me to find the exact middle of TTTTA.  

If I know the middle according to Mr. Gann's intention, I can spread the 9579 days.  Once the days are spread I can test to see if the exact dates on which the "ens" code appears correspond with real world events; earthquakes (or tsunamis-"tws", or acts of terror-"aot"....). 

That's the plan.

Jim Ross 


  1. There are 36 chapters plus the Foreward in TTTTA. Most books don't consider the Foreward as a chapter. If you are right about a Table Of Contents being located in the Foreward, that is also something that is not usually located in a chapter. This suggests that the book has 36 chapters rather than 37. The Bible has 37 books. I would say a chapter could be missing.


  2. So, excluding the title pages, inside title, copyright, and dedication sections and counting the Foreword as a table of contents as I assert, we are 1 chapter short of the Bible's 37 books. Attractive logic if true since the Bible was Mr. Gann's "book of all books."

    Well, why won't the flap count as a chapter making 37? It's obviously a separate section, and if my theory of the SF Golden Dome is correct, a very important one.

    Interesting prime number 37; the smallest angle of the Pythagorean triangle, emblematic of the Rosicrucian as I recall from reading Petter Amundsen's book on Oak Island.

    Interesting thought, thanks,


  3. Jim, Add a column in, being the multiple of the Chapter Number and the number of pages in the Chapter, e.g Ch12 would be 12*30=360. You might some interest in the results.

    1. Indeed and thanks. If I'd known that, I'd forgotten it. And Ch 12 is the longest chapter of the book at 1150 lines. The substance of Ch 12 is remarkable. When I look at Ch 12 I often look back at Ch 7 as 12 and 7 are highly Biblical and important numbers to WDG. Ch 7 is 354 pages...the rounded lunar year of 354.367. Amazing how things 'emerge' when you put them on paper and ponder them.


  4. and Ch7's multiple is 70, the number of eclipses in a saros cycle

  5. Thank you for pointing out the Saros Cycle. Very interesting numbers to play with. Check this out:

    According to NASA, the longest total solar eclipse will happen on June 25, 2522. That is the end of the Great Biblical Week starting from Jesus. The eclipse will be 7 minutes long.


    1. Doggone interesting. The theory of the Biblical Great Week, according to my reading of Troward's "Biblical Prophecy...." a book published in 1914 by a publisher I believe to be controlled by WDG, we can measure the 2520 years as either lunar or solar and from key dates in history. That from Jesus' period to a solar eclipse using a solar interval and within 3 days of the summer solstice encourages me, again, to believe I have the beginning/end of the MOT correct at the summer solstice.

      Thanks and very interesting conversation between yourself and George. Lots of stuff to put in my "attic."


  6. I will add this Steve, NW cycle 27.24 (approx)..1940/27.24=71. Saros cycles are 70-71.

    1. According to that NASA site, there are 77 solar eclipses. Your saying there is a different number of lunar eclipses but still a multiple of 7?


  7. The number varies, but in all the books I have read 70-71 is what they all mention (41 Solar and 29/30 Lunar) e.g the April 4th lunar eclipse is member number 30 in a cycle of 71 lunar eclipses belonging to saros series 132. Certainly not 77, that would be way beyond a Saros which is 18 Year 10 days.

    1. Ok, so there is a different number for the Saros 145 and the Saros 132. The Saros 145 is an ascending node and the Saros 132 is a descending node. I would imagine the reason for this is worth finding out.

      Thanks for the information.


    2. Darn, wish it were 77. We find "77" as a telestic on lin 3809. As well, Mr. Gann passed at 77 years 12 days of age, about 3 days before the summer solstice.


  8. This is from Bernadette Brady which may help

  9. The number of innocent deaths on the date of 9/11 would suggest a high degree of accuracy for how you have lined up dates. If a drastic change was made, it would probably alter this number.


    1. Yes, I know. In addition, when you take the 15341 line divided by the 42 chapters to get within 4/100ths of a day of the number of days in a year...well, it argues strongly that the number of lines are correct.

      It just gets frustrating. Stared at the thing all day yesterday, performed all kinds of permutations and I can't get an arguable correlation between ens and real world earthquakes.

      I'll figure it out when its "time is up." Or otherwise, I'll never figure it out. "Fate" which is found acrostically and inverted on lines 14866 to 14863 (and can be found various other places as well). What I won't do is fail by not trying hard enough.


    2. Keep at it. Your getting there. One thing you should consider is the number 2772. I have found it to be a significant number.

      2772 / 7 = 396
      396 / 360 = 1.1 See the 11 here?

      2772 / 12 = 231
      2772 / 9 = 308

      308 - 231 = 77

      2772 / 360 = 7.7

      This number is found on my stock market charts. It plays well on higher time frames. I believe that it belongs next to the coded "TO" where it used to be before you adjusted the lines. It is now abut 7 lines to high. At least in the version I have it's that way. In addition to this, if you double the 2772, you are brought to the leters, "AOT" on line 5544. Or you would be if 5544 hadn't been moved.

      The reason I find this so important is that if you run the sequence of messages backwards, you go from 5544 to 2772 to 0 which is near where we are now. "TAO TO ...." I don't see the answer to the end of this message.


    3. Look at were it used to be located:

    4. I am going to work on your comments today. I am very concerned I unknowingly changed something during the revisions that I've not intended. In checking the "TAO to WAR," it still works. It is 162 lines from the T in TAO (line 2699) to R in WAR (line 2860) and 81 lines from the T in TAO to the 't' in "to." Exactly half. On the other hand, it used to be that 9/11/2001 gave me both the number of innocents that died on 9/11/2001 AND the total number of deaths that day. As well, I simply can't correlate the acrostic/telestic messages the way I expect.

      I'm pretty satisfied I have the right number of lines based on the proof of this essay but something is going on like you say.

      From "tidbits" "Look for the trouble at the double."


    5. About your second comment at "where they used to be." Wow, that brings back memories. I was stunned when I found that first "Tao to WAR." The entire MOT has changed in terms of total lines since back then as well as the "correct beginning." But if you subtract that first T in TAO from the last R in WAR you again get 162 lines as it is now and the "to" is perfectly between at 81 lines.

      I need to make more of the "TAO to..." functions work. Which gives me an idea. TAO appears on the date of the event and the nature of the event appears later. I'm trying to correlate earthquakes to "ens." I should be trying to identify "Tao to ens" and correlate the date of the Tao to the date the earthquake occurred.

      Steve, you're brilliant,


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Here is what I see in the 7th OROLO add. I replaced the first 9 lines of you map with this to put this where "OAT" at 5544 "To" at 2772 "War" at 0 would place this at the end with WAR.

      B T L T
      R T R s ....btl strt war was 2wn twers tu stun cty
      ..w s
      ..a a ....Battle start war was twin towers to stun city
      2 W N n
      ..t u
      ..S s
      ..d k
      ..c y

      Rapid advances will occur in many stocks this
      week. My letter will point out the active ones
      and keep you off the dead ones.35 Don't miss a
      25-point move in July wheat. I can tell you when
      to buy and it will not go one point against you.
      Send $5 for one week or $18 for one month's
      daily letters. OROLO. 120 Liberty st ., New York


    9. The word "sky" is in there too.


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