Sunday, September 11, 2016

Emma, Ray, San Andreas and the Hoover Dam; their mathematic proof and the emergent timeline

Exactly one year ago today, I posted an essay claiming that WD Gann commemorated the lives lost on 9/11/2001 by creating the line and mathematic structure his 1927 "The Tunnel Thru the Air" to mathematic prophecy; 74 years in advance of the event.  It remains the most persuasive evidence of the validity of the WD Gann "Map of Time."  A year later, I am hardly any farther along in understanding how the math of the MOT works, but I have found many persuasive messages of Mr. Gann's prophecies yet to come.  In this morning's very early hours I've perceived a detail of one of those prophecies, soon to be tested.

The discovery made a year ago today was the result of applying a method used by Professor Koestler (Nicolas Cage) in the movie "Knowing" in evaluate a page of numbers that predicted the greatest disasters of fifty years (1959 to 2009).  That same method applied to the line structure of the MOT gave me the date September 11, 2001 and the cumulative line number 2693 and chapter number 283 for a sum of 2976.  Since there were two dates on each line, the 2977 innocent lives lost that day (excluding the 18 terrorists) was perfectly aligned with the date September 11, 2001.

A contemporary fictional movie encoded in a 1927 novel; I found the name of the author, Ryne Douglas Pearson, numerous characters and the movie's fictional prophet (Lucinda Embry) encoded in TTTTA.  It is there.  There are three other movies found encoded in TTTTA as I have documented; "2012," "San Andreas" and "Frequency."  Emma, Ray and the Hoover Dam and their related prophecy are found in "San Andreas" and their reflections are encoded and mathematically proven in TTTTA.   First, a couple concepts developed and documented in previous essays:

  • October 13-19, 2016- This time period was identified in the movie, "Knowing" as one of great tribulation and three natural events; October 15-four plane crashes, October 17-a subway crash and October 19-a solar flare.  Each event, a natural event as opposed to terrorist event.  Three events over seven days.  The same time structure of events occur not in 2009 but in 2016 as derived in dozens of essays.
  • Hoover Dam- Dedicated on September 30, 1935 as "Boulder Dam," Hoover Dam was built with the then existing understanding of seismology; hardly of the current understanding.  Retrospectively, the science, methods and materials have been studied to determine the Dam's suitability to withstand indigenous earthquakes and the results that I have personally read (though I am unqualified to discern the most competent among them) put the durability at between 4.1 and 7.0M.  The chance of such an event in the near immediate area is thought to be between 1/10,000 and 1/100,000.
  • San Andreas fault system and the Rio Grande Rift- The former a largely coastal fault running from west coastal Mexico through or near San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco.  The latter, a fault thought to be inactive but declared active in about 2014, running from about El Paso, TX northward into the "Great Basin." As the North American Plate fractures at its edges, some geologists complain that names such as "San Adreas" and "Rio Grande Rift" are arbitrary; the North American Plate fractures and dissembles over time at its edges (from  Over time, all of these faults are interrelated.  Both San Andreas and Rio Grande Rift are encoded into TTTTA.
  • The Tao device or "splitting the ham sandwich"- Physicists assert that given two sets of points sprinkled in two-dimensions, a line can be drawn that perfectly splits the points distance from the line (could be said better but read Wikipedia the ham sandwich).  Ditto the math methods for n dimensions.  WD Gann used the simplest of ham sandwich methods in the Tao device.  The line number of "Tao" deducted from the line number of "War" divided by two added to the line number of the former.  And you find the word "to" on exactly that mid point line number.  "Tao to War" or "Path to War."  And Tao is found on the same line number as September 11, 2001.  And we have "9/11/2001 is the Path to WAR."

Now, Emma, Ray, "San Andreas" and the Hoover Dam.  In the movie, "San Andreas" Emma and Ray are completing their divorce.  On the first day of the movie, a great earthquake strikes and destroys the Hoover Dam.  As Ray, a LAFD helicopter responder, is in transit to respond to the Hoover Dam crisis, he calls Emma, then in LA, to give an apology whereupon the LA earthquake begins; exactly 2:13pm on September 6.  Ray saves Emma and they, together, journey to San Francisco, the third location to be struck, to save their daughter Blake.  Three events.

