Wednesday, September 19, 2018

September 18 err 19 or not?

Dutifully, when I began studying WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" in earnest, I read many if not all the cameo characters appearing in the book; Lord Francis Bacon and Arthur Conan Doyle come to mind.  I read works of or bios of characters implying actual authors or persons; Madam Cleo the clairvoyant, Sepharial (perhaps the Canadian Professor O.B. Joyful).  I read persons frequently appearing in the acrostic/telestic encoding including Pythagoras (as reprised by Plato and others), Euler, Fibonacci.... John Dee.

But how can one study The Tunnel and not read Doctor Descartes?  Rene Descartes, the scientist and philosopher and near contemporary of Dee, Bacon, Galileo, Newton.  Such a unique name, the character attends Robert Gordon in his 'delusional' state and infirmity brought on by Marie's spiritual appearance and mysterious letter.  But why Rene Descartes?

It first comes to mind "I think therefore I am" the quote so closely related to his "First Meditation."  Absent proof of expense satisfactory to the meditating Descartes, he asserts his act of doubt of existence proves he thinks and his thought evidences his existence; therefore, I think therefore I exist.

The Third Meditation, as interpreted by a finite accountant, is so relevant to my work and September 18 and 19.  So Descartes' logic goes, if I have thought, from where does thought come?  Can thought be created from nothing?  No.  Someone else exists other than me to give me thought; God.  But if God exists and gives me thought, how can I receive imperfect thoughts?  How can wrong or evil be given me by God who is perfect?

The logic continues that God gives only a small portion of his truths; that between the incomplete record of truths given us, we conjecture the truths we know are in the gaps.  And we make error; be it so inconsequential as deducting 1929 from 2018 to find, incorrectly, 91 or as so grave as to commit a monstrous moral crime.

My concern, today, is how I've treated what I have recently learned or believe I've learned/imagined from the encoding of the "Map of Time" and presented in the previous essays.  The 'truth' I thought I'd learned from my study of the encoding is that September 18, 2018 would be an all-time-high comparable to September 3, 1929.

The gap between truths filled in with imagination.  What really did the Map of Time tell me?  As presented in the previous essay, the "x" marked the first line of the decline.  If you buy the idea that the encoding is Mr. Gann's intention (and the power that guided his hand as he attributes) to tell us the decline starts the next line, then why do I say it was September 18, 2018; there are two dates on that line.  Yes, I equivocated, but said it could be September 19 for various reasons.

And why do I jump to the conclusion that it must be an all-time-high?  Yes, I equivocated, it could be a secondary high.  But I know the 'happy ending' I wanted to find.

Let's underscore what was said in connection with the 'x' of the last essay.  "That x marks decline begin."  As shown in the previous essay, that 'x' links backward to the line after the line which contains September 3 and 4 of 1929 and links forward to the line after the line which contains September 18 and 19 of 2018.

If we accept that Mr. Gann provides truths according to the power he attributes his insight, then we are given only the truthful thought that the marked line is the first line of the decline.  I am not entitled to imagine beyond that truth given me, to conclude an all-time-high or even a secondary high may have occurred.  I can't simply conclude its either an all-time-high or it is the 18th and not the 19th.

As it so far turns out, yesterday was a secondary all-time-high and that could, in Elliot Wave Theory, deign a third wave at a very high degree should the decline begin with the 'next line' (September 20 or 21).  But my imagination wanders, conjures.

*** ***

In my defense, I do have a bit more in my quiver supporting my conjecturing between the truths.  You may recall in the previous essays:

According to rules of numerology which I have imagined from the Map of Time, the actual high in 1929 occurred on the Monday September 2, 1929 (a holiday), and the related price effect, the 1929  pre crash high occurred the next day.  Somewhat similarly, the actual 2018 high occurs about 20 minutes from the very moment I write this, at 9:12am on September 19.  

With these bits of information, I 'imagine' the top, be it primary or secondary, occurs today or may have occurred yesterday.  My preference is today.

Short shelf life on these epiphanies.  We may know the answer to the negative Thursday or reflect on a different resolution in late November.

To revisit my finite math error of yesterday, we have September 18 and 19:

18 = 1+8 = 9
19= 1+9 = 10 = 1
We reach the end and begin again

Jim Ross

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