Friday, September 14, 2018

A new insight into "Robert Gordon's Seven Days;" answering the lingering enigma of 1.666

Skipping the introduction to my lengthy essays to the subject of this notation; it is well documented in many essays in which I dissected RG's Seven Days.  Its major conclusion is that distance, measured at the latitude of NYC, is related to the time duration of RG's trip by the Pythagorean triangle.  The gross distance Robert traveled is mathematically the root of the sum of squared time and squared net distance (effectively, the diameter of the earth at the latitude of NYC.

Focus on the red and blue arrows; the blue arrow points to crow fly miles and the red arrow points to miles computed by Pythagoras' 345 triangle.  They are equal.  The blue line measured by Haversine, the red column computed by 1X1 square formula and from gross east west distances between cities visited by RG.

But WD Gann threw an enigma at me.  The enigma denoted by the green arrow of 1.666.  The red arrow is computed relative to the latitude of NYC.  And the circumference of earth is 18846 miles according to the Haversine formula compared to circumference at the equator, popularly believed to be 24901 (and close enough).

I found the distance Robert traveled relative to the equator, where time is denominated, is 47117 miles.  That's where the enigma fits; it is the supposedly superfluous 100 and 60 notation found on page 400 and 401 of "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  The relation is 100 / 60 = 1.666.  That's the piece to the puzzle but what to do with it.  When I analyzed RG's Seven Days, I didn't know how it fit it.  Now, as I analyze the price behavior (math) of the 1929 crash, it becomes integral to understanding.

1.666 is the fourth unique number of the Fibonacci sequence divided by the third unique number or 5 divided by 3.

Now take Robert Gordon's gross distance relative to the equator of 47117 (green arrow) divided by the crow fly miles (red arrow) and you have:

47117 / 33656 =  1.40000 the fifth decimal.

Now, one step further.  Take gross distance relative to the equator (green arrow), divide by the enigma, 1.666 (100/60 on page 400/401 of The Tunnel or Fibonacci's 5/3) and divide the result into crow fly miles (red arrow):

33656 / (47117 / 1.666)  =  1.19047 square it:

1.19047^2 = 1.41722   

Both 1.40000 and 1.41722 are early iterations (just at 1.666 is an early iteration of Phi) of the hypotenuse of the 1X1 square that we recognize to be 1.41421.

I know I've miss described aspects of the above; but I'm right because the math is right.  Words cannot convey the precision of math particularly for a grammatically challenged finite mathematician such as I am.  Only your active study and learning can create understanding

*** ***

Robert Gordon's Seven Days proved the East West distance (representing time at the latitude of NYC) he traveled versus the North South distance he traveled (representing space) were equal at the completion of his trip.  They are the smaller sides of the 1X1 square at 33656 each.  

And the hypotenuse; the North South distance relative to the equator (time measured at the equator) traveled of 47117 miles divided by one of the sides is the the hypotenuse of the 1X1 triangle.  Alternately, the square of North South equatorial measurement divided by the fourth and third unique numbers of the Fibonacci sequence.  

I'm pleased to introduce you, Mssrs. Fibonacci (1.666) and Pythagoras (1.414).  Oh, you already know each other.  Then I expect you both know Mr. Pi as well....I'll meet you three in another essay.  Perhaps Professor Kepler will join us.  Mr. Gann has brought all of us together, if only in our imaginations.  Or not.

I'll let the reader consider the issues raised in the context of predicting the very simple price and time progression, which are related by natural law, of Major Motors.  They are there and they are in the 1929 progression from the top, September 3, 1929 to the first small bottom, November 13, 1929.  I am still ferreting it all out.  Not there yet, but soon I believe.

One last teaser that teases me as well.  The Pythagorean relation of time measured at the latitude of NYC versus that measured at the equator is not the same as the relation at latitudes other than NYC.  If one wants to predict price of the Dow, the relation is valid.  If one wants to predict the next occurrence of an earthquake at a different latitude, say San Francisco (alas), natural law creates the same math but different numbers.  Again, I believe.

And then there's this thing called "vibration" unique to each entity, be it a person or a stock or a location.  A location has a latitude but a person or a stock or a nation does not.  I believe Luo Clement provides that solution.

Jim Ross

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