Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Vibration and Zeno's first paradox...and John Dee

WD Gann researchers, analysts, astrologers know him, among other things for his assertions that vibration is fundamental to natural law.  Believing there is a scientific, mathematic and physical basis for Mr. Gann's formulation of vibration, well, I studied physics.  A very little bit for the first time in 40+ years.  In addition to remedial background, I studied our contemporary, Carlo Rovelli, a co-originator of the theory of 'loop quantum gravity.'

And it was early on in his recap of the history of physics, and I believe it was in his recent book "Reality Is Not What It Seems," that I was confronted with a story we, of my generation, were taught in grade school; the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise.  From Wikipedia:

We all know the punch line; Achilles wins.  But the metaphysical questions are great and always confronting modern science.  Can a particle or interval be divided into an infinity of smaller particles or intervals?  And the yet greater question, is reality properly characterized as comprised of infinity; in time, in distance, in the immense, in the small?

A problem for physics has been 'how 'waves' seen in light and other forms of electromagnetism occur if in the void of space there is nothing?'  A void is the absence.  Waves require a medium to convey their energy.  Pre Einstein, the unknown but know to exist somehow, it was the 'aether.'  Sometime post Einstein, quantum physics moved towards strings and, more recently, to loops as the smallest particle or quasi particle.  The smallest....  Can the 'smallest' be subdivided further?  "All that exists is electromagnetic points of force in space."  Farraday.  The smallest particle.  Zeno.

How do I relate this to Mr. Gann's vibration?  Can vibration exist without a medium and physics would declare not.  That has not been in question.  But a further question to which I'm lead is 'can vibration occur without boundaries?'  Waves cannot occur without boundaries.  In fluid dynamics we study waves in vessels with vertical sides and horizontal bottoms.  Arguably, air pressure and/or gravity act as a horizontal top boundary.  Conceive of a pebble dropped in a pool, wells of mounted water are peak from the energy, forced down by downward pressure, rebound against the bottom's confrontation, move outward from the center to be rebuffed by the sides.

Now think of a pool of liquid in theoretically perfect outer space (no gravity).  Well, you can't drop a pebble into it, but accelerate a pebble  into it and the pool expands...but keeps going.  No bottom, no side, no gravity/air pressure to vibrate it.

The conclusion; the world is not infinite though our minds cannot otherwise describe the immensity of its largeness.  A critic once told me there are an infinity of the words that can be constructed out of the acrostic letters (15341) and telestic letters (15341) in "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  Nope, there's an immense number of letter combinations and vastly fewer (hmmm, vastly fewer than immensely big), but the number is finite.  I'll let you follow the thread.

The world is discrete both in space and time.  There is a smallest of both and no smaller.  Even Einstein, having failed with his cosmological constant that prevented the universe from imploding due to gravity, stretched to conceive of the 'boundaries' universe with his 3-sphere.  The 3-sphere describes all things, all of reality as existing within the ever its expanding boundaries.  Yeah, I know, what exists outside the boundaries?

Still the 3-sphere models two necessary ingredients; first that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate and can not, because of that, implode and second, there are boundaries even at the greatest of scale.

It would seem Zeno's paradox of Achilles and the tortoise makes that case; Achilles will overtake the tortoise as quickly as a mathematical can compute a very fewer halves of the dividing of time...or distance.

*** ***

Call it delirium, but I often seek feedback via the Torah Code encoding included in "The Tunnel Thru Time" and its "Map of Time"...  so I search "Zeno."  I fully expect I will find "Zeno" in perfectly contiguous letters.  And it will be an easy search since there just cannot be many instance of the letter "z" either ending or beginning a sentence.

Well, part of that was correct.  The is only 1 instance of z beginning a line (line 2025) and only one instance of it ending a line (line 8635).   In the former instance, I find 'z' and 'e' contiguous.  In the latter I find 'z' to be contiguous with 'n' and 'o:'  


Got that?  The only 2 instances considered as 1 give me "Zeno," consider that arguably a success.  Still, I'm unconvinced.  I was expecting all four letters as a contiguous encoding.

So I decide the "paradox" portion of the formulation "Zeno paradox" would be easy to search for any thread of delirium confirmation.  There are more 'x's in the Map of Time encoding because Roman numerals are used to denote chapters, but there aren't many occupying the beginning (acrostic) or ending (telestic) of lines.  The very first 'x' I looked at was:

"See Dee p_r_d_x."  [Using the Torah Path / Torah Code, I can fill in the letters to provide letters made contiguous by virtue of that mathematic path and full spell "paradox" but I'll refrain for now.]  

I look for 'Zeno paradox' and am bridged to John Dee's paradox.  And I immediately flash back to the day I first visited Mr. Gann's grave; June 21, 2015, the summer solstice.  I left Newport RI at perhaps 4am or so, arrived in NYC early that rainy morning, made my tours of the 9/11 memorial, Mr. Gann offices, Battery Park, etc. and found myself at his grave at exactly noon.

And that next morning I watched the sun rise sitting in front of the Newport Tower, believed by the curator of the Newport Tower Museum to have been designed by John Dee.  Perhaps it was a great compass as was the "John Dee Paradoxical Compass."  Perhaps.  But my study, having begun with classic and modern metaphysics' view of the smallest and the largest, wound through "The Tunnel" and forward to John Dee, a major encoded figure of The Tunnel.

There is yet a further level of synchronicity to this tale for another day.  Suffice it to say, I am, today, struggling to clarify 'rules' of mathematics in the Map of Time, that relate the dates of projected Dow market pivots to related price and I am led to the "Paradoxical Compass."  Finding mathematic and geometric pathways between the Map's lines and dates that point to the next date and the projected price.

Just as, on June 21, 2015 I stood at the grave of WD Gann and that afternoon and next morning at the Newport Tower, I am again confronted with their seeming serendipity.  And I read Jim Egan's description of the Tower's floor floor beam structure:

And think of pathways, vibration, the discrete and the infinite....  

I believe there is a thread of knowledge and, perhaps, understanding yet to be uncovered in these coincidences.  

Jim Ross 

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