Wednesday, November 15, 2017

"2 a low?"

Seeing a "message" in WD Gann's steganographic "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and the encoded "Map of Time" now causes me pause.  I recall my leaping to the fear of great geologic upheaval last year, believing the time was on us that San Andreas and Yellowstone would wreak havoc.  Wrong.  I recall most recently reading into the simple message "ATTH" (in red below) that the 1927 predicted "all-time trading high" would be the last high of the 2009 bull:

Wrong again.  Mr. Gann was right in 1927 when he encoded "ATTH" associated with the dates October 9, 2017 through October 16, 2017 and most prominently October 13, 2017; yes, an all-time trading high occurred on October 13, 2017.  I was wrong to imagine that his simple prediction implied something it did not say; that it would be the last high of the 2009 bull.

Lessons that can be taught, but never learned unless you suffered the self-perceived embarrassment.  In my experience, learning is a consequence of being wrong.  I wish I were smarter.

When I wrote the essay regarding the above insert, I held back on a perceived proximate message:

In green, "saw," in blue "2," in tan "low," in yellow "wmd," in bold outline and green "A."

This perceived message appears on page 5 of TTTTA where the "ATTH" message appears on page 4.  They are very close; only 30 lines apart.

Is the second message signaling the final high that leads "2 A low" in the wake of the successfully predicted series of "ATTHs" found in the proximate and preceding message?  Would it appear in the dates I've highlighted in green in the second message; mid December 2017?

The lessons learned indicate to me I cannot trust interpretation; if it doesn't say it, then Mr. Gann did not predict it.

That said, I can't ignore content of the second message nor its proximity to and comportment with the first message.  So, I'll simply provide it and we can 'see.'

What about 'wmd?'  I'll let your imagination run with it.  Its an arrangement of letters that is seen dozens of time (I haven't counted) in the MOT so I try to control my imagination.  [If you're interested you should read the narrative of the second insert above, consider the reference to 'fire' and the correlation with the date in red.]

*** ***

If something comes of the second of the above messages, it'll be far more interesting having been identified in advance rather than in arrears.

For my part, I continue working on the weekly adaption of the MOT and have made some remarkable if self-perceived headway.  Mr. Gann makes the point that predicting the future is easy, limited only to the availability of historic data from which to extrapolate based on mathematics (page 77).  Comparing historic events in 1848 (168 years ago, the beginning and duration of the current MOT period, respectively), most prominently, the rise of Karl Marx, etc, to current events and the resurgence of socialism....well, that's mushy.  

If instead we can compare history of 168 hours ago (one week) to this next week...and then compare the two on a mathematic basis in the market...well, your laboratory will be richly adorned with the data needed most for irrefutable confirmation of history repeating.

How fitting, as I've observed before and often, we find Mr. Gann's date of passing located in the MOT on the same line as Robert Gordon working in his "laboratory."  

The date in yellow and the narrative in yellow.  In 1927, he knew when he was destined to pass, when his 'appointed' time would arrive.

Jim Ross


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