Monday, September 26, 2016

An anagram of Robert Gordon; God Reborn 269

WD Gann created some incredible anagram's in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and otherwise in his life.

Recall, the names on his and his wife's gravestone for instance.  He went by WD Gann but had his formal name spelled on his gravestone as William D. Gann.  In the opposite, the formal name Sarah H. Gann was not used on the gravestone but, instead, her informal name Sadie H. Gann was used.  To create the anagram:

Or, Marie Stanton as an anagram of "transmeation."  A crossing over of a boundary.  I think of the process of dying; from one plane of existence to another.

Or, the title of the book itself that is similarly found in another essay.

Well, how about Robert Gordon, the primary character?  Surely there are meanings.

For the longest time I related the primary characters to Scottish history.  How appropriate for a great Mason, WD Gann, to be using Scottish characters.  Sir Robert Gordon, First Baronet of Nova Scotia for example.  [Hmmm, did Sir Robert Gordon own Oak Island since he was given a vast portion of the shoreline of Nova Scotia...I believe so.]  Or Walter Kennelworth of the Kennilworth Castle.

What to make of Robert Gordon?  How about:

"Great thought Jim, you get an 'attaboy' but obviously, Mr. Gann was not thinking along those lines; there's an extra "t," "o" and "r.""

Not so fast.  Substitute the Pythagorean value for t, o and r and you have 269.

"So what Jim? Now what does 269 mean?  Means nothing now does it?"

Hmmm, the 269th day of the year in a non leap year is September 26.  Let's forget this year is a leap year for the moment.  Perhaps its saying God was reborn on September 26 of some year in the last few decades.

"Daydream on Jim.  How can you prove Mr. Gann was thinking of "269" or "September 26?"

Well, let's look at page 269.

The first line of page 269 is that September 26 date.  That's amazing; as I look on my calendar, today is September 26.

And, in a regular year it would be the 269 day of the year.  And 9/26 is but a re arrangement of the 269.

There's one last piece to the puzzle.  Let's "split the ham."  Something like the "Tao device" of splitting a time interval.

Is the message:

I'll take away a bit of the thunder here.  Any year on the right side deducted from the left, halved and added to itself will give you 2016.  That is the nature of the MOT.  So, we should limit the message to September 26 and not infer a year.

Even with that limitation, if fits so perfectly the character, Robert Gordon; God reborn.  The first ruler of the Isaiah 60 "City of the Lord."

*** ***

I'm sure there are formulations other than the year 2016.  But finding September 26 on the same page as the number 269 explaining the anagram of Robert Gordon...  That is conclusive to me that Mr. Gann intended the date within the name of his character, Robert Gordon.

Not to overlook today as the 23rd day of Elul.  September 11, 2001 was the 23rd day of Elul.

Written today, September 26, 2016,

Jim Ross

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