Monday, September 5, 2016

Message 2: WMD and LA

The second message within the "Ring in Fire" is not fully elaborated.  I work tens of hours trying to work out the exact wording that I believe exists, but it simply doesn't happen.  Nevertheless, the manner in which the message emerges and the glimpse of what might have been WD Gann's vision for us seems compelling to me.  First, how is a message identified and what makes it noteworthy?

There are messages that are clear and compelling and then there are those that are impossible to evaluate.  The "six e's" are an example of the first category.  In the first paragraphs of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" are six lines that each end in 'e.'  In random text, that can't happen; the odds are easy to statistically evaluate.   That first volley of telestic letters screamed "this book is encoded with acrostic and telestic letters."  It also put up front a date, a date range and a perfectly spelled city in which a great disaster took place.  The date February 23, 2016, the date range of October 13-19, 2016, and a city, Taito, Japan (a province of Tokyo), in which just such a disaster took place in 1923.

Then there are messages, such as those found in the series of essays, that cannot be reduced to a probability.  Worse, reading the acrostic and telestic letters, what's the probability that the message will be developed according to the reader's (me) bias?  Pretty high I'd argue from the other side of the table.  Still, the consistency of the messages with the narrative is important to recognize; in the simple narrative of TTTTA, the prosecution of a war, in the encoded messages a progression of seismic events.

So how does one decide to spends hours working out a messages, if one even exists?  And where in 432 pages of acrostic and teslestic letters.  If the author wanted someone to find an encoded message he'd buried, he'd leave bread crumbs.  That's how.  And so, the message below derives from three such crumbs; "WMD," "TWC" and "three."

When I first discovered the acrostic telestic encoding of TTTTA, I manually went through every page looking for words spelled with all acrostic letters or all telestic letters, arranged perfectly together.  I found my name several times, I found the city, Taito, aforementioned, "Dee" of John Dee 44 times and his coded name in communication with Queen Elizabeth I or "007", I found "dePisa" of Leonardo DePisa (Fibonacci), "Phi"....  all words that stimulated my imagination.  Words that kept me glued to looking for more.

And I found "WMD" or weapons of mass destruction.  It glared at me for months; it seemed too perfect to not have meaning.  Also, perfectly formed, the word "three."  What's the probability of a perfectly spelled five-letter word such as "three."  It is very improbable.  Three what?  Over time, I undertook directed searches for words such as "TWS," an acronym for "Tsunami Warning System," a system used in Japan (and generally in the world) and California.  And I looked for the prophet of the movie "Knowing," Lucinda Embry, who had predicted the date range of great tribulation, October 13-19.  Dates the government knew about, but did not warn.  Professor Koestler, realizing the Lucinda Embry prophecy in the movie "Knowing:"

And I found those words, those bread crumbs, in proximity to "WMD."  Gradually the meaning developed.

Message 2 is derived out of hundreds of hours of development of the WD Gann "Map of Time," of reviewing seeming randomly constructed acrostic and telestic words, and finally, tens of hours of imagining what messages might happen around those words that is consistent, symbolically that is, with the narrative text.  It struggles to make sense, but it least to me.  Pages 284-285:

Because I have not fully identified this message (used every letter) I suspect the message is not entirely complete.  Its substance is well identified in my opinion so I'm providing it such as it is.  And I'm adding to the message some poetic license in the below recap.  In the recap, I am inferring the three WMDs are an earthquake followed by a tsunami (from TWC) and involving involvement of the gas infrastructure and fire (PG&E).

The great City of Los Angeles where only September 4, 2016, construction crews placed the crowning 10 ton spire atop the 73-story Wilshire Grand Tower making it the tallest building west of the Mississippi.  Truly a testament to the greatness of man, much as was the WTC in the east.  It seems almost a dare to re read the curious Ezekiel prophecies on page 73 of TTTTA.

There's so much more to write about this imagined message, the dates in green for example.  I'll make one comment about the word "blast."  Do a search on the plain text of TTTTA and you'll find the word used 7 times.  It is used, most notably, in the context of, arguably, the most important event of Robert Gordon's life; his loss of Marie Stanton on the day they were to be married.  Here is the first use of the word in TTTTA:

"All his future happiness was blasted in a moment."  Curious use of the word "blast."  A word that connotes a great explosion used to describe an emotional response.  Very curious to me.  And you see the date range in yellow.

*** ***

A very imperfect message, easily dismissed as a product of a fertile and biased imagination.  Perhaps so, but for the moment very real to me.  The evidence, or information if you prefer is available, and you can replicate the work yourself.  

The message, if it is true, relates to October 13-19, 2016.  In "message 1" there was offered a possible final warning date of September 6, 2016; tomorrow.  Perhaps this message manifested in the largest earthquake since 2014 having struck Oklahoma only two days ago (I don't believe it qualifies but it is alarming).  Message 3 will provide a third and more fully developed message regarding Portland, Seattle and Western Canada and the Cascadia Subduction.

If tomorrow, after the close of US markets and as late as the early hours of September 7, does not provide the substance of "message 1," then my interpretation of Mr. Gann's work is, probably, blessedly wrong.   Never have I been so eager to be wrong.

Jim Ross

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