Sunday, September 16, 2018

DJIA Crash beginning 9/18/2018, the Torah Path connection of two dates; part 2 of 3

I will put a finer point on it and provide more signs.

In the previous post I provided "signs" in the form of acrostic/telestic messages suggesting 9/18/2018 is the final high comparable to the 9/3/1929 pre crash high.  In this post I'll provide the "Torah Path" between those two dates.  This is not numerology or mathematical support.  It, the Map of Time, is most comparable to a time and space calculator that is more powerful than many of of think the WD Gann "Square of Nine" was for him.  I expect, if either is valid, then it is based on mathematics and that mathematics is consistent with properly configured numerology.

Background, I noticed messages attending the two dates 9/3/1929 and 9/18/2018 months and weeks ago.  I did not make the "Torah Path" connection until the last week.

To restate the nature of the "Torah Path."  By linking cumulative line numbers in the Map of Time and chapter line numbers and following the 'path' created by those links, we can (as I imagine) predictions and events Mr. Gann wanted us to recognize.  I'll give an example of a single deep 'Torah Path' to a marking event of World War II.  Then I'll use the two-deep Torah Path to link the two dates 9/3/1929 and 9/18/2018.

WD Gann predicted World War II and I've written on that prediction many times.  Ask yourself, the generals and named characters of the fictional "Great War" of Robert Gordon became focal WWII generals and characters; see my essay "Leaders of World War II."  Two dramatic examples; the fictional General Nagato became the actual flagship of the Japanese fleet from which the order "Tora, Tora, Tora" was given on December 7, 1941 and Robert Gordon's title of Supreme Commander became the time given Dwight Eisenhower as "Supreme Allied Commander."  Many more examples in that essay.

I find encoded, a central figure of WWII Torah Path on cumulative line 14766, chapter line 111...Adolph Hitler.  The surrounding encoding, as I intuit it, is "Begin global war, Adolph Hitler starts WWII."  My subjective interpretation but lets see if the Torah Path supports it.  See that message and line numbers (blue arrow and red arrow, resp.) below:

Trace, within this same chapter, the chapter line which is pointed out with the red arrow, chapter line 111 to its 'counterpart' in the same chapter on the left hand side.  See where I've navigated upwards to line 111 on the left side of the Map of Time:

The red arrow points out the linked 'counterpart' chapter line 111 and the green arrow gives us the forwarding cumulative line number 14946 on the right side of that same line.  Now we trace to the cumulative line number on the left side of the Map of Time:

What happened on August 19, 1934?  Read the narrative.  What indemnities, riches, compensation did the U.S. accept resulting from WWII?

Okay, that is the single deep Torah Path.  Now, I will link the two dates.  We begin with September 18, 2018, the date highlighted in yellow and find the leftmost counterpart chapter line number on that same line which is line 125 (red arrow):

Now trace to the rightmost counterpart chapter line number 125:

We find the chapter line number 125 (red arrow) is on the same line as cumulative line number 562 (blue arrow) and we travel to, link to the counterpart cumulative line number 562 (blue arrow):

One final link.  On cumulative line 562 above, you'll find chapter line number 51 (red arrow) so we need to trace to its counterpart in that same chapter:

Chapter line number 51 (red arrow) associated with cumulative line number 14832 (blue arrow).  But the dates are in 1935 or 2097.... not 1929.  That is because the Map of Time is 168 years and the Map of Time being used is 2016 to 2100.  1929 and 2018 do not coexist in the same map.  We have to look to cumulative line number 14832 on the 1848 to 2016 Map of Time.

Here it is.  It is the original Map of Time which I generated in 2015 and then, when the 168-period ended, I extended to 168 years 1932 to 2100.  And you find line 14832 associated with the dates, 9/7 and 9/8/1929:

The linking found us 5 days or 2 lines off from the date on which the greatest 1929 high occurred prior to the Great Crash.  There's a reason for that which I will forgo explaining (as if I'm sanguine with my own explanation).  Nevertheless, you can see, 9/18/2018 is closely associated with 9/3/1929.  By my imagining, the two are exactly counterparts preceding great market declines.

*** ***

Abusively long essay, but tracing through the Torah Code requires many inserts.  With the line numbers I provided above, you can do the same tracing and you will need two maps; the 1848-2016 Map of Time and the 1932-2100 Map of Time that are both available for free download.

What to do with the two-line difference between 9/18/2018 and 9/3/1929 dates?  The actual 1929 crash begins on line 14830 because the trading day 9/4/1929 was lower than 9/3/1929 and they are both on line 14830.  And yet, we find the focused upon date, 9/18/2018, falls two lines later on 14832.  

Again, I may have some insight into the two-line difference.  The more productive avenue is surely to pinpoint the proper day if there is a way.  I believe Mr. Gann provided the means to resolve the difference and I'll present it in the last essay of this series.

Jim Ross 

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