The order is Hoover Dam, LA and SF.   Three events of "San Andreas", three events of "Knowing."  Superimposing the "San Andreas" order to the "Knowing" time period, I derive the following:

Where is the proof?  Here's some very very weak proof, but it is only the starting point to be unified.  Ray is found on consecutive lines, the center line being cumulative line 147:

Emma is found on consecutive lines with the center letter being line 12217:

"So what," say the statistically adept who assert anything can be made of an "infinity of letters."  Even I (such as I've come to be) wouldn't assert isolated instances of three letter words in supposed random text would prove intentional human design, much less foresight.  No, there must be greater proof of intention; mathematic proof.  Mr. Gann would have used the Tao Device to prove his intent.  He did:

We find on the exact half way point between Ray and Emma the word "San Andrea_."  We will find the missing 's' but, even considering it incomplete by one letter, can anyone assert the Tao Device, the splitting of the ham sandwich mathematics, does not prove WD Gann's intent?  This is not a challenge for debate; this is a question to spur a person reading and coming to terms with what he or she believes.  Can the mid point location of San Andrea_ be dismissed?

Add some more simple math.  The 'e'  of San Andrea_ appears on line 6182, the perfect mid point line.  Relative to that 'e' how many lines are utilized above the 'e' in spelling the word and how many lines below?  Exactly 4 lines above and 4 lines below.  

The first part of the message is its credibility; Emma, Ray and San Andrea_.  They each mathematically reinforce the intent of the other.  The second part of the message is the utilization of the letters proximate to line 6182 and the theme of the movie, "San Andreas."  This is subjective, but within the thematic content of the movie, we find "Hoover Dam" and other words:

You'll find the digit "1" appearing twice on lines 6155 and 6189 and it's Pythagorean letter equivalent is used twice; as an 'a' in the words 'great' and 'all.'  Of course, the digit could be reused as an 's' but I have not chosen to do so, the 's' was found on line 6168.  I have a substantial message:

A downstream tsunami; is this one of the three tsunamis (a tsunami is not restricted to oceans but is documented to have occurred in large lakes and inland fjords), subject of a previous essay.

In the above TTTTA insert, you may notice in olive highlight the dates of "Knowing," October 13-19.  You may notice the red highlighted date September 30, the date the Hoover Dam was dedicated.  And you will see the phrase "unwavering faith" which ties back to page 82 on which the St Malachy (some believe Nostradamus) prophecy of the 266th Pope, characterized as "unwary faith," is reflected upon.   The "remarkable events," I maintain are forewarned in TTTTA and decoded above, are meant for our time, now, the time of the 266th Pope.

*** ***

I write these things not to convince anyone, to cause debate or argument.  Of course, I believe these things are going to occur beginning according to roughly the schedule above and in the order outlined.  But I have done the work.  I have seen miracles of mathematics and other personal miracles that cause me to believe.  I can't give you those things, but you could recreate, or dispute my findings, simply by downloading the WD Gann "Map of Time" and deriving the words above and asking yourself "Is this possible."  Is it possible that September 11, 2001 appears on the same line as the number of innocent lives lost that day?  Is it possible "San Andrea_" appears perfectly...perfectly... equidistant between "Emma" and "Ray"?

Is it possible the Pecos TX earthquake on the Rio Grande Rift, perceived by me as the final warning, occurred on the predicted September 6 date? 

If you perform none of the work, all these questions will be easy to dismiss according to your preconceptions, bias.

If you do the work, you'll no doubt find many errors I made.  For any honest, open minded person, however, that's not the purpose.  I am confident any person of honest intention will derive greater insights by doing the work than my errors will cause loss of credibility.  After all, three times in TTTTA Mr. Gann gave us, formally or in paraphrase, "ask," "seek," "knock":

The "key" is doing the work.  Reading only stimulates honest thought.  Just an opinion.

October 13, 2016 is the thirty-third day counting from this day, September 11, 2016.

Jim Ross

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