Saturday, November 4, 2017

Biblical Prophecy Elements and WD Gann's "Map of Time"

I started this blog in 2014 as a repository of the many mathematic explanations of market behavior I've considered, and failures, and insights.  I'd been a great success and the equally great failure in market speculation and I wanted to know why....not that I expected to find out why.  I just wanted a record, for my own use of where I'd been.  It was late in 2014 or early 2015 I made some discoveries in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" that focused me on his work.

This essay is for the heap bin of seeming unrelated and supposed insights for which this blog is the aforesaid repository.  It may be "worth the reading" but only for possible future reference.  For me, it lends significant credibility of the MOT as representing a mathematic Biblical Prophecy mechanism.

I've read WD Gann experts speculating the many scriptures appearing in TTTTA are merely "filler" enabling the creation of mathematic structure and not having meaning.  Increasingly, I think scriptures are the source of the mathematic model, the MOT, and the spacing that creates the model.  Frankly, in plain sight, WD Gann says the Bible is the source of Robert Gordon's knowledge.

Page 372, among other scriptures, Daniel 7:25 and 12:7:

The entire page is produced to show there are several scriptures, in addition to Dan 7:25 and 12:7, quoted therein.   I'll focus only on Dan 7:25 and 12:7.  [Yeah, I know, 12 /7 or WD Gann's 432 pages in TTTTA divided by John Dee's philosopher's stone number of 252.]

As I read many interpretations of "time, times and an half" I find 1260 years as its vastly preferred interpretation.  The logic is the Jewish lunar year of 360 days per year, a time being one 360 days, times being 720 days and an half being 180 for a total of 1260 days.  A day appointed for a year and you have 1260 years.

How does 1260 relate to the MOT?  The MOT is 15341 lines of text in TTTTA.  With two days per line you 30682 days.  With an ascending columns and dates and a descending columns and dates you have 61,364 dates.  61364 days is 168 years and 168 years is exactly 1/15th of the Biblical Great Week of 2520 years.  And one half of the Great Week is 1260 years or "time, times and an half."

That's a convoluted way of justifying the time period of the MOT.  Can there be a simpler explanation to be found in the Bible?

Time and again, I find WD Gann using Philos "Rules for Enigmas" for burying hidden meaning in TTTTA.  Use, pen names (such as Luo Clement), use anagrams (such as Marie Stanton = transmeation), or bury a familiar and valuable concept in disguise (such as Maries note = Mathew 9:29)....  

One of Philo's deepest tools of enigma creation is reserved for most important of concepts; cite important concepts all the lesser for the greatest of importance.  You'll not find the scientist, mathematician and inventor, Robert Gordon, ever referring to Pi, Phi, exponent e, the diatonic scale or the discoverers of those concepts, but you find Pythagoras, Leonardo de Pisa, Euler encoded in the acrostic telestic messages of TTTTA.  

We find the "time, times and an half" in plain sight.  But is there an unmentioned Biblical Prophecy that might be yet more powerful?  Not mentioned according to Philo's rules.  The "seven by seven times (49)," "seventy weeks (490)," intervals are in plain sight in TTTTA.  Where do we find the 42 months of Revelation 11:2 and 13:5?

And if the Biblical 42 months is important, how does it square with TTTTA?

I can't find it encoded in TTTTA or in the plain sight of the narrative.  Wait a minute.  How many sections (chapters are a subset of all sections) did I first found in TTTTA more than 2 years ago?  Here's the updated structure of TTTTA I found:

I found 42 sections.

In additions, I found that 42 sections divided into the 15341 lines gives you the number of solar days per year of 365.242 within two one hundredths of a day.  Compelling.

*** ***

At this early point in this component of research regarding the Biblical interval of 42 months, how might I think it enhances the credibility of the MOT?

Obviously, 42 is 1/60th of the Biblical Great Week (2520 years) and 1/120th of the Biblical half week (1260 years), both of which are computed based upon the number of lunar days per year.

Not so obviously, we have in the structure of TTTTA not only the 42 but the number of solar days per year; again, 15341 lines divided by 42 = 365.2 days per solar year.

I reach the conclusion which I'd intuited from a mathematic extrapolation of the MOT from 168 years to the 168 hours of the week in the previous essays; that the MOT is a mathematic structure that addresses both the short-term according to the 360 degrees of the earth's rotation and the 360 days of the lunar calendar and the 365.242 days of the solar calendar.

A further blue sky thought; perhaps Mr. Gann is back-fitting the Biblical structure of long-term prophecy to the prediction of the short term events in the MOT.

It never ceases to amaze me when I consider the number 2520, the number of the Biblical Great Week of Prophecy, happens to be the smallest number into which all of single digits can be divided resulting in a whole number.

And it never ceases to amaze me that, "synchronicitly," I have an insight one day and stumble on a confirmation the next; yesterday I find the MOT is consistent with both the lunar and solar year (the previous essay) and the next day I find a Biblical basis (this essay).

Not that it makes a difference, but every detail may, ultimately, become a story... or a predictive mathematic model.  The smallest detail seen or the detail not seen such as 42.  From Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Silver Blaze:"
Figure that, Colonel Ross, the clueless and incredulous no less; not the slightest understanding the logic of the master.  The dog did nothing...he should have been heard, barking.  Details of things witnessed, details of things that should have been witnessed.

It's become apparent to me Mr. Gann has buried his dogs as deep as Gurdjieffe buried his.  Perhaps the most deeply buried dog is the most important.

Jim Ross

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