Wednesday, September 12, 2018

John Dee's Theorem 23 of the Monas Heiroglyphica

Why John Dee?  Because, other than God, WD Gann does not refer to any entity more often than John Dee.  You do not find him in the narrative of "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  But he is unmistakably the most prominent coded figure in the telestic encoding of the book.  He seems very important.

Why Theorem 23 of Dee's "Monas Heiroglyphica?"  Because I have read in several encoded messages in "The Tunnel" WD Gann's realization of "Dee's map" as a key to "understanding."

I'll reprise brief but conclusive proof of the former of the two assertions above and leave you to peruse my many essays that note "saw Dee's map" to find the many occurrences other than the one linked.

The proof of WD Gann's intentional encoding of John Dee.  "Dee," such an easy word to spell with most popular of all letters, 'd' and 'e.'  'Randomites' say, with conviction, the three letters, d-e-e, ordered as "dee" or "eed", will appear randomly in acrostic and telestic letters of a 15341 line text dozens, if not hundreds of times.  I buy that being a recovering 'statistical inferenter.'

But explain this, Randomites.  There are 45 occurrences of "dee" (actually there's a 46th as I'll explain).  The acrostic letter is the first letter of a line and a telestic is the last letter of a line.  How many of the 45 occurrences of "dee" or "eed" are spelled wholly with acrostic letters.  None.  Every occurrence is spelled with telestic letters.  Not random.

Now, explain this, Randomites.  I said there was a 46th occurrence.  After 22 occurrences of "dee" or "eed" you find on line 7592 of the "Map of Time" the numbers "007."  It is the 23rd occurrence of the 45.  As mathematician, geometer, alchemist, astronomer, magician of court and personal adviser to Queen Elizabeth I, John Dee's personal encoded communications with the Queen were signed "007."  Line 7592 is exactly half way between the first line of Chapter I and the last line of the final chapter of "The Tunnel."  And you can prove it to yourself.  Download the "Map of Time" and use the "finder" to search for 'dee' and 'eed.'  Those you find check the line number to those contained in the link to the 45 occurrences I provide above.  There are 45 plus the '007.'  This is not random.

This is Mr. Gann at his best, posing a riddle which poses a greater riddle.  And with his favorite trading angle no less; the 45* angle.  Every "Gann geometer" will recall, the 45* angle is the most important because it divides time and space (price) equally.  Hmmm.  Is that what this Dee thing is all about?  The interrelation of time and space?

So what's the importance of John Dee?  What is "Dee's Map?"  John Dee's crowning work, the Monas Heiroglyphica" was written as he incorrectly anticipated his own death and desperately created a symbol and riddles that, when answered would entitle the researcher to his knowledge.  Within the Monas or Monad narrative are 24 theorems.  Notably, the 23rd occurrence appears to be something of a map:

It seems important when you consider the notation at the far right "And thus the world was created."  Quite a claim.  I'll focus on just the upper left corner of this theorem that contains far more.  I'll focus on the "magic rectangle" that looks like this:

See those numbers with the cross in the map?  What's missing?  Its the number that is the end and then we start again.  Does that sound familiar?

But I'm ahead of myself in eagerness to present what I perceive to be Dee's Map.  In Theorem 20 Dee asserts "Thus we clearly demonstrate:  The Quaternary rests in the Ternary."  My interpretation, the mystery of the 4 rests in the 3.  Back to the emerging rectangle:

Now, I fill in the horizontal gaps between the numbers in two columns Dee gave us.  So, between the 1 and the 5 in the first insert of the rectangle and I have 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  I do that for the other 3 rows.  And the result is the immediately above insert.

The geometer will see we now have, in place of 2 independent columns of 4 rows, we have 5 columns of 4 rows.  The three columns I filled in give us four rows with five columns.  The mystery of the quaternary (the order of 4) rests in the ternary (the order of the 3); the ternary or three additional columns has articulated the quaternary (the order of 4) or four rows.  [I have an alternate and equally appealing explanation of the quaternary and ternary.]

The Quaternary / Ternary riddle leads to what is now a 4 by 5 rectangle of numbers.  Interpret this in either of two ways.

First, we could consider a 4 by 5 right triangle denoting space.  Each number does not connote a weight, but identifies a physical space.  Hence, a 4 X 5 right triangle would look like this:

But there's a second interpretation.  Let's say each number along the perimeter denotes a quantity of space.  The vertical column at the far left , 8, 7,6, 5 would have a value of 26 which we can reduce to 8 and the horizontal row would have a value of 15 reduced to 6.  Here's the triangle:

Note the angles: 90*, 37* and 53*.  It is Pythagoras' 3-4-5.  Is this an idle coincidence?

*** ***

John Dee's knowledge has been lost.  He spoke to and counseled Queen Elizabeth, he communicated with Angels, entreating them to give him the knowledge he so wanted.  The Monas was the culmination of his life's study encoded to hide from the 'profane' the mathematic story and structure of creation.  

What do the 2 triangles tell me?  Well, the second one is not so mystical.  It tells me Dee was not at odds with Pythagoras.  Quite the contrary.  It tells me the subject matter is the ancient knowledge that modern science is loathe to admit is inexplicably enshrined in the Great Pyramid.

But the first triangle of the above two?  Actually, there's a third triangle suggested by Dee's rectangle of numbers.  I cannot say with confidence the two triangles other than the Pythagoras triangle represent.  As an observation however, the first of the above two triangles (angles 90*, 51* and 39*) is closer to the angles of the Kepler triangle than the Pythagorean triangle (90.00*, 38.17* and 51.83*).   And the Kepler triangle reconciles or equates (as closely as possible) the perimeter of the square (space) and circumference of the circle (time).

So, my uncomfortable inference is that the three triangles may be a model of the three forces of which both Mr. Gann and George Guerdjieff spoke; the positive, negative and neutral...  the Law of Three.  

As a final observation, I've long felt time and space are reciprocal, complimentary, inverse....  The same legs of Dee's rectangle produce different triangles.  One based on equal length sides, the other based side lengths that are numerically weighted.  From a single conceptual object there is derived at least two reflections in mathematics.  If, given that key measurement, call it the measurement of the neutral perhaps, could there emerge the measurement of time and the measurement of space (price).  If so, then the discovery of the numeric sequence that constitutes the neutral will destine the matching time and space in which cycles complete and history repeats.

Lots of blue sky.  There is far more to Theorem 23.

Oh, you'll like the angles of the third triangle I've not inserted above; 90*, 18* and 72*.  Incredible in my estimation.  But that's me.

Jim Ross

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