Friday, September 30, 2016

Summary of evidence and prophecies of "The Tunnel Thru the Air"

I am humbled to have worked on this project for the last two years.  Not to say that this is the end but it is certainly a point at which the effort’s product will be proven truthful or not.  I believe it is, but time will prove.  Only a matter of days at this point.

My intention recently has been to create a Youtube documentary/movie/video essay and the first step would be to create the narrative.  The video docu-essay would provide the evidence that “The Tunnel Thru the Air” contains prophecies intended for our era and that prophecies of events prior to now that were encoded in The Tunnel have come true. And, of course, it would provide the near-term prophecies, October 12-19, themselves.

The narrative is substantially complete with proofing and elaboration still ongoing.  I am sure there are many errors but it needs to be published.  The time is critical.  The link is below.  I’m not so sure a Youtube video docu-essay will be possible given the complexity of the issues and encoding.  There is math as a critical component of proof and, well, our public is not sophisticated when it comes to math these days.  And attention span, as well, is a problem for a public ill equipped to use quiet time and reflection.  Still, I intend on trying to develop such a Youtube presentation.  There is very little time left.

What is important is that, as I’ve written before, people of math and science consider the information I’ve accumulated over two years and the fraction of which is documented in the below linked presentation.  If you determine the information is compelling and truthful, or even remotely possible, then you should feel an obligation to use it to inform people of the coming prophecies.  This is a burden that WD Gann said all persons of math and science should undertake:

I hope that my interpretation of his work is completely wrong and will know that I have been blessed if the events that I presently believe will occur between October 12 and 19, 2016 do not….  that my work is proven wrong in mere weeks.  If so blessed my temporary embarrassment will be more than compensated by my journey thus far and the incredible things that I have learned and seen.  

I have created a separate blog for this one essay so as not to be jumbled with my continuing research.  

Jim Ross

